HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 8/11/2014BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING August 11, 2014 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller; Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; John Bennett, Harold Maki and Fred Strand Members Absent: None Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator; and Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Joseph LeBouton, WI DNR Liaison; Brenda Garrett, Parks Manager; Ben Popp and Chris Campbell, American Birkebeiner; and members of the public 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by S. Miller at 6:00 P.M. 2. Approval of the July 14 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Strand, Bichanich) to receive and place on file the July 14, 2014 meeting minutes. Carried. 3. Public Comment. S. Miller called for public comments. None were received. 4. Logger Comments. S. Miller called for logger comments. None were received. 5. Monthly Financial Report. A. Forestry: J Bodine reported that timber sale net revenues for the month of July are $535,630 for the month. Expenses are on target. The Forestry garage construction is 60% complete. Two major change orders will be addressed at a meeting between the contractor, architect and the Department. On August 5, the WI Department of Natural Resources completed the 3 year program and state grant audit. No major issues were found. J Bodine reported that the memorandum of understanding relating to county forest land within reservation boundaries has been prepared and is awaiting final determination from the Red Cliff Tribal Council. The document will be returned to Bayfield County for final consideration. B. Parks: Revenues are at slightly below average but it is expected to improve with continued nicer weather. Expenses have run under average. C. Trails: Trail condition status continues to be excellent. MOTION: (Bichanich, Bennett) to receive and place on file the July 2014 financial report. Carried. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 3 August 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes 6. Campground Report/Update. Brenda Garrett. B. Garrett shared a summary of her Delta and Twin Bear Campgrounds management history. Garrett said the many recent improvements to both parks are well received by the campers. H. Maki has heard positive comments also but is concerned about the lack of campers at Big Rock campground. An idea discussed was building motorized trails nearby that could draw more interest. 7. American Birkebeiner Trail. Ben Popp appeared before the Committee to provide general trail updates and to propose a user fee/trail pass agreement similar to one the between the Birkie and Sawyer County that would bring revenue to the Birkie organization. The revenue would offset trail maintenance costs, build a new trailhead with added trail, and provide safety/survival equipment and locator map locations. Bayfield County approval is required to move forward with the trail pass fee system. Popp pointed out that users will pay if it means the trail system is well maintained. Unlike motorized trails where grants are available via vehicle licensing fees, there are no grants available for non-motorized trails. F. Strand inquired if a signed agreement implies responsibility by the County to enforce trail pass possession to which B. Popp replied that there would not be. MOTION: (Miller, Bennett) to grant permission to the American Birkebeiner organization, contingent on final agreement approval by the Forestry and Parks Committee, to institute user pass/fees for trails located on Bayfield County forest land for the purpose of offsetting trail maintenance and other trail related expenses. Roll Call Vote: Yes: Bichanich, Strand, Bennett, Maki. Carried. 8. Recreational Trail Development on County Land. J. Bodine suggests now is the time for multi-use trail development, with an emphasis on non-motorized trails, in areas of the County where they are now lacking or to value add to the existing trails. Their development would bring recreational opportunities to both local people and tourists; along with an economic boost to area communities and businesses. Sixty thousand dollars of general fund money is earmarked in year 2015 to kick off recreational trail development and maintaining existing trails. Informational only; no action taken. 9. Access Permit Renewal Request. Timothy Landgreen. J. Bodine received an access permit renewal request from Timothy Landgreen to access private property in the Town of Hughes. The customary fee assessment was discussed as the original permit included an additional production (red pine harvest) fee to widen the access road. MOTION: (Maki, Bichanich) to grant a ten year access renewal permit to Timothy Landgreen to access private property located in the Town of Hughes and to assess the customary fee schedule. Carried. 10. 2015 Budget. J. Bodine presented the draft 2015 budget. Revenues for County Forest Administrator (DNR) Grant and Sale of Wood are increased. Expenses for parks, personnel, health insurance, reforestation program, 10% payment to towns, town road improvement aid, WCFA dues are increased. Capital expenses are average. J. Bodine discussed adding a boat mooring dock and playground with shade improvements at Twin Bear campground. No action taken. 11. 2014 Budget Amendment Resolution. J. Bodine discussed the amended resolution needed to define appropriate accounts for garage expenses. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 3 August 11, 2014 Meeting Minutes MOTION: (Maki, Bichanich) to approve the draft 2014 Budget Amendment Resolution as submitted. Carried. 12. DNR Assistance Update. J. Bodine recently participated in interviews to fill a DNR limited term employment (LTE) position. The hired LTE would fulfill the DNR’s obligation of 1,400 staffing hours dedicated to meeting Bayfield County timber sale goals. 13. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative. Comments. None. Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, September 15, 2014 at 6:00 P.M., Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI. Submitted by, Pat Bruno