HomeMy WebLinkAboutAging & Disability Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9/21/2020 1 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Courthouse Conference Room A, via Phone Conference September 21, 2020 3:00 p.m. Committee Members Present via Conference Call: Lynette Benzschawel, Martha Oie, Sam Ray, Betty Schell, David Zepczyk Committee Member Excused: Karen Anderson Committee Member Absent: Richard Kemmer, Red Cliff Representative Staff Present via Conference Call: Carrie Linder, Jane Cook, Elizabeth Skulan Call to Order and Introductions Linder called the meeting to order at 3:13 p.m. No introductions made. Roll call taken. Discussion and Possible Action-Review of the July 27, 2020 Meeting Minutes Motion by Oie to approve the July 27, 2020 Minutes, second by Schell. Motion carried. Discussion and Possible Action-Election of Chairman Linder asked for nominations. Martha Oie declined. Betty Schell declined. Lynette Benzschawel declined. Betty Schell nominated Richard Kemmer. As Mr. Kemmer was not present, recommendation to table this item to the next meeting in December. Discussion and Possible Action-Election of Vice Chairman Recommendation to table this item to the next meeting in December. Advocacy and Legislative Issues Linder reviewed absentee voting information provided to members. Page 2 notes how and when to request an absentee ballot. Discussion took place regarding the barriers in place if an older person living alone wants to submit an absentee ballot. ADRC Report A. Living Well Newsletter – Over 5,000 copies went out to households within Bayfield County the first week in September. This was determined to be a way to reach residents who do not have access to computers or are not technologically savvy. The newsletter contains information on a variety of services, supports and resources. B. Dementia and Caregiver Network Activities – Ashland and Bayfield counties have worked together for several years to provide caregiver outreach. Each year education has been provided. Collaboration has expanded to include NWWI counties and WITC, which has further streamlined the content and outreach to make comprehensive virtual education available. This will be occurring over the next several months. C. Options Counseling Project – All county information and assistance staff participated in training earlier in the year to streamline and ensure fidelity of this service. This is moving forward with peer and supervisor review, which will be carried out prior to the end of 2020. D. New Option to be offered through IRIS – This will occur in October. Waiting for further information. Currently there is one MCO through Family Care and one option through IRIS. DRAFT: Subject to change at the December meeting. 2 E. Database – Currently using Nightingale Notes for the ADRC for the encounter reporting. The ADRC is transitioning to WellSky and data from the current system will be transferred to a PDF or Excel workbook. Training will occur over the next several weeks for the new system. This is the same platform as we are using for the Aging program, called SAMS. Other (Program updates and informational items) A. Medicare Open Enrollment – Begins October 15th and runs through December 7th. Marianne Johnson, Elder Benefit Specialist has been busy problem solving how to help, as face-to-face appointments are not encouraged. She developed a plan to do this remotely with those requiring assistance. Letters are going out to those who have had previous assistance; it will include forms necessary for her to help. Outreach included Town Municipalities this year and that has been well received. Most have their own Facebook pages and they are sharing our information. Future Meeting Dates 2020 Next meeting: December 7, 2020. ADAC will begin at 3:00 p.m. with the NAC meeting to follow immediately. Adjournment Motion by Benzschawel, second by Zepczyk to adjourn at 3:44 p.m., motion carried. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jane M. Cook, Clerk III 09/22/2020