HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 6/11/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, June 11, 2020 Meeting was held in the County Board Room and Remotely, with phone and/or video access for members and the public. Members Present: Jeff Silbert, Dennis Pocernich, Brett Rondeau, Fred Strand, Mary Dougherty, Larry Fickbohm Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resource Director (remote); Marty Milanowski, Paul Houck, Sheldon Johnson (remote), Cole Rabska-BCEDC, Craig Parks, Ian Meeker Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Approval of Minutes of June 11, 2020: Motion Silbert, Strand to approve minutes of the June 11, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (4-0) Bayfield County Business Park Planning and Feasibility Study and CARES Act Funding for infrastructure, Sheldon Johnson, Northwest Regional Planning: Johnson explained how the Cares Act funding through the Economic Development Corporation would work. Funding is also available through Emergency Declaration program that was enacted in 2018 with remaining funds. Both programs have 80/20 contributions. Consensus of the committee is to investigate the infrastructure grant options further with a report at a future meeting. Johnson exited the meeting at this time. Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation Annual Report and 2021 Budget Presentation: Rabska reviewed highlights of the annual report, which was provided in the meeting packet. Motion Silbert, Fickbohm to receive the annual report of BCEDC and place on file. Motion Carried (6-0) Rabska reviewed the proposed 2021 BCEDC budget, which is $89,500, an increase of approximately $10,000. Budget Presentations by Departments Reporting to Executive for 2021 Budget. 2 a. Maintenance: Parks explained a series of photos of items that he feels need attention. Cement repair of various sidewalks, courthouse front steps, door/frame replacement on exterior EOC door, striker chair for the County Board room and air conditioning are included as requests for 2021. Jail generator-adding EOC to the generator. b. IT: Houck reviewed the list of proposed budget considerations for 2021. Working on figures to provide back-up power for critical infrastructure. Jail camera replacement and additions were completed in 2020. Request will be made to complete the camera project. Recording equipment is beyond useful life. Storage network is virtual. Host servers are nearing capacity by the end of this year. Multi-factor authentication. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). Replace squad car laptops. Houck reported that technology costs have increased. Many things are imported, driving up costs. Equipment is sometimes hard to purchase. c. Other Washburn VFW Building / Youth Center Report / UW Extension, Washburn Schools: Meeker explained that the building previously used by the VFW has been vacant for a number of years. The building is in close proximity to the lake and would be an ideal location for youth programming. A local contractor provided an estimate on what it would cost to address the main concerns with the building. Improvements are estimated at $47,600. Meeker explained that UW Extension, Schools and the City of Washburn could partner for the use of the facility. There was general support for the project amongst committee members. Meeker will compare repair versus newbuild costs. Meeker exited the meeting at this time. 2020 Budget as it relates to CARES, Routes To Recovery Reimbursement: All municipalities will receive allocations. Bayfield County will receive approximately $249,309 for unbudgeted expenses related to the pandemic. Expenses must be incurred by November. Abeles-Allison reviewed expenses that have been incurred to this point for supplies, staffing, software for telecommuting. Considering expenditure for courtroom technology for additional video conferencing in the Family Court Room Also considering the Virtual Desktop Hardware/Software/Licenses for impacted departments. Considering additional PPE for Treasurer, Register of Deeds and County Clerk offices. Motion Silbert, Fickbohm to approve the purchases identified for COVID funding in the amount of approximately $74,719. Motion Carried (6-0) Motion Pocernich, Silbert to commit approximately $134,000 as identified in bullets below number 1 and 2 for funding through the COVID allocation. Motion Carried (6-0) 3 COVID-19 Report-Sara Wartman: Outbreak related to a hockey sports camp has resulted in a positive case in Bayfield County and many additional positives of attendees that live in other states. An additional gathering was held in Bayfield County where a confirmed positive case was present. Contract tracing is currently ongoing with that case. Hospital is running out of capacity to test those impacted by the two events. Contacts are now being referred to the Iron River testing site on July 10th. County Procurement Policy: Nothing on this topic at this time. b. Reports: a. Pigeon Lake Tour Update, July 2: A report was provided for committee members. The Dept of Public Lands cannot give the land away, or at a reduced price. It is offered at fair market value. UW Extension participated in the tour and is not interested in the property. b. Financial Report, end of June: Financial Report was reviewed. Summary was provided in the meeting narrative provided in the meeting packet. c. Treasurer’s Report, end of June: Balances up slightly from this time last year. Northern Lights is up to date on payments. World Class is not up to date with their payment. Motion Pocernich, Fickbohm to enter Closed Session pursuant to §19.85(1)(e,g), for the purpose of d. approving closed session minutes of May 14, 2020 e. Business Development Opportunity f. Lawsuit Review 4 Motion Carried (6-0). Entered Closed session at 6:12pm. Motion Pocernich, Strand to approve closed session minutes of June 11, 2020. Motion Carried (6-0) Correction to Silbert name spelling. Letter was submitted for the Rothe Compost Center project. KV Tech is proceeding slowly with their expansion. World Class is working with Impact Seven regarding a modified lease agreement. Rautio: case was closed through settlement at an expense of approximately $6,000. Bratti: Civil Rights complaint was filed, but not pursued. Red Cliff: Lawsuit was resolved at a cost of approximately $36,000. Lein: vehicle accident involving Highway Department. Contesting liability. Jensen: Civil Rights complaint regarding pepper spray use. Bayfield County is named in the lawsuit, but was not the primary. Hoopman: Related to good time credit for jail inmate. Motion Pocernich, Fickbohm to return to open session. Motion Carried (6-0) Returned to open session at 6:24pm. Construction Project Update and Tour: No tour was conducted. Brief summary was shared on current and completed projects. Question was asked if there is a current issue with the Houghton Falls trailhead. No board members were aware of any current issue. Strand non-partisan procedure for redistricting. Draft Advisory referendum was suggested by Strand to be added to the next meeting agenda for discussion. Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 pm