HomeMy WebLinkAboutPersonnel Committee - Minutes - 2/28/2022Minutes of the Bayfield County Personnel Committee Meeting 4:00 PM, February 28, 2022 Meeting was Held Remotely through Microsoft Teams and In Person in the Bayfield County Board Room Members Present: Dennis Pocernich, Tom Snilsberg, Fred Strand, Marty Milanowski, Brett Rondeau Others Present: Mark Abeles-Allison County Administrator, Kristine Kavajecz-Human Resources Director, Lynn Divine-County Clerk, Meagan Quaderer-Emergency Management Director, Kim Mattson-Accountant, Dalt Collins, Martin Skaj, Patrick Glynn-Carlson-Dettmann Consulting, Jeff Silbert, Jason Bodine-Forest Administrator, Gail Reha, Gwen Daoust, Andy Runice, Deb Milanowski, Val Dietrich, Paul Houck, Elizabeth Skulan, Jennifer, ?, Theresa Foley, Dave Zepczyk Meeting called to order at 4:00pm by Chairman Rondeau Public Comment: Dalton Collins with the Highway Department asked if the Teamsters will be allowed to sit in on the closed session. Martin Skaj with the Highway Department would like to ask what the total of all wage studies has cost and how it will impact him. Stated that the Highway Department seems to be overlooked sometimes. Lori Skaj asked where data came from for the wage study and the cost. Approval of Minutes of February 10, 2022: Motion Milanowski, Strand to approve minutes of the February 10, 2022 Personnel Committee meeting. Motion Carried (5-0 ) Market Analysis Presentation; Patrick Glynn: Glynn explained that the Market Analysis was last conducted about 6 years ago. The market analysis is also being conducted as a response to the competitive job market. He reviewed a presentation which was provided to the committee members in hard copy. Moving an employee from 37.5 to 40 hour work week would result in 6.5% more in wages. One option that could be considered is developing a schedule that has 18 steps rather than 11 and having 2.5% steps up to the control point and then 1.25% steps through the 18th step. The analysis shows that the county’s wage structure control point is currently approximately 4.8% below the average market. Question was asked if moving to a 2080 work hour would impact the wage schedule. Answer in that the number of work hours would not impact the wage schedule. Question was asked how many hours per week other counties work. Answer is that it is all over the board. Question was asked how employees would receive a 40-hour work week. Question was asked if each position was evaluated for correct Grade placement. Answer was no, the analysis strictly evaluated the wages for the existing schedule. However, the consultant explained that the analysis indicates that the positions appear to be placed appropriately based on the position titles when analyzed during the market analysis (no significant deviations). Abeles-Allison explained 4.8% Reports a) Human Resources Report b) Personnel Financial Report as of February 28, 2022 The committee may enter in and out of closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §19.85(1) (c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and (e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public properties, the investing of public funds, or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session. Discussion and Possible action Regarding: i. Closed Session Minutes, February 10, 2022 ii. Wage and compensation discussion, various positions. iii. Teamster Negotiations. iv. WPPA Negotiations Motion Milanowski, Pocernich to enter into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes §19.85(1). Motion Carried (5-0) Entered closed session at 5:00pm. Motion Pocernich, Milanowski to approve closed session minutes of the February 10, 2022. Motion Milanowski, Pocernich to return to open session. Motion Carried (5-0 ). Returned to open session at 5:45pm Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Market Analysis recommendations to the County Board: Committee directed Abeles-Allison and Kavajecz to meet with Teamster representatives tomorrow to review options for wage schedule. Glynn will be making a presentation to the full county board tomorrow night with the same information that was presented tonight. Pocernich commented that he is supportive of a 40 hour work week for all employees. Pocernich is initially supportive of the Step 4 for employees with 5 years or more or place at the step that provides at least 2% wage increase, whichever is greater. Meeting adjourned at 5:50pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Kristine Kavajecz