HomeMy WebLinkAboutPersonnel Committee - Minutes - 1/8/2015Minutes of the
Bayfield County Personnel Committee Meeting
2:30 PM, January 8, 2015
Emergency Operations Center, Bayfield County Annex, Washburn, WI
Members Present: John Bennett, Dennis Pocernich, William Bussey, Brett Rondeau, Harold
Members Excused: None
Others Present: County Administrator Mark Abeles-Allison, Kristine Kavajecz-Assistant,
Kenneth Jardine, Sheriff Paul Susienka, Beth Meyers (3:45), Judge John Anderson (3:25), Kay
Cederberg (3:25), Frank Koehn (3:45)
Meeting called to order at 2:30pm by Chairman Rondeau
Public Comment: None
Approval of Minutes: Motion Pocernich, Bennett to approve minutes of the December 17, 2014
Personnel Committee meeting. Motion Carried.
Presentation on Clerk of Court and Judicial Assistant Appointment: This item postponed
until later in the meeting.
Policy Discussion and Action on existing employees applying for vacant positions: This item
postponed until later in the meeting.
Wage Schedule Placement for Civilian Communications Operator/Supervisor: Abeles-
Allison reported that the Sheriff’s Committee and Executive Committee, through the budget,
approved implementing a CCO 75%, Supervisor 25% position in the Dispatch Center. The
committee is asked to approve the job description and wage level for this position on the wage
schedule. Sheriff Susienka reported that this position has been vacant for a couple of years and
the department desires to replace it. The intent is that this position would be filled by an existing
employee. The wage would be placed at $1 per hour higher than the CCO hourly wage.
Motion Bussey, Bennett to approve the proposal to pay the CCO/Supervisor position $1 per hour
higher than the existing CCO hourly wage, which would currently be 112% of the midpoint. The
motion also includes approval of the job description as presented.
Discussion took place on whether Level 13 or Level 12 of the wage schedule is most appropriate
for the position based on the job description.
Motion Carried.
Mileage Reimbursement Rate: Abeles-Allison recommended that the Committee set the
mileage reimbursement rate at the state rate, which is currently 51cents per mile when a county
vehicle is not available. This would be applicable to County Board members and employees.
Motion Pocernich, Maki to adopt the state mileage rate for County Board members and
employees when a county vehicle is not available. Motion Carried.
Motion Bennett, Pocernich to enter in and out of closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes
§19.85(1)(c, e) for Approval of closed session minutes of December 17, 2014, and to consider
compensation, performance evaluation data and reclassification requests of specific employees.
Motion Carried. Entered closed session at 2:50pm.
Motion Bussey, Bennett to return to open session. Motion Carried. Returned to open session at
3:24 pm.
Judge Anderson and Kay Cederberg joined the meeting at this time. The committee returned to
the first two items on the agenda.
Judge Anderson reported that the Judicial Assistant has expressed interest in the open Deputy
Clerk of Court position. The committee was provided wage information on the existing
employee, the 2015 wage schedule, and the current wage of other Deputy Clerk of Courts, who
were grandfathered at the pre-wage schedule wage. Cederberg provided a handout of the wage
study manual. Cederberg is requesting to be able to promote the Judicial Assistant to the Deputy
Clerk of Court and place her at a wage level where she will have the opportunity to make the
same wage as her fellow Deputy Clerk of Courts. Cederberg reminded the committee that she
and the Judge had expressed concern with the wage study comparables at the time the study was
being completed.
Abeles-Allison stated that he had interpreted promotions as a reclassification. If the employee is
currently being paid higher than the median of the new position, they would receive a 2% wage
increase of their current wage. Another option is a transfer to the new position, while retaining
their existing wage. The third option is to award the promoted employee the same wage as
existing employees.
Motion Bussey, Pocernich to approve that if an employee is currently being paid higher than the
median of the new position (promotion), they would receive a 2% wage increase of their current
wage. Motion Carried 3-2.
• 2014 Payroll Financial Report: Abeles-Allison provided a handout showing
payroll/benefit expense trend for 2011-2014.
• Personnel Summary, New Hires and Advertisements:
• Voluntary Insurances: A couple of voluntary insurance options are being considered for
Dental (AFLAC and Delta Dental), and Cancer, Accident, Short Term Disability.
• Health Insurance and Wellness: 0% increase in premium. Implementing 2015 wellness
program. Teamster Wellness programming continues to be a challenge.
Meeting adjourned at 3:58pm.
Respectfully submitted by Kristine Kavajecz, Assistant to the County Administrator.