HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 5/11/2011BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING May 11, 2011 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller, Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine; Bill Kacvinsky, and John Bennett Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Asst. Administrator; Pat Bruno, Office Manager; Andrew O’Krueg, Forester; and Jeremiah Neitzel, Forester. Others in Attendance: Joseph LeBoutin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson S. Miller at 6:01 PM. Approve Minutes: MOTION: (Jardine, Bichanich) To approve the April 13, 2011 meeting minutes. Carried. Monthly Financial Report: Bodine reported that Forestry expenses are on target and total revenues for 2011 are well above average. Park expenses are normal and revenues appear to be normal. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bennett) To approve the May 2011 Financial Report. Carried. Spring 2011 Timber Sale Bid Opening: Jason Bodine opened and read the bids of the 2011 Spring Timber Sales (25). The unofficial winning bids were announced. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To accept the 2011 Spring Timber Sale unofficial bids. Carried. Recreational Use Request: Ron Bergin, CAMBA Executive Director and Matt Dale requested to construct new single track mountain bike trails (multi-purpose trails that can be used by other forms of non-motorized recreation) on county forest land which will connect the approximately 70-100 miles of existing trails in the Town of Cable. MOTION: (Jardine, Kacvinsky) To approve the request to construct new mountain bike trails for general public use as proposed, provided they can also be used for all other forms of non-motorized recreation. Carried. Recreational Use Request: Great Divide Riders ATV Club requested permission to construct a new ATV trail connector from the Wild River subdivision to the existing ATV trail on county forest land in the Town of Cable. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bichanich) To approve the request to construct an ATV trail connector on county forest land in the Town of Cable. Carried. Access Permit Renewal: Mathy Construction requested a renewal of an access permit into property located in the Town of Iron River. MOTION: (Kacvinsky, Bennett) To approve the access permit renewal request into property located in the Town of Iron River. Carried. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 3 May 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes Access Permit Renewal: Stuart Wise requested a renewal of an access permit into property located in the Town of Bell. MOTION: (Bennett, Kacvinsky) To approve the access renewal request into property located in the Town of Bell. Carried. Access Permit Renewal: Brenda Nelson requested a renewal of an access permit into property located in the Town of Hughes. MOTION: (Bennett, Bichanich) To approve the access renewal request into property located in the Town of Hughes. Carried. Access Permit Issue: Bodine discussed a situation where a private individual is accessing their property through County Forest land within the Town of Hughes, without a legal permit or easement. Bodine also stated that he has had numerous discussions with the individual and that the individual understands the process but refuses to cooperate. Bodine will discuss the matter with corporate council and direct them to send an official letter on the County’s behalf in an attempt to resolve the situation. Town Road Aids: Bodine discussed the use of roads located in the Town of Highland, Douglas County. A significant portion of Bayfield County wood is hauled on these roads during spring break up. The Committee discussed including the Town of Highland in the selection process for Town Road Aid dollars. MOTION: (Bichanich, Kacvinsky) To include the Town of Highland in the annual Town Road Aid selection process. Carried. Bayfield County Parks: a) Twin Bear Campground. Bodine reported on the progress of the ADA ramp, boardwalk, vegetation planting and dock installation. He also stated that Steve and Brenda Garrett have been doing an excellent job preparing the campgrounds. b) General Update on Upcoming Season. Bodine reported that reservations for Twin Bear are strong and people are excited about the upcoming season. General Discussion Items: a) Barnes Barrens Management Plan. Bodine provided an overview of Barrens management and summarized the general direction as it was approved in the current 15 year plan. Bodine stated that the map of the management area and operational parameters are close to completion. The goal is to provide supplemental information to better define the direction presented in the land use plan. b) Green Tree Retention. Bodine reported that Bayfield County must adopt guidelines to meet certification requirements relating to legacy trees (green tree retention). The WDNR and Wisconsin County Forest Association (WCFA) each have versions. The options are to use the green tree retention guidelines as defined by the WDNR, adopt a revised version created by the WCFA or develop our own, slightly revised version. Bodine recommended developing our own version and will present it at the July meeting. c) Bodine met with the Red Cliff Tribe to discuss the management of the county forest within and adjacent to Tribal boundaries. Bodine is seeking input from the Tribe regarding timber harvesting, regeneration, cutting permits and developing contacts/protocols for collaboration. d) WDNR auditors will be in Bayfield County on May 18 and all committee members are invited to participate if they choose. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 3 May 11, 2011 Meeting Minutes e) Lane Use Plan Amendments. Bodine is exploring the need to update the plan and stated that a mid-point review may be warranted (the plan will be 8 years in 2012). f) Other Updates. Robert Huray of Futurewood Corporation inquired on the purpose of paying an extension fee when a sale has an overrun of volume. The Committee discussed the potential of developing a guideline for reviewing each sale on a case-by-case basis, and to waive the fee if there is a 20% overrun. The Committee directed Bodine to develop an internal policy. g) DNR Representatives Comments. Joseph LeBouton reported that the Department’s strategic direction changes are moving forward. The DNR is considering moving resources it provides to the counties but nothing has been finalized as of yet. Adjourned at 7:45 PM. Next meeting: Monday, June 20, 2011 at 5:15 P.M. Submitted by, Pat Bruno