HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 3/18/2013BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING March 18, 2013 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller; Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Bucky Jardine, John Bennett, and Harold Maki Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator; and Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Todd Naas, DNR Representative; Rod Abbas, Trails North ATVers Club; Dave Barningham; Wayne Nelson; and Todd Norwood, Red Cliff Tribe 1. Call To Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by S. Miller at 5:29 P.M. 2. Approval of February 11, 2013 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to receive and place on file the February 11, 2013 meeting minutes. Carried. 3. Public Comment. S. Miller called for public comments. No comments were received. 4. Logger Comments. D. Barningham addressed the Committee with a request to re-visit the requirement to sever non- merchantable stems (2 to 4” in diameter). Barningham expressed concerned that restrictive regulations make logging cost prohibitive for the smaller operations. Barningham further explained that contractors are not being adequately compensated for severing all of the non-merchantable stems. Bodine explained the minimum bid prices are calculated by taking the stem severing requirement into consideration. Bodine also explained that competition for the wood drives the prices back up. Regeneration of several tree species was also discussed. H. Maki would like to the Committee to be aware of the challenges of the small timber operations; operations costs are going up; increased restrictions slow production; and fewer individuals interested in logging as a career. Maki also suggested that the winning bidders be required to compensate their contracted loggers $5-$10/acre to offset the cost of removing the non-merchantable stems. 5. Monthly Financial Report. A) Forestry: Even though timber revenues are under pace from this time in 2012, he expects March will be back on track. Expenses are on target. B) Parks: Parks revenues will increase as expected in the coming months. MOTION: (Bennett, Bichanich) to receive and place on file the January and February 2013 financial reports. Carried. 6. Bibon Swamp Natural Area: Todd Naas The DNR is in the final stages of revising the current plan into one master plan the three projects which are along the White River, White River Fishery Area and the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area and the White Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 3 March 18, 2013 Meeting Minutes River Wildlife Area. Because Bayfield County owns 2,526 acres with the Natural Area boundary, the DNR is inquiring if the County would have an issue with the DNR managing the County’s property as part of the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area; and does the County support the State changing its acquisition goal for the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area to 13,236 acres? The current plan limits the acreage to 8,234; however, land exchanges and private acquisitions have exceeded the acquisition authority by 999.83 acres. The Committee’s consensus is there are no concerns with increasing the acquisition authority in the revised plan or with the WI DNR managing the County’s property within the boundaries of the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area. However, the Committee spoke to the importance of avoiding private property takeover and making efforts to keep property on the tax rolls. 7. Recreational Use Request: Cable Area Chamber of Commerce. J. Bodine recommends approving the recreational use request. MOTION: (Bichanich, Maki) to approve the request to utilize trails in the Town of Cable on May 18, 2013 for the annual Cable Area Off-Road Classic mountain bike event. Carried. 8. Sand and Gravel Stumpage Price Establishment for 2013. J. Bodine canvassed four private sector pits for raw stumpage quotes for consideration. The stumpage materials may only be used for public projects. MOTION: (Jardine, Bennett) to approve selling to all public and private buyers all sand and gravel stumpage materials at $4.00/ton for 2013. Carried. 9. Right of Way Amendment: Dahlberg Light and Power Company. Dahlberg L&P recently discovered that an existing Right of Way Easement with the County is missing a portion along the power line and they are requesting an amendment be made to the existing easement to include this property. MOTION: (Bichanich, Maki) to approve Amendment #3 to the current Right of Way Easement granted to Dahlberg Light and Power Company for land located in the Town of Hughes. Carried. 10. Recreational Use Request: Trails North ATV Club. The Club is requesting permission to construct a 3-sided shelter house at the existing location on Flagg Road. The Club will procure and pay for the necessary permits; build, pay for and maintain the structure; and provide refuse removal year around. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to approve the request made by Trails North ATV Club to construct a 3- sided shelter house at the existing rest area on the Flagg Road. Carried. 11. Access Management. Draft revisions of Chapter 700 of the Land Use Plan were presented to the Committee by J. Bodine. He will share the draft with interested stakeholders and hold a meeting if warranted. Access Management will be included in the April agenda for further discussion. No motion needed at this time. 12. Land Acquisition. Corporation Counsel recently determined that two parcels of land, which were enrolled into county forest land located in the Town of Barnes, were not legally owned by Bayfield County. A Swamp Land Patent document from the year 1805 was submitted by the Board of Commissioners of Public Land (BCPL) laying claim to these two parcels. BCPL would like to sell the land to Bayfield County. The appraisal is to be Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 3 March 18, 2013 Meeting Minutes completed soon. The Committee was receptive to the potential of purchasing the land, pending a favorable appraisal. The Committee directed J. Bodine to proceed with the process to possibly purchase this land. The final decision will be made at April’s meeting. No motion needed at this time. 13. General Discussion Items. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative Not in attendance. Adjourned 7:30 P.M. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, April 2, 2013 at 5:30 P.M., Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI. Submitted by, Pat Bruno