HomeMy WebLinkAboutAging & Disability Advisory Committee - Minutes - 9/20/20211 K:\Agendas and Minutes\A&D Advisory Committee\Minutes\2021\2021-09-20 A and D Services Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes-final.doc BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Conference Room A remote via phone access September 20, 2021 3:00 p.m. Committee Members Present: Richard Kemmer, David Zepczyk, Mary Dougherty, Anna Hanson Committee Member Excused: Committee Member Absent: Karen Anderson, Lynette Benzschawel, Sam Ray Staff Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Carrie Linder, Michele Reiswig Others Present: Call to Order and Introductions Kemmer called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m. and introduction were made and roll call was taken. Discussion and Possible Action-Review of the May 17, 2021 & July 19, 2021, Meeting Minutes Motion by Zepczyk, second by Hanson to approve the May 17, 2021, meeting minutes as presented. Motion passed. Motion by Zepczyk, second by Hanson to approve the July 19, 2021, meeting minutes as presented. Motion passed. Review Draft Aging Plan Goals 2022-2024 Tabled item until meeting on September 20, 2021 due to lack of quorum. Reviewed highlights of 2022-Draft Aging Plan Listening sessions organized across the county provided great feedback on topics which are the framework of the 2022-2024 Aging Plan Goals. Many of these goals overlap across topics. Advocacy and education part of the plan will include opportunities for outreach and education focused on advanced directive planning. 1. Statistics and demographics Based on new census data that came out it can be generalized that: A. County’s median age is much older than the state median age. B. Population of county residents aged 60 and older is increasing much faster than across the state. C. Higher percentage of older adult males living alone vs. females living alone D. Bayfield County’s older adult population is projected to increase by 22% by 2040. Concern is growing lack of younger workforce to support our older adult community to age in place. 2. Housing While a housing goal has been listed in the past two rounds of Aging Plan Goals, it will not be found in the 2022-2024 Aging Plan because UW Extension office is taking this topic on as one of their work plans and have put into place committees to address issues of lack of affordable housing as well as maintenance and repair of the older homes that exist across our community. Our role will be to outreach and share block grants that are available. 2 K:\Agendas and Minutes\A&D Advisory Committee\Minutes\2021\2021-09-20 A and D Services Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes-final.doc 3. Transportation Harness the time, energy and resources of the transportation committee to determine what areas are most needed and what can we do to address this. Carrie advises that the Transportation Committee is looking at implementing in 2022 a shared ride taxi model of service. Mary Doughterty advises that ARPA funds may be available ($25,000/each of the years 2022 and 2023) if approved in 9/21/2021 meeting. 4. Nutrition Expand congregate meal sites when safe, increase locations and availability. Create pop-up meal sites across communities tied with education and programs. 5. Health Promotion Focus on social isolation and loneliness, and community engagement. Work on raising awareness of the problem and create connections within communities to ensure that no one is left behind. 6. Caregiver Support Looking into pilot project: Rural Caregiving project. Helps caregivers get connected with others. Discuss option of going back to a phone calling tree. Challenge: Caregivers are so independent, and often not willing to ask for help. Lack of caregivers. Funding: Look into what it would me to give stipends to families to use for caregiving needs. 7. Partnership with Red Cliff has been strong, and we want to continue building on this in the future with programs and partnership. However, many of the programs are on hold with COVID and lack of staff to support the joint program efforts. Anna advised that Red Cliff is offering congregate meals, but they are limiting attendance to 24-person capacity, at which point they offer take-outs. They are seeing an average of 20 people per meal. 8. COVID effects Anna Hanson reports a surge in COVID cases in Red Cliff. Elders are not wanting to get out and about due to high levels of COVID. She is looking at not implementing other programs until spring 2022 (when COVID levels are down). Mary Dougherty advises that CORE Community Resources will not consider opening up their new senior center (at the old Maggie’s restaurant) until December 2021, or perhaps spring. 9. Reviewed proposed Budget for 2022 with review of costs of services. Carrie requested the committee comment and Motion by Zepczyk, second by Hanson to adopt the draft Aging Plan Goals for 2022-2024 and forward to the Human Services Board for review and consideration. Motion passed. 3 K:\Agendas and Minutes\A&D Advisory Committee\Minutes\2021\2021-09-20 A and D Services Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes-final.doc Other (Program Updates and Informational Items) A. Transportation Coordinating Committee updates BART did not get the grant. Moving forward with shared ride project draft. It will go to the county board for approval on 9/21/2021. Carrie is working on 8521 application so it is ready to present to the transportation committee at the next meeting, scheduled 10/12/2021. B. Staffing updates ADRC: staff busy, many screens are consistent and happening in person again. Dementia Care Specialist: Ellie Webb hired to work with our 5-county consortium. Aging Service Coordinator position: Grant funded position approved and job posted. C. COVID 19 Outreach activities Attended the county fair Sent out a quarterly newsletter Hope to do another county wide newsletter with extra ARPA funding before the end of the year. Future Meeting Dates 2021 • December 6, 2021 Wrap up of year end information and any other requirements needed for program administration Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m. Motion by Hanson, second by Zepczyk to adjourn meeting. Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele Reiswig, 09/20/2021