HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 5/14/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, May 14, 2020 Meeting was held Remotely, with phone and/or video access for members and the public. Members Present: Jeff Silbert, Mary Dougherty, Dennis Pocernich, Brett Rondeau, Fred Strand, Larry Fickbohm Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resource Director; Jeremy Oswald, Mary Motiff, Sheriff Paul Susienka, Sara Wartman Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Election of Chair and Vice Chair: Strand nominate Rondeau for Chair. Pocernich, Silbert motion to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot for Rondeau as Chairman. Motion Carried (6-0) Strand nominate Silbert for Vice-Chair. Motion Pocernich, Dougherty to close nominations and cast unanimous ballot for Silbert for Vice-Chairman. Motion Carried (6- 0) Public Comment: Approval of Minutes of April 9, 2020. Noted that strand voted yes to ordinance. Motion Carried. Investment Policy, Bayfield County Treasurer: Auditors have requested that the county have an investment policy. Draft policy was included in the packet. County Treasurer is comfortable with it. Abeles-Allison reviewed highlights of the policy. Motion Silbert, Fickbohm to approve the investment policy as presented. Motion Carried (6-0) Public Health COVID-19 Update, Bayfield County Health: Bayfield County has zero active COVID19 cases. 2 additional persons that had antibody tests that indicate they likely had the virus. About 300 tests have been conducted with about 297 were negative. Considering doing another testing event in Bayfield County in June. Safer at Home was nullified yesterday so Health Departments are scrambling. Health Department is looking 2 at various options and would like input from the County Board. Wartman recommends that the Emergency Declaration be extended because it makes the county eligible for FEMA funding for the overtime associated with an outbreak. Clarification that there are 2 topics: Emergency Declaration and Emergency Order. Emergency Declaration expires May 18. This is what is being recommended to be extended. Public Health has the authority to enact certain orders that would impact a specific individual or business, but will rely on action by the county board for more broad orders. It is recommended that no orders be considered at this time and that the public be reassured that plan are in place to address an outbreak and that the Health Department will continue to provide guidance. Abeles-Allison reported that Ashland and Bayfield County Corporation Counsel met this morning to discuss enforcement if an ordinance were to be enacted (local order). Bayfield County would need to create an ordinance for enforcement of any order. Executive Committee Ordinance Review: Overview was provided outlining the directives of the Executive Committee. This was reviewed for the benefit of new committee members. Language of the ordinance may need to be modified. Update on Construction Projects: DHS, DA, HR, Jail: Abeles-Allison reported that the DHS project is about 99% complete. The District Attorney/Judge office projects are 99% complete. HR Office project is primarily complete. The Jail renovation project is estimated to be completed by the end of June. The Jail project is estimated to come in over budget due to a proprietary piece of equipment that was much higher cost than budgeted. COVID-19 Purchases: Request for proposals was distributed for the purchase of Jail/Courthouse Sanitizing Equipment. A summary of proposals was shared with the committee. No recommendation was made. Sheriff, County Administrator, Maintenance and Health will review the proposals. Partial reimbursement may be available through FEMA. Regional Housing Grant: $75,000 regional project. Bayfield County’s contribution is requested at $6900. This would come from Contingency Funds. Contingency has a current balance of approximately $44,000 available. Motion Silbert, Strand to approve the use of contingency funds for the county’s $6,900 contribution to the Regional Housing Grant program. Motion Carried (6-0) WCA Policy Resolutions: Strand Increase payments to towns with county forest plans to $2/acre per year. 3 Address mental health epidemic in county jails. Support expansion of OARS program statewide. Financial Incentives for Volunteer Emergency Responders. Chronic Wasting Disease treatment, testing, management increases. Increase funding for state conservation specific to chronic wasting disease. Silbert shared two additional resolutions: Expansion of Medicaid funding. CAFO Moritorium ordinance for the State, establishment of State Study Committee Motion Strand, Dougherty to forward these resolutions to the full county board for consideration. Motion Carried (6-0) a. Reports: a. Tavern League Letter: Request asking the county to waive fees for 2020. Comment was shared that fees could be considered to be pro-rated on the amount of time that a business was closed. b. Emergency Declaration: Board Chair has the authority to extend this, with subsequent approval by the county board. c. Bayfield County Fair: Motiff reported that a final decision on the Fair will be made at the County Board. She shared several items that are being considered. d. Act 185, Property Tax Initiative: State has issued a 90-day deferral option and waiver of late fees. This will require municipal and county action to approve. The county would be responsible for making settlement payments to municipalities regardless. Only 3 counties have voted to do this so far and 30 have elected not to. e. Pigeon Lake update: UW is looking for a buyer for this property, which has been discussed at earlier meetings. f. Budget Planning Meeting and Budget Survey: To take place on May 19. Budget survey is due today. g. Financial Report, end of April: Financials show revenues are very similar to this same time in 2019. Expenditures overall are lower than this time last year because all transfers have not yet been completed. h. Treasurer’s Report and Cash Flow Analysis: Showing a balance about $2 million more than 2019, partially due to the additional bonding for highway work. Treasurer reports that interest rates have fallen. No concerns with cash flow at this time. 4 i. Preliminary Budget Report, Revenues and Expenditures impacted by COVID-19: Estimating a $300-$500,000 expenditure impact. Motion Silbert, Fickbohm to move into Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(e,g), for the purpose of j. approving closed session minutes of March 12, 2020 k. Business Development Opportunity l. Tribal County Zoning Lawsuit Motion Carried (6-0). Pocernich reported that he is leaving the meeting. Motion Dougherty, Silbert to return to open session. Motion Carried (4-0 ) Returned to open session at 6:09 pm Meeting Adjourned at 6:09pm