HomeMy WebLinkAboutAging & Disability Advisory Committee - Minutes - 4/12/20211 FINAL: Approved at May 17, 2021 ADAC Meeting BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Conference Room A remote via phone access April 12, 2021 3:00 p.m. Committee Members Present via Conference Call: Lynette Benzschawel, Richard Kemmer, Sam Ray Committee Member Excused: Karen Anderson Committee Member Absent: Red Cliff Elder Program Representative, David Zepczyk NOTE: There was an issue with the meeting code. Staff Present via Conference Call: Carrie Linder, Jane Cook, Alannah Belanger, Elizabeth Skulan Others Present: Pam VanKampen Call to Order and Introductions Kemmer called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. and roll call was taken. Discussion and Possible Action-Review of the January 25, 2021 Meeting Minutes Tabled item until next meeting on May 17, 2021 due to lack of quorum 2022-2024 Aging Plan for Bayfield County Pam VanKampen, Older Americans Act Consultant- Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc., presented on the upcoming 2022-20224 Aging Plan. She highlighted the importance of setting goals to work hard to get as many voices heard to help ensure the best plan on how to provide what is needed most. VanKampen advocated to work towards person centered services to have inclusiveness and have equality among the programs per individual basis and to think big picture. Long range planning should include inclusivity and equality, community involvement, and advocacy. Linder stated that she has personally struggled with the advocacy piece and how to teach individuals to be good advocates. VanKampen advised it is mainly telling a story on how you or a loved one has been affected and finding a voice to share your story. Linder asked VanKampen how committee members can help get involved and her response was to take the time to collect information from target members; to listen and take notes. VanKampen brought up the idea of coming up with simple questions to help conduct one on one interviews with the target group individuals and expand the ways that individuals can share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns easily. Surveys had been distributed via the COVID-19 vaccination clinics to be filled out while waiting to be cleared in their 15- minute wait window. Will be working on sending out a survey to the larger audience next. Statewide Transportation Survey Linder stated that she has been working with Pat Daoust, BART to help with a survey project for rural older adults throughout Wisconsin. Other (Program Updates and Informational Items) A. Living Well Newsletter- Distributed in March via a mailing list, electronically via email, website and Facebook. 2 B. Medicare 101 meetings- The meetings have been held virtually with two sessions for participants to partake in. One session mid-day, and the other at night to help allow all interested parties an opportunity to join at their convenience. C. Virtual Tai Chi- The last virtual Tai Chi session ended Friday April 9, 2021 and the program had at least 10 regular participants. A debriefing meeting is scheduled to gain feedback on how everything went. D. Social Isolation Resource Guide – Compiled by M.Reiswig to help people stay connected through COVID-19. Has been distributed to home delivered meal participants, CORE senior boxes, website, and Facebook. Future Meeting Dates 2021 Next meeting: May 17, 2021 Adjournment Meeting adjourned at _3:44 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Alannah Belanger, Clerk I 4/13/2021