HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 6/9/2014BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING June 9, 2014 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller; Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; John Bennett and Fred Strand Members Absent: Harold Maki Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator; and Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Joseph LeBouton, WI DNR Liaison, Matt Blaylock, Team Leader, WI DNR; and Ron Bergin, CAMBA 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by S. Miller at 6:01 P.M. 2. Approval of the May 12th Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Bichanich, Strand) to receive and place on file the May 12, 2014 meeting minutes. Carried. 3. Public Comment. S. Miller called for public comments. None were received. 4. Logger Comments. S. Miller called for logger comments. None were received. 5. Monthly Financial Report. A. Forestry: J Bodine reported that the spring timber sale offering was a huge success; but cautioned that mill closures would directly affect future revenues. If the current pace continues, year-end budgetary figures could be surpassed. B. Parks: Memorial holiday weekend was a success at Twin Bear campground. Staff are preparing to offer camping and boat launch specials this month along with offering other specials and services. C. Trails: Trail status is excellent with very little damage done due to the snow melt and recent rain. S. Miller reported a new trail project in the Mason area could be ready by the fall of 2014. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to receive and place on file the May 2014 financial report. Carried. 6. Recreational Use Request. CAMBA, Ron Bergin. Ron Bergin presented the request to construct a minor multi-purpose trail connector (.24 miles) that would allow trail head access at the North End Trail cabin located on Randysek Road. The new connector trail is not expected to compromise forest management and would provide excellent recreational opportunities to the area. All labor and other expenses would be provided by CAMBA. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to approve the recreational use request proposed by CAMBA to construct a new trail connector in the Town of Cable. Carried. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 3 June 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes 7. Recreational Use Request. Tim Krueger and Joe Meiser. J. Bodine received a recreational use request from Tim Krueger and Joe Meiser to utilize trails located in the Town of Cable for the Chequamegon 100 mountain bike race on June 21, 2014. The 100 mile race begins at the Lakewoods Resort. A very small portion of existing trails is expected to be used within Bayfield County forest land. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to approve the recreational use request proposed by Chequamegon 100 mountain bike race in the Town of Cable on June 21, 2014. Carried. 8. Access to Private Lands. After discussions with DNR staff, J. Bodine is proposing a “Lifetime Permit” option to allow for private access to permanent residences. This option would be transferable to family members and is not included with the deed. There is a need to be able to monitor the sale of the permitted property for the purposes of following the guidelines of the permit. The Lifetime Permit would not replace the 10 Year temporary Access Permit. The Committee discussed a one-time fee assessment when the permit is approved. MOTION: (Strand, Bichanich) to create a Lifetime access permit option for private property owners who request access to a permanent residence (only). The permit provides access for the lifetime of the owner and is transferrable to the spouse, children and successive children of the original permit owner. The fee for a lifetime access permit is to be set at $1,000.00. Carried. 9. Access Permit Renewal Request. Richard and Karen Stormoen. J. Bodine received an access permit renewal request from Richard and Karen Stormoen to their property located in the Town of Tripp. MOTION: (Bichanich, Strand to approve the renewed 10 year Access Permit to Richard and Karen Stormoen to access their property located in the Town of Tripp. Carried. 10. 2015 Budget. Budget items of note: Parks: dock repair or replacement, covered picnic/shelter areas, campsite barrier repair, playground, additional water lines, and beach clean up expenses. Forestry: Timber Sale Revenues: Town Road Aid fund increase from 1% to 2% reimbursements to towns. Land Acquisition: Proposed purchase of land with mature pine that is currently for sale using the Knowles Stewardship Foundation for partial payment. Discussion covered the property location is within current county forest blocking and marketable timber is included. Concern raised over removing land from tax rolls and how it could affect taxes for neighboring private property owners. Trails: Motorized: The focus is on ways to fund repairs and replacement of trail grooming equipment; surveying businesses for trail support ideas; ways to keep in place the private landowners easements which provide existing trail connectors. Non-Motorized: The focus is on ways to support county forest land trail maintenance expenses. 11. Snowmobile Trails Program Update. J. Bodine and staff met with the Bayfield Snowmobile Alliance to critique the winter season, review operating procedures, structure status, budgets and maintenance expenses. Another meeting is scheduled for August. 12. DNR Assistance Update. A state forester assigned to Bayfield County has resigned and another has retired. LTE recruitment or Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 3 June 9, 2014 Meeting Minutes lateral replacement options have been discussed with the DNR. M. Blaylock reported that it could be January before the positions have been permanently filled. A future meeting between J. Bodine and the DNR is scheduled. Jay Gallagher, DNR Regional Supervisor will retire in July. 13. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative. Comments. The DNR is committed to finding ways to commit to the 3400 county hours even though currently short staffed. 14. Supervisors’ Comments. S. Miller called for supervisor comments. None were received. Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 P.M. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, July 14, 2014 at 6:00 P.M., Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI. Submitted by, Pat Bruno