HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 4/13/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING April 13, 2011 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller, Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine; Bill Kacvinsky Members Absent: John Bennett Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Asst. Administrator; Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Steve Coffin and Joseph LeBoutin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR); Todd Naas, WI DNR (arrived at 5:52 P.M.); Bill Swenson and Al Bochler, Iron River Pike Chain Association; Gary Swenson, Roger Marincel, citizens; Ned Zuehlsdorff, American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson S. Miller at 5:17 PM. Approve Minutes: MOTION: (Bichanich, Jardine) To approve the March 14, 2011 meeting minutes. Carried. Monthly Financial Report: MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve the April 2011 Financial Report. Carried. Twin Bear Campground Boat Inspection Request: Bill Swenson and Al Bochler, representing the Iron River Pike Chain Association, stressed the importance of continuing boat inspections to minimize the impact of invasive species into the chain of lakes region. Patti Mitchen provided this paid service during weekdays in 2010 at Twin Bear. J.Bodine reported that there are grant dollars available to pay for inspections. There was discussion on the County’s liability and how it relates to this position. MOTION: (Jardine, Bichanich) To have J.Bodine consult with County Administrator to determine the preferred way to hire for the weekend boat inspector position. Carried. Annual Request to Maintain Wildlife Openings: Representing Todd Naas, S. Coffin briefly explained this annual request for the DNR to maintain permanent, usually ½ to 1 acre, grass openings scattered throughout the County forest. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichnich) To approve the annual request to maintain permanent wildlife openings on Bayfield County forest lands. Carried. Recreational Use Agreement with American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation Request: Ned Zuelsdorff, Executive Director, and J. Bodine discussed the recreational use agreement request. Handouts were discussed and reviewed. Because of the importance of trail conditions prior to and during the Birkebeiner annual event, the Foundation requested restricted use access language to the trail as part of the Agreement. To achieve a compromise, language could be written into future timber sale contracts restricting access that would adversely affect the Birkebeiner Trail prior to and during the annual Birkebeiner event. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 3 April 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve the Recreational Use Agreement with the American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation with the exception of Item 12.c., which addresses suspending timber hauling activities 14 days prior to the Birkebeiner race event. Carried. Snowmobile Trail Re-Route Requests: Request was received from Scott Williams, Bayfield County Snowmobile Alliance, to re-route a portion of Snowmobile Trail 31 in the Town of Tripp and Snowmobile Trail 1 at Lost Creek #2 in the Town of Bell. Trail 31 re-route request is in response to state regulations that prohibits trails to be adjacent to town roads. Trail 1 re-route request is for the need to straighten an approach to a stream crossing. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Jardine) To approve the re-route requests. Carried. 2011 Spring Timber Sale Offering: J. Bodine reported there are 25 sales and 1,863 acres. Higher sales numbers are expected in the fall. The Committee set the bid openings to be on May 11, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. MOTION: (Bichanich, Kacvinsky) To approve the 2011 Spring Timber Sale offerings. Carried. 2011 Town Road Aids: J. Bodine reported that based on 2010 net timber sale revenues, $20,467.63 could be allocated toward 2011 town road projects. He received eight (8) requests totaling over $40,000. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve the resolution authorizing the transfer of funds to the 2011 Town Road Aid revenue and expense accounts. Carried. J. Bodine distributed a list of requests which includes two funding options. MOTION: (Bichanich, Jardine) To approve Funding Option 2. Carried. Access Permit Renewal: J. Bodine recommended renewing the access permit requested by Channing Cleland, Town of Bayview. MOTION: (Jardine, Bichanich) To approve the 10 year access permit renewal at Township 49N, Range 5W Section 10. Carried. Access Permit Renewal: J. Bodine recommended renewing the access permit requested by Charly Ray, Town of Russell. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To pursue a reciprocal permit. Carried. Bayfield County Parks: Twin Bear campground projects: J. Bodine reported the Twin Bear shoreline project bid opening will be April 18, 2011. The Committee suggested that the contract language include a May 26, 2011 completion date. The electrical upgrade project is moving forward and on schedule. The campground is in need of general debris cleaning and some guidelines for seasonal campers as to off- season personal items storage. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 3 April 13, 2011 Meeting Minutes Other updates: Staff Recognition: J. Bodine shared that S. Probst’s presentation on Considerations in Managing a County Forest at the Critical Issues in Forest Management and Utilization Conference has received excellent reviews. Kudos to Steve on a job well done. General Discussion Items: New sand river pit update: The Towns of Bayfield and Russell have notified J. Bodine that they will begin activity at the new pit in late spring. The Zoning Department said if there is no activity by the end of June, the permit will expire. WI DNR audit: J. Bodine said that part of a 3 year audit program will take place on May 18, 2011. County forest land consolidation: J. Bodine proposed future discussion of an item from the County Forest 15 Year Plan that addresses selling County land and purchasing equivalent acreage on a parcel by parcel basis. Other updates: Budget: J. Bodine noted that part of WI DNR’s strategic direction could impact County forests. He is taking part in a telephone conference on said topic on April 14th. Potential trespass issue: As an informational item for the Committee, a garage on Jackman Lake appears to have been constructed on County land. Also, numerous cabins are crossing County land without permits. The office is investigating at this time. Steve Coffin, WI DNR representative: Bayfield County was not chosen for a certification audit in 2011. Wisconsin DNR pays for the audit. Todd Naas, WI DNR representative: T. Naas shared a handout with information regarding the 2010 statistics and what is expected for 2011. Adjourned at 6:49 PM. Next meeting: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. Submitted by, Pat Bruno