HomeMy WebLinkAboutAging & Disability Advisory Committee - Minutes - 12/7/2020 1 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC HEARING\AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Courthouse via Phone Conference December 7, 2020 3:00 p.m. Committee Members Present via Conference Call: Karen Anderson, Lynette Benzschawel, Anna Hanson, Richard Kemmer, Martha Oie, Sam Ray, David Zepczyk Committee Member Excused: Committee Member Absent: Staff Present via Conference Call: Carrie Linder, Jane Cook Call to Order and Introductions Linder called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. and roll call was taken. Election of ADAC Chairman Linder opened floor for Chairman nominations. Linder noted Richard Kemmer indicated interest in serving chairman for this committee. Nomination by Benzschawel for Kemmer, second by Anderson. Closed floor for nominations. Motion made by Anderson for Richard Kemmer as ADAC Chairman, second by Oie. Motion carried. Election of ADAC Vice-Chairman Kemmer opened floor for Vice-Chairman nominations. Linder noted that Lynette Benzschawel has indicated interest as vice chairman for this committee. Nomination by Anderson for Benzschawel. Closed floor for nominations. Motion made by Anderson for Lynette Benzschawel as ADAC Vice-Chairman, second by Ray. Motion carried. Discussion and Possible Action-Review of the September 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes Motion by Zepczyk to approve the September 21, 2020 Minutes, second by Ray. Motion carried. Open the Floor for Public Hearing or Public Comment (Limit 3 minutes per person) Motion by Linder to open floor for public hearing or public comment. Motion carried. Opportunity for Public Comment on the 2021 s.85.21 Specialized Transportation Assistance Program Discussion and Possible Action-Review 2021 s.85.21 Specialized Transportation Assistance Program Linder noted a separate Transportation Coordinating Committee has been established and they will take over the oversight of transportation matters, including this grant, next year. There are no changes pending for 2021, as the TCC is reviewing current systems. They may convene a public hearing sometime in 2021 if there are any new projects or changes to be considered. Linder highlighted each project as well as the trust fund. Each project description is summarized and 2 provides details along with project budget details. The Trust Fund Spending Plan provides local match for electric bus and a charging station for electric bus. This charging station will be in Washburn and available to the public for use. The Volunteer Driver Program is on hold due to pandemic. Volunteer drivers are elderly themselves; administration thought it best to suspend operations until further notice. BART has been providing demand response services outside of the regular BART bus route with a wheelchair accessible van. North Country Independent has continued to provide the voucher program. People apply to receive a voucher to cover 150 miles of travel in rural areas; this was increased to 300 miles for December. North Country ILC can be reached at 1-800-924-1220 x124, Sunshine Lemieux. New Freedom (Clients on Inclusa, IRIS) provides transportation, mostly for medical, some leeway for shopping. BART provides dispatch for the Washburn Transit program. Total Allocation is $79,889. County match is $15,978. Passenger revenue is $4,900. Oie questioned how people outside of LTC get rides to Duluth for medical complexes. Linder noted they are working with Pathways Transport. BART can transport outside their routes but cannot cross state lines. Linder noted that one change to Supplemental Project is broker MTM has been cancelling people at the last minute. This is a Medicaid funded service and medical needs are not being met. If an individual can provide documentation of trips being cancelled, this grant can be utilized to meet medical needs. Sam Ray is on the TCC and provided some input. She noted that she liked the information provided in this draft as a layout to have a clear picture of the times and what is available for people. People in the townships that are off the transit routes need information about what options are available; especially those with mobility issues. Motion by Ray to approve the 2021 s.85.21 County Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program Application as presented by Linder, second by Benzschawel. Motion carried. Oie ended call at 3:40 p.m. Discussion and Possible Action – Review 2021 Alzheimer’s and Family Caregiver Support Program (AFCSP) Application Linder reviewed the 2021 AFCSP Application. This is an annual application and information provided in packet was blank. Linder reviewed the actual grant application and noted she would resend the proper copy of the application after meeting. Total application is $10,118. Number of households to be enrolled and served in the coming year -2. Funding planned for respite services is $5,000 (Homemaker\chore-$1,000; In-home general respite- $1,000; In-home personal care-$1,000; Overnight facility respite-$2,000). 50% planned for all respite services. Funding planned for purchasing other goods and services-$2,000. Funding planned for outreach activities and public awareness-$1,500; Funding planning for support group development or assistance-$1,118; Funding planned for staff training-$500. Anna Hanson, Director, Red Cliff Elderly Nutrition Program joined call at 3:45 p.m. Motion by Zepczyk to approve the 2021 AFCSP Application as presented by Linder, second by Anderson. Motion carried. Discussion and Possible Action – Review 2021 Aging Services Budget 3 Linder noted changes made to congregate and HDM funding due to the pandemic, cancelling congregate meals and serving Grab and Go meals. Briefly reviewed line items and budget numbers. Total budget is $781,887.43. Budget has been approved the DHS Board. Motion by Zepczyk to approve 2021 Aging Services Budget as presented by Linder, second by Ray. Motion carried. 2019-2021 Aging Plan Update Linder reviewed the 2019-2021 Aging Plan. Each year the oversight agency, Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources reviews programming. Federal requirement is that the county develops a three-year aging plan; each year is the goals and objectives are assessed. Goals were created based on public feedback, senior meal sites participants, caregivers, agencies that represent older adults. A lot of concern was expressed with loneliness social isolation and how to connect older adults. Kemmer provided personal account of loneliness as he has been isolating himself quite a bit. You get to a point to being lethargic and run out of things to do. Also noted that physical abilities go down. You begin to realize the problems of age. I don’t know how anything can be done with it. Always been somewhat reclusive but able to entertain, etc. He noted ways of coping such as hobbies, he does a lot of wood carving. Giving people something to do with their hands is important. Has to be some ways to address this. Really does get to be a lonely experience. Zepczyk has customers who want him to be open. People are bored to death, nothing to do. Older gentleman comes by often; he loves play cribbage and comes to bar to do that, others do, too. People are thankful that lights are on and he is open. Totally understand that this is a pandemic. People need to get out and have a meal, socialize and come together in a safe manner. Is it more dangerous to be staying at home. Will this cause more Alzheimer’s, more depression, etc. Need a plan to get out to a safe place. Ray asked Linder if there was any research for rural access to community. WIDHS has strongly recommended that congregate meals not open as they were. Grab and Go was successful in giving people something to look forward to. It has been put on hold through the holidays. Staff have reached out with a variety of different options, including a phone buddy, hosted through volunteers at CORE. Some counties have had marginal success. Brief discussion followed. Zepczyk thought perhaps some kind of voucher that they could use to go to somewhere to eat out in a safe manner. Linder noted that this is one of the goals under the Nutrition Program. Looking to address this for the future. Linder noted that social isolation is an ongoing agenda item. 2022 begins the new aging plan. Advocacy Updates 2-sided informational sheet from Janet Zander, Advocacy & Public Policy Coordinator, GWAAR. Other listening sessions noted on the sheet. Close the Floor to Public Comment on the 2020 s.85.21 Specialized Transportation Assistance Program Motion by Ray to close the floor to public comment, second by Anderson. Motion carried. Other (Program Updates and Informational Items) A. ADRC Updates – Linder noted staff continue to do provide all services. B. Outreach activities – November was recognition month for caregivers and Alzheimer’s disease. AFCSP grant was used to purchase strands of purple lights (40) and some advertising space in the Bottom Line and the Connection. Staff worked with local businesses, libraries, 4 restaurants, gas stations, and banks to see if they were interested in partnering with the department and put up the purple lights. All lights were distributed, and outreach was provided. Good feedback from various partners was received. Plan to do this next year. Future Meeting Dates 2021 Next meeting: January 25, 2021 Adjournment Motion by Anderson to adjourn, second by Zepczyk. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:32 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Jane M. Cook, Clerk III 12/07/2020