HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 2/13/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, February 13, 2020 Emergency Operations Center, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI Members Present: Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald (4:05), Dennis Pocernich, Tom Gordon, Brett Rondeau, Fred Strand Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Kristine Kavajecz-HR Director, Bill Bailey, Mike Bebeau-Xcel Energy, Jeff Klaver-Xcel Energy, Craig Parks-Maintenance Supervisor, Kay Cederberg-Clerk of Courts, Scott Fibert-County Clerk Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Chairman Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Approval of Minutes of January 9, 2020: Motion Strand, Gordon to approve minutes of the January 9, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (5-0) Presentation, William Bailey, Chequamegon Bay Area Renewables. Bayfield County Energy Accomplishments: Bill Bailey reviewed data related to the county’s energy utilization. Electricity, Natural Gas/Propane and Transportation (gas, diesel, cng) are the 3 renewable energy components. Carbon-free energy is measured separately and a not a renewable energy. In 2009, Bayfield County committed to a 25x25 plan, which is to reduce total energy costs by 25% by the year 2025. A tracking system has been created to track energy utilization. Transportation represents 53% of the county’s energy use, but 64% of energy costs. Heating is 35% of energy use and represents 18% of costs. Xcel Energy and Bayfield Electric have programs to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity. The cost to the county to participate would be approximately $1400 per year. Xcel Energy’s program is called “Renewable Connect”. The rate is .59 per 100kw if signing up for 5 years. The rate is higher for a shorter time commitment. If the county were to commit to this, they would be the first county in the state to become 100% carbon-free. Energy Proposal. Motion Silbert, Gordon to recommend the Renewable Connect contract with Xcel Energy to the County Board for consideration, with review by Corporation Counsel. Motion Carried (6-0) Bailey, Bebeau and Klaver exited the meeting at this time. 2019 Coroner’s Report: A report was provided in the meeting packet summarizing 2019 activities. 2020 Coroner Fees Adjustment: Recommendation, based on statutory authority is to increase cremation fees by the allowable 2.07%. Most counties charge a fee for death certificates. 2 Bayfield County does not currently charge a fee for this service. A list of fees charged by various WI Counties for death certificates was reviewed. Motion Gordon, Pocernich to increase the cremation fee by 2.07%. Motion Carried (6-0) Discussion regarding the death certificate fee and whether to implement a fee for this. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to implement a $25 fee for death certificates. Motion Carried (6-0) Elected official compensation, 2021-2024, ROD, Clerk, Treasurer: The committee looked at the historical wage increases set by resolution for these positions. They also looked at the wage increases set for other elected officials in the county with alternate terms of office. Comparable wages for other counties were reviewed. Consensus was to have the Executive Committee Chairman, County Administrator, and Elected officials meet to formalize a recommendation for the County Board to consider. Cederberg and Fibert exited the meeting at this time. Annex UPS: Abeles-Allison reported that this was included in the 2020 budget. There may be more significant costs than anticipated. More information will be provided in the future. Northern Lights and Audit Proposal: Northern Lights asked if the county would be open to having a composition report rather than a full audit for 2019 to reduce the costs. The cost savings would be approximately $10,000. The county’s lease agreement requires a full audit. County Board action would need to be taken to approve a compilation in place of the audit. Motion Pocernich, Strand to recommend to the County Board to authorize modification of the Northern Lights Lease Agreement to allow for a compilation report in place of a full audit for 2019. Motion Carried. (6-0) Amending Resolution 2019-21, correcting energy grant resolution: Abeles-Allison explained that the previous resolution included net costs rather than the full costs and revenues for the project. The resolution will be amended to reflect the full costs and revenues, with the same resulting net costs. This is needed to ensure that the revenues and expenses are authorized for budgeting and audit purposes. Motion Gordon, Oswald to send the corrected resolution to the County Board and recommend it’s approval as amended. Motion Carried (6-0) 2019, year end budget amendments, resolutions and contingency fund transfers. Abeles-Allison reviewed the 2019 year-end expenses and discussed each department/fund that had an overage. In many cases, there were offsetting increased revenues. In departments/funds where there are not sufficient offsetting revenues, contingency will be needed. Motion Pocernich, Oswald to approve completing year-end budget amendments and contingency fund transfers as needed. Motion Carried (6-0) 3 Half time position changes to full time in the Register of Deeds Office: The office has 2 part- time employees. One of the staff members has resigned. The department has requested that the remaining part-time employee be converted to a full-time employee. There would be no net cost for the conversion to full-time because the employee does not have need to enroll in the health insurance program. This could be an additional cost in the future. Motion Pocernich, Gordon to combine the 2 part-time positions into one full-time position and place the existing employee in the full-time position. Motion Carried (6-0) Reports: a. Superior Days Review and Legislative Exchange Update: Strand and Oswald both reported that they were satisfied with the Superior Days event this year and felt that the legislators were receptive to the topics brought for discussion. b. 2019 Financial Report: Was reviewed earlier in the meeting. c. End of January 2020 Financial Report: No significant concerns noted. d. Treasurer Report, end of January 2020: Balance of $19.4mil at end of January. All debt payments are up to date. e. Pigeon Lake Update: Highway Department has reported that an additional 2-4 foot lift of the road is anticipated this Spring. State is interested in divesting of the Pigeon Lake Camp. Met with several officials in Madison on this topic. The property will be put up for sale in June if other arrangements cannot be made by then. f. Construction Updates, Jail, HS, HR, DA: Human Services office construction project is well underway. Wiring is in with skeleton walls in place. The contractor has been very good to work with. On schedule to be complete by April. New door for District Attorney office to connect the Law Library to the main office area. Proposal to make a desk alcove for attorneys is being considered. Human Resources Office construction will begin after the DHS project has been completed. A proposal is in place to replace one masonry frame in the Jail. These projects are expected to be paid for by monies that were budgeted for the DHS project which is anticipated to come in significantly under budget. g. Inservice Day, Plans for 2021: Any suggestions for topics are welcome. h. Washburn American Legion Update: Youth center idea is still being considered. i. Northern Lights Land, Rezone: City of Washburn is completing some rezoning of land surrounding the Nursing Home. Comment was made to remind the city that zoning should take into consideration any business (noise, pollution etc) that could be detrimental to the residents of the nursing home. j. 2021 Budget Survey: 2020 budget survey was included in the packet as a reference. Committee members were asked for any input on survey questions to be included in the 2021 survey. One suggestion was to ask citizens what services/departments they have utilized. Parks exited the meeting at this time. Abeles-Allison reported that the Red Cliff Lawsuit has been appealed. Motion Pocernich, Gordon to enter Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(c, g), for the purpose of approving closed session minutes of October 7, 2019, discussion and Possible Action Regarding BCEDC Business request, and Bayfield County Administrator Evaluation. Motion Carried.(6-0) Entered closed session at 5:50pm 4 Motion Pocernich, Silbert to return to open session. Motion Carried (6-0) Returned to open session at 6:05pm Meeting Adjourned at 6:05pm Minutes submitted by Kristine Kavajecz