HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 2/14/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING February 14, 2011 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller, Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine; and John Bennett Members Absent: William Kacvinsky Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Pat Bruno, Office Manager; Ben Dufford, Land Conservation Director; Travis Tulowitzky, Land Use Specialist and Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator Others in Attendance: Ned Zuelsdorff, American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation; Joseph LeBoutin and Steve Coffin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR); and Roger Marincel, citizen Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson S.Miller at 5:35 P.M. Introduction of new county forest liaison Joseph LeBouton: Steve Coffin introduced the new WI DNR County Forest Liaison Joseph LeBouton. J. LeBouton started with the WI DNR on January 4, 2011. Approve Minutes: MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) To approve the January 17, 2011 meeting minutes. Carried. Monthly Financial Report: MOTION: (Bennett, Jardine) To approve the January 17, 2011 Financial Report. Carried. Recreational Use Request: Ned Zuelsdorff, Executive Director, American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation. N. Zuelsdorff provided information and requested the committee approve the construction of a warming/storage building and additional trails on county forest land in the Town of Cable. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) To approve construction of storage unit and warming cabin on Bayfield County forest land in the Town of Cable and require a current certificate of liability insurance from the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation. Carried. W. Kacvinsky arrived at 5:58 PM. Twin Bear Campground Restoration/Improvement Updates: Ben Dufford shared handouts with the committee describing the planned changes for the Twin Bear Campground landscaping and shoreline. B. Dufford explained the changes must conform to the requirements of the $45,000 WI DNR grant application. Travis Tulowitzsky described the restoration planting and access plan for the beach area. Restoration requires a maintenance plan and the deed restriction that must be kept in perpetuity. A replacement fishing/mooring dock was also discussed. J. Bodine expects a portion of a new dock would be paid for from a WI DNR grant. Bayfield County Parks: The committee discussed the need to change the name of the Forestry Department to incorporate the addition of the added responsibility of Bayfield County parks. Bayfield County Forestry Committee Page 2 of 2 February 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes MOTION: (Bichanich, Kacvinsky) To change the name of the Bayfield County Forestry Department to Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Department and directs the Department to initiate the process to modify Department ordinances to incorporate Parks with the Forestry Department. Carried. Because the Parks budget was set in 2010 for 2011, J. Bodine explained the Park budget amendments to reflect management changes. Some changes were made in the structure of some of the expenses but it is expected that the net revenue will be approximately the same as the original budget. Potential improvements/upgrades at Twin Bear: The Department’s first priority is to address the electrical service. J.Bodine is working with department staff, the local power company, and a contracted electrician on the upgrades, additional services and the costs. W. Kacvinsky left meeting at 6:59 PM. Recreational Use Request: Cable Area Chamber of Commerce J. Bodine received a request from the Cable Area Chamber of Commerce to use trails crossing Bayfield County land located in the Town of Cable for the annual Cable Area Off-Road Classic mountain bike race on May 14, 2011. MOTION: (Jardine, Bennett) To approve the request by the Town of Cable to use trails crossing Bayfield County land for the annual Cable Area Off-Road Classic mountain bike race. Carried. 2011 County Conservation Aid Grant: The WI DNR has guaranteed approximately $4,000 toward the purchase of a boat mooring/fishing pier and boardwalk at Twin Bear Campground at a 50/50 cost share. MOTION: (Bichanich, Jardine) To approve application for the Conservation Aid Grant request. Carried. 2011 Town Road Aid: J. Bodine reported that all projects for 2010 have been completed with exception of the Town of Barnes. The projects have improved road access to county forests. Other updates: The US. Forest Service secure rule schools Title II funding project was funded in the amount of $25,000. Steve Coffin, DNR representative: The ranger position was recently filled. The DNR is currently working on its forestry strategic plan. It appears that approximately 1 percent of the division’s allocation is moving away from supporting county forests. There is an expectation of severe cutbacks to stewardship funding, land acquisition, in particular is expected to be reduced. Adjourned at 7:14 P.M. Next meeting March 14, 2011 at 5:15 PM. Submitted by, Pat Bruno