HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Committee - Minutes - 9/29/20201 Minutes of the Bayfield County Executive Committee Meeting 4:00pm, September 29, 2020 Meeting was held in the County Board Room and Remotely, with phone and/or video access for members and the public. Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Jeff Silbert, Dennis Pocernich, Fred Strand, Mary Dougherty, Larry Fickbohm Members Excused: Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison-County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resources Director, Steve Sandstrom, Dave Zepczyk, Mike Carriveau-Bayfield Wireless, Kim Mattson-Accountant, Charly Ray, Marty Milanowski, Jim Crandall Meeting Called to Order at 4:00pm by Rondeau. Public Comment: None Received Motion Pocernich, Strand to approve minutes of the September 23, 2020 Executive Committee meeting. Motion Carried (6-0). Utilization of Routes to Recovery Funding (if available) or Contingency Fund Expenditure for Laptop Computers in 2020: Information Technology has provided an estimate of $39,460 to obtain 20 laptops and associated software in 2020 to assist with the current telecommuting needs. Additional laptops will Motion Pocernich, Strand to purchase 20 laptops and Net Motion licenses in 2020 utilizing either Routes to Recovery or Contingency Funds, or a combination of the two. Motion Carried (6-0). Broadband Expansion Information, Mike Carriveau, Bayfield Wireless: Carriveau reported that they are struggling to find the time to recruit, hire and train staff. Moving full speed ahead, prepared to turn on additional frequencies very soon that will not require line of site for service. Refining the design for the next State of Wisconsin grant opportunity, application due December 1. Will be asking the County Board to again consider partnering with municipalities for the grant application. Maple Hill Tower project planning in nearing completion. Carriveau reported they currently have a couple hundred subscribers. Abeles-Allison stated that this item was on the agenda because Broadband is the number one item identified in the budget planning survey as a priority of citizens. 2 Department Of Justice Supplemental COVID Funding: County was notified 10 days ago about a $50,000 grant specific to court and law enforcement safety. A list of suggested items proposed for the grant was reviewed. 2021 Budget: a. Department Budget review: Abeles Allison reviewed a list of possible budget changes that have been discussed during the budget meetings. Monies for the Pigeon Lake Floodplain mapping is not identified in the list of changes. A brief discussion was held regarding Health Department staffing during the pandemic and the potential for short-term assistance. Phase in strategy for WISCOM radios for highway was suggested rather than a bulk purchase. The committee reviewed details that were provided by the Highway Department. The current unassigned fund balance of $9.1 million was reviewed along with the items that the unassigned fund balance would/could be used for if needed. These items include: balance to cover tax commitments to towns, funds planned for 5-year highway projects, 25% reserve for county operations, and 2021 fund balance planned to be spent. b. Budget Changes Review c. Recommendation to Board Motion Silbert, Dougherty to forward the proposed budget with changes discussed to the county board with the exclusion of the Pigeon Lake Floodpain map. Motion Carried (6-0) Abeles-Allison stated that he recommends that Departments draft plans that could be implemented to reduce overall levy by 2%, 5% and 7% for 2022. This information would be used for planning purposed if revenues continue to fall. Motion Pocernich, Dougherty to recommend to the county board that they direct department to compile plans to Maintain or reduce Levy and search for new revenue sources for the 2022 budget. Motion Carried. Reports: Financial Report: General Fund Revenues are down about $300,000 as a result of decreased forestry revenue. Transfers are down significantly from the previous year. Human Services expenditures are very similar to the previous year. Note that ADRC of the North will no longer be in the County Financials in 2021 as the financial duties will transfer to another county. Capital Improvement Fund was reviewed. Highway Department revenues are down a half million from last year, expenditures are up approximately one million dollars due to a large highway project. Bids for CTH E came in within budget and will be paved by the end of October. Meeting adjourned at 5:50pm. Respectfully submitted by Kris Kavajecz.