HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 1/17/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING January 17, 2011 Members Present: Committee members present were Shawn Miller, Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine; John Bennett and William Kacvinsky. Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator, Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator and Pat Bruno, Office Manager. Others in Attendance: Darrell McRae; Harold Maki, Bayfield County Board of Supervisors member. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson S.Miller at 5:32 P.M. New Staff: Pat Bruno was introduced as the new Forestry Office Manager, starting on January 10, 2011. P.Bruno had worked temporarily as a fill in when Jan Blakely was on a leave of absence. Approve Minutes: MOTION: (Jardine, Bichanich) To approve the December 13, 2010 meeting minutes. Carried. Monthly Financial Reports: MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) To approve the December 2010 Financial Report. Carried. Reciprocal Easement Request: Darrell (DJ) McRae has requested two easements to property located in Section 16, T49N-R5W Town of Bayview. Mr. McRae has indicated he will build an additional road to the property from County Highway C thereby giving Bayfield County another point of access. Also in exchange for the easements, Mr. McRae will give access to nearly one mile of snowmobile trail on the property. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Jardine) To grant permanent easement to the property from the existing road and permanent easement from a new road, the location of which to be determined by owner and the Forestry Department. In exchange for permanent easements Bayfield County will be given permanent easement for the existing snowmobile trail that crosses the McRae property. Carried. Recreational Use Request -- North End Ski Club: This is an annual request to use trails in Cable for the annual North End Classic cross country ski race on February 13, 2011. J. Bodine recommends the request be approved. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve trails use request. Carried. Recreational Use Request -- Bayfield Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Bureau: An annual request to use trails in the Towns of Bayfield and Bayview for the annual Apostle Islands Sled Dog Race. J. Bodine recommends the request be approved. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to approve the recreational use request. Carried. Access Permit Renewal Request -- Donald Olson has requested to renew access into his property located on Long Lake. J. Bodine recommends approval of this 10 year temporary renewal access request. MOTION: (Bennett, Jardine) To approve the request to renew the access permit. Carried. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING January 17, 2011 Executive session: MOTION: (Miller, Bichanich) To convene into Executive Session pursuant to State statute 19.85(1)(c) conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons require a closed session regarding Bayfield County Parks Operations and Management and on a roll call vote the Committee entered into Executive Session at 5:47 PM. Carried. Out of Executive Session: The Committee reconvened into open session at 6:01 PM. Bayfield County Parks Operation and Management: J. Bodine Twin Bear, Delta and Atkins Lakes Campgrounds host contracts: The proposed contract with the campground hosts has been reviewed by corporate counsel and ready for committee approval. A draft copy was given to the committee members along with site maps. Other than the internal county management change that has already been made, no other major changes will happen in 2011 other than the proposed campsite changes. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bennett) Bayfield County Forestry Department is to enter into a contract for Twin Bear, Delta and Atkins Lakes campgrounds with Steve and Brenda Garrett and also, potentially, with a host and an alternate host with the stipulation of completed background checks. Carried. A discussion of giving the Forestry Administrator flexibility in changing the contract language without bringing it to the Committee each time for approval. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bennett) To rescind the previous motion. Carried. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bennett) To enter into a contract for the Twin Bear, Delta and Atkins Lakes campgrounds between Bayfield County and Steve and Brenda Garrett; and also potentially, with a host and an alternate host with the stipulation of completed background checks and also give the Forestry Administrator the flexibility, if needed, to change the language in the contract. Carried. Twin Bear Parks Campsites A discussion of the campsites and the proposed changes were reviewed. MOTION: (Jardine, Bennett) To make campsites #2 and #5 transient, eliminate site #3; and to make current host site #18 and #32 new seasonal sites at Twin Bear. Carried. New forester update: Jeremiah Neitzel, began work on January 10, 2011. J. Neitzel was a 2010 summer intern. New WI DNR Liaison Update: The WI DNR liaison is now Joseph Lebouton. J. Lebouton was a consultant in the private sector prior to coming to the DNR. Steve Coffin will continue to be the contact until J. Lebouton is ready. Other updates: J.Bodine: Bob Warder contacted the Department with an interest in selling property to Bayfield County after he has harvested the timber. Next Scheduled Meeting: The next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, February 14, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. The meeting adjourned at 6:19 PM. Respectfully Submitted: Pat Bruno