HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 3/14/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING March 14, 2011 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller, Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine; Bill Kacvinsky and John Bennett Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Asst. Administrator; Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Steve Coffin and Joseph LeBoutin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson S. Miller at 5:15 PM. Approve Minutes: MOTION: (Bennett, Bichanich) To approve the February 14, 2011 meeting minutes. Carried. Monthly Financial Report: MOTION: (Jardine, Kacvinsky) To approve the February 2011 Financial Report. Carried. Twin Bear Campground Boat Inspection Request: Because Mr. Bill Swenson and Mr. Al Bochler were not in attendance, this matter is tabled until the April 2011 meeting. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To table the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) boater education and inspection for the 2011 season until the Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee April meeting. Carried. Snowmobile Trail Re-Route Request: Scott Williams of the Bayfield County Snowmobile Alliance contacted J. Bodine requesting a re-route of a portion of the snowmobile trail near Lost Creek #3 in the Town of Bell. There was a discussion of the grooming logistics in relation to a curve near a bridge on the trail. MOTION: (Bichanich, Kacvinsky) To approve the re-route request and to have Bayfield County Forestry and Parks staff excavate the corner approach to the bridge on Lost Creek #3 trail. Carried. Recreational Use Request: Ron Bergin, CAMBA J. Bodine received a request from Ron Bergin of CAMBA, to access trails located in the Town of Cable for the Festival of Trails event, June 3-5, 2011. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve the request by CAMBA to use trails crossing Bayfield County land for the annual Festival of Trails event in 2011. Carried. Recreational Use Request: Ian Harding, Minnesota Orienteering Club J. Bodine received a request from Ian Harding of Minnesota Orienteering Club to hold an orienteering event on August 13, 2011 on county forest land in the Town of Cable. MOTION: (Jardine, Bennett) To approve the request by the Minnesota Orienteering Club to use Bayfield County land in the Town of Cable for their event on August 13, 2011. Carried. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 2 March 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes Bayfield County Parks: All the seasonal campsite deposits have been received with final payments due by April 1. The Department is reviewing the future use of a consistently vacant site, which is located near the bathrooms at Twin Bear. J. Bodine reported that Twin Bear Campground electrical needs plan has been finalized. A CT cabinet and more pedestals will be purchased and installed using the monies provided via the capitol improvement fund. This portion of the project is expected to be completed prior to the start of the camping season. There was general discussion regarding various projects at Twin Bear campground, in particular, re-grading and runoff management. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich ) To direct the Department to contract the excavation (re-grading drainage/runoff and beach) at Twin Bear campground to the lowest bidder. Carried. Other updates: Spring Timber Sale Offering: It is expected there will be approximately 20 sales offered. Spring Planting: The spring planting bids came in at $32/acre with an expectation of 575 acres planted by the end of April. Steve Coffin, DNR representative: S. Coffin reported that if the proposed budget repair bill passes, it is expected that the stewardship grants to the counties will end. The DNR is also expecting many staff retirements in 2011. J. LeBoutin is working on a spring timber sale and there will be more in the fall also. Adjourned at 5:46 PM. Next meeting: April 13, 2011 at 5:15 PM. Submitted by, Pat Bruno