HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 4/9/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, April 9, 2020 Meeting was held Remotely, with phone and/or video access for members and the public. Members Present: Jeff Silbert, Jeremy Oswald, Dennis Pocernich, Brett Rondeau, Fred Strand Members Excused: Tom Gordon Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resource Director; Jim Crandall; Meeting Called to Order at 4:10pm by Chairman Rondeau. A roll call was taken and all were present with the exception of Tom Gordon. Abeles-Allison read a statement regarding the reason for the remote meeting and the applicable rules. Public Comment: Emily Kreiner-Woodworth announced her intent to apply for the local government scholarship. Will be attending UW Madison. Approval of Minutes of March 12, 2020: Motion Pocernich, Silbert to approve minutes of the March 12, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (5-0 ) Public Health COVID-19 Update, Bayfield County Health: Sara Wartman reported that there have been 3 confirmed cased in the community. 2 have been recovered and released from quarantine. There are approximately 5 suspect cases, where testing has not been conducted. Persons who are symptomatic or suspect have been issued quarantine orders. Travel advisory has been issued (not a travel ban). Anticipating a WI peak next week, with a delayed peak in Northern WI. Testing is limited to hospitals and clinics for only severe cases. Resolution authorizing $40,000 from the Human Services Contingency Reserve for Home Delivered Meals. Abeles-Allison reported that the County Board approved this resolution at the last county board meeting. This resolution includes the accounts that will be impacted. The monies will come from the Human Services Risk Reserve Fund, which is an emergency fund. Motion Silbert, Strand to approve the Resolution Authorizing $40,000 from the Human Services Contingency Reserve for Home Delivered Meals and forward to the County Board for approval. Motion Carried (5-0). 2 Resolution designating Emergency Responder and Health Care Provider Employees. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to approve the resolution as presented and forward to the full county board for approval. Motion Carried (5-0) Pay plans, pay deferrals and delayed timelines on fees and permit payments in Bayfield County departments. Abeles-Allison explained that the county could consider deferring or extending deadlines for specific fees or payments during the pandemic. The Health Department has proposed extending the payment deadline or setting up payment plans for licensing of businesses through the end of the year. The proposal also recommends extending carry-over vacation utilization by an additional 90 days for those employees with carry-over vacation as of March 1, 2020. HRA/FSA reimbursement deadline was extended by 30 days to April 30, 2020. The question of tax delinquency was raised. Abeles-Allison shared that based on tax payments after the last recession. Tax collections are currently up. Based on the 2008- 2009 recession, tax delinquency could be around $200,000. The committee discussed social security tax deferral options. Abeles-Allison recommends the deferral of social security taxes. These monies would not be spent, but would be set aside in the event that they may be needed if the pandemic is extended. Motion Oswald, Silbert to approve deferral of fees as identified by various departments. Deferrals may occur through December 31, 2020. Roll Call: Dennis-No, Brett-No, Fred- Yes, Jeff-Yes, Gordon-No, Oswald-Yes. Motion Carried (3-2) Motion Strand, Pocernich to authorize 90-day extension for carry-over vacation of up to 5 days and extending the 2019 HRA/FSA reimbursement deadline to April 30, 2020. Motion Carried (5-0) Motion Oswald, to defer the employer share of social security payments . Motion fails for lack of a second. Abeles-Allison will direct the County Clerk’s Office to submit the social security payment for the current payroll. Self Organizing Ordinance Adoption: Lengthy discussion was held regarding the necessity of the self- organizing ordinance. It was noted that this ordinance was originally proposed due to the uncertainty whether there would be an April election. 3 Motion Strand, Oswald to approve the Self-Organizing Ordinance and forward to the County Board for consideration. Roll Call: Oswald-Yes, Pocernich-No, Silbert-No, Strand-No, Rondeau-No, Gordon- Absent. Motion Failed (4-1) Child Care FSA Amendments due to COVID19 and 2019 runout period extensions.: Addressed earlier in the meeting. Northern Lights application for an SBA Cares Act Forgivable Loan for eight weeks of payroll expenses, certain benefits, utilities and mortgage interest. Motion Silbert, Pocernich to approve the Northern Lights SBA Cares Act Loan application. Motion Carried. (5-0) 2020 Bayfield County budget as it relates to the COVID-19 Virus: Abeles-Allison reported that no action is necessary on this item. He wanted to report on potential revenue and expense impacts as a result of the COVID pandemic. Amending Bayfield County Ordinance Chapter 3, Sections 2-3-14 and 2-3-19 to combine the Tourism Committee and the Fair & Fencing Committee into a single committee. Motion Strand, Oswald to approve the ordinance combining the Tourism Committee with the Fair and Fencing Committee. Motion Carried (5-0) Reports: a. County Personnel Policies and new Federal Sick and Family Leave Acts: A document outlining employee scenarios was shared, which incorporated county policy and how the federal acts would interact in each scenario. b. Financial Report, end of March: Reviewed. A number of capital projects are underway, or have been completed. Highway revenues and expenses are up over the previous year. c. Treasurer’s Report: Bank balances are up about $1 million over the previous year. This is a result of the additional $1.5 million that was taxed for road construction projects in 2020. The County Board committee selection document was reviewed. It will be distributed to board members by email. Comment was shared that the bank balance reflects the current balance. The loan that was taken for highway improvement projects has been repaid. Comment was also shared that the County Board can meet in person as it is exempt from the Safer At Home order as a Governmental entity. 4 Motion Silbert, Strand to move into Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(e,g), for the purpose of approving closed session minutes of March 12, 2020 Motion Carried. (5-0) Entered closed session at 6:05pm Motion Strand, Pocernich to approve closed session minutes of March 12, 2020. Motion Carried (5-0 ) Motion Oswald, Strand to return to open session. Motion Carried (5-0 ) Returned to open session at 6:06 pm Meeting Adjourned at 6:06pm