HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/10/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, September 10, 2020 Meeting was held in the County Board Room and Remotely, with phone and/or video access for members and the public. Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Marty Milanowski, Jeff Silbert, Larry Fickbohm, Dennis Pocernich, Fred Strand, Mary Dougherty Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resources Director, Jason Bodine-Forest Administrator, Jim Crandall, Jeremy Oswald, Ben Dufford-Land Conservationist, Jason Fischbach-UW Extension Agriculture Agent, Steve Sandstrom, Attorney John Carlson, Kim Mattson, Ann Reitz, Michael Lang, Diane Erickson Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Approval of Minutes of August 13, 2020: Motion Strand, Silbert to approve minutes of the August 13, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (6-0) Public Health COVID-19 Report: Sara Wartman-Bayfield County, along with Ann Reitz , Diane Erickson and Michael Lang of the Red Cliff Health Center reported on County and Red Cliff COVID status. Wartman reported that currently there are 17 active cases, 59 total cases to date. She also reported that there is a Public Health Order banning mass gatherings over 100 in place. She was able to confirm that on Sept 18 the National Guard will have another COVID testing site in Washburn at the County Highway Garage. Diane Erickson, Red Cliff Health Services Administrator, Michael Lang-Red Cliff Health Operations Manager provided a report on COVID activities in Red Cliff. COVID response team was activated following an outbreak last week. The Tribal Council issued a Stay At Home order. Of 15 positives, one was asymptomatic. Red Cliff has obtained a Rapid ID lab machine that can give results of COVID tests within 15 minutes. Definition of close contact is someone that has been within 6 feet of someone for 15 minutes and was not wearing a mask. Some of the initial cases that tested negative have now tested positive. Reitz reported on the health implications of the COVID virus, which is showing long term medical implications. She encouraged the county to consider tighter restrictions on group gatherings (10 or less), to discourage activities in enclosed spaces (businesses, bars/restaurants). She emphasized that not everyone will comply, however, even if half do comply, it will have a positive impact on reducing exposure to this virus. 2 The wedding and the reception/after-party were linked events. Individuals appear to be infectious for 2 days before they show symptoms. Highest level of contagiousness is the first day that symptoms are identified. The committee thanked the Red Cliff health staff for their quick response to the outbreak and for presenting information at this meeting. Short Term Bond Issuance for 2021 Highway Reconstruction: Corporation Counsel recommended that this be placed on the county board agenda for consideration. Motion Strand, Fickbohm to advance the Short-Term Borrowing for Highway Reconstruction to the County Board for consideration. Proposal for 2021 will be a borrowing in the amount of $1.75 million. Motion Carried (6-0) Land and Water Conservation, South Fish Creek, Comments: Strand reported that the DNR is accepting comments under the new administration. Recommendation was made to resubmit the South Fish Creek ordinance to the DNR for consideration. Suggestion was made to submit the original, more restrictive ordinance. This topic will be forwarded to the County Board for consideration and action. Delta Landfill Repair: Damaged landfill blew out due to floods in 2018. FEMA funding was received in 2019 to address the landfill. Estimate for total repair is about $600,000. FEMA is estimated to cover 87.5%. WEMA is currently reviewing the project and will then forward to FEMA. Timeline is unknown. No work anticipated to be completed in 2020. Site has a temporary cover on it currently. Town of Delta did not own the property but was responsible for the landfill. Payroll Tax Deferral: Motion Pocernich, Strand to not participate in the tax deferral program. Motion Carried (6-0) Payments to Towns with County Forest: A draft letter to legislators asking them to reconsider the payments to towns with county forests was reviewed. The purpose of the letter is to keep the issue in front of the legislators. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to approve the letter and forward to the county board. Motion Carried. (6-0) 2021 Budget Presentation and establishment of special meeting days and times to consider the 2021 budget. Abeles-Allison reviewed highlights of the 2021 proposed budget. Budget book document was provided to those members present. Proposal is for a levy of $11,412,896, $4343 less than 2020. Average mill rate is 4.18. Budgeted revenues are less than 2020 due to reduced forestry revenues and reduced interest income. The 2021 budget proposes to use $250,000 in fund balance for operating costs. Fund balances were reviewed. Proposed transfer to Highway (traditionally $500,000) proposed to be reduced to $250,000. 3 Proposed Dates and Times for Budget Meetings, Remote and In-person options Monday, September 14: 4pm. Wednesday, September 23: 3pm Tuesday, September 29, 4pm Tuesday, October 6, 4pm Reports: Tribal County Relations, 9/17/2020: Working on setting up a remote meeting. Share any agenda items. Financial Report, end of August: Overall, down about $524,000 from previous year, primarily due to forestry. Treasurer’s Report, end of August: Balance is down approximately $1million due to highway projects. Payments from borrowers are up to date. CWD Report: Strand reported that the 2 Cervid farms in the county were recently inspected. One farm was instructed to make repairs. CWD prevention program will be similar to 2019. Same intern as last year will be managing the program. Washburn VFW: Utilities will be disconnected. Decision has not been made whether to demolish the building or leave it stand. Currently being used for UW Extension storage. Food Distribution Program: Red Cliff has been operating a food distribution program. They have been distributing surplus foods to locations off of the reservation. Discussion was held if the county should also consider applying for the funding to expand this program throughout the county. Comment was shared from a member requesting that all members wear masks when in attendance at meetings. Motion Pocernich, Silbert to enter closed session pursuant to §19.85(1)(g), to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. a. Minutes, July 9, 2020 closed session b. Litigation regarding Delta Dump Site Motion Carried (6-0) Entered closed session at 6:00pm. Motion Silbert, Dougherty to return to open session. Motion Carried (6-0) Returned to open session at 6:10pm. Meeting adjourned at 6:10pm: