HomeMy WebLinkAboutAging & Disability Advisory Committee - Minutes - 12/6/2021K:\Agendas and Minutes\A&D Advisory Committee\Minutes\2021\2021-12-06 A and D Services Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes-Draft.doc 1 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES AGING AND DISABILITY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Conference Room A remote via phone access December 6, 2021 3:00 p.m. Committee Members Present: Richard Kemmer in person, David Zepczyk- phone, Karen Anderson- phone, Lynette Benzschawel-phone, Committee Member Absent: Anna Hanson Staff Present: Elizabeth Skulan, Carrie Linder, Carolyn Novak, Heather Gilbertson Call to Order and Introductions Kemmer called the meeting to order at 3:14 p.m. and roll call was taken. Discussion and Possible Action-Review of the September 20, 2021, Meeting Minutes Motion by Zepczyk, second by Anderson to approve the September 20, 2021, meeting minutes as presented. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action-Review and Possible Recommendation of 2022 85.21 DOT application. • The application was reviewed at the last Transportation Coordination Committee meeting and a public hearing was hosted to discuss transportation services in Bayfield County. • New services will be embarked upon in 2022 with enhancing the Iron River transit between Ashland and Iron River which has been taken over by BART. There has not been any participation with this service as of now. • An on-demand van service will start is January and will be overseen by BART. This service will take clients to and from locations in Bayfield County and into the outlying communities of Ashland and Hayward. • Linder is looking for Support of this DOT application for 2022. With support it will then be forwarded to Human Service board for final approval. Motion by Zepczyk, second by Benzschawel for Recommendation of 2022 85.21 DOT application. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action-Review and Possible Recommendation of 2022 AFCSP application. • The Alzheimer’s Family and Caregiver Support Program allocation is for $11394.00. Forty percent shall be spent on respite care services. The remaining funds can be spent on other goods and services such as home modifications, tracking devices, etc. • The funds will provide service to a minimum of 2 households. • Ellie Webb is the new Dementia Care Specialist; she is supporting Ashland and Bayfield Counties. Prior to Ellie’s hiring there was one Dementia Care Specialist who supported all five counties of the ADRC of the North. Motion by Anderson, second by Benzschawel for Recommendation of 2022 AFCSP application. Motion passed. Discussion and Possible Action-Review and Possible Recommendation of 2022 Elder Abuse application. • This application for $9,900.00, for direct service and support to consumers. DRAFT: Subject to change at the next ADAC meeting K:\Agendas and Minutes\A&D Advisory Committee\Minutes\2021\2021-12-06 A and D Services Advisory Committee Mtg Minutes-Draft.doc 2 • Services include Supportive Home Care, HDM, Adaptive Equipment, Respite and Training of staff and Service Coordination, etc. Motion by Zepczyk, second by Benzschawel for Recommendation of 2022 Elder Abuse application. Motion passed. 2022 Meeting Schedule • January 24, 2022 • March 14, 2022 • May 16, 2022 • July 18, 2022 • September 19, 2022 • December 5, 2022 (s.85.21 DOT Public Hearing) Other (Program Updates and Informational Items) • Transportation Coordinating Committee updates o Committee met several times in 2021. This has been a working committee which means no set schedule is in place, it meets when needed. o Committee members have been helping with developing an on-demand van service. o Linder stated they will start working on marketing and outreach. o Volunteer drivers are always in need, especially in Southern part of county. • ADRC updates o Ellie Webb is the new Dementia Care Specialist; she is dedicated to Ashland and Bayfield Counties. Prior to Ellie’s hiring there was one Dementia Care Specialist who supported all five counties of the ADRC of the North. • Staffing updates o Carolyn Novak was hired as the Aging Services Coordinator, due to additional support needed to provide service delivery to the growing older adult community. o Michele Reiswig who was coordinating the Elder Nutrition Program, was originally hired as a social worker aide and will transition back to that roll with the hiring of Novak. • COVID 19 Outreach activities-countywide newsletter o Created and mailed out a countywide newsletter which hit on topics including: social isolation, financial abuse, vaccinations- where and when to get them, resources for mental wellbeing, Medicare open enrollment period for Medicare Part D and other pertinent information. Adjournment Motion by Benzschawel, second by Anderson to adjourn meeting. Meeting adjourned at 3:41 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by Heather Gilbertson, Clerk II