HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 3/9/2015BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING March 9, 2015 County Board Room Members Present: Shawn Miller; Chairperson; Marco Bichanich, Vice-Chairperson; Harold Maki and Fred Strand Members Absent: John Bennett Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Asst. Administrator and Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others in Attendance: Joseph LeBouton, WI DNR Liaison; and a member of the public 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by S. Miller at 6:00 P.M. 2. Approval of the February 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Bichanich, Strand) to receive and place on file the February 9, 2015 meeting minutes. Carried. 3. Public Comment. S. Miller called for public comments. None were received. 4. Logger Comments. S. Miller called for logger comments. None were received. 5. Monthly Financial Report. A. Forestry 1) Forestry and Parks Department Budget: J. Bodine reported the revenue for the month of February is average. Expenses are on target. 2) State of Wisconsin 2015-17 Proposed Budget: Two items within this proposed budget could impact the Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Budget. Along with the elimination of the County Forest Administrator Grant (50% reimbursement to the County for wages, fringe benefits and WCFA dues) is the proposed Knowles-Nelson Stewardship funding program freeze. The later could impact the in-process land purchase if not completed prior to 7/1/2015. 3) Stewardship Grant: Although the process has been slow, the purchase is moving forward. The appraisals have been ordered. The goal is to have the appraisals done no later than April 30th. After the DNR Forestry reviews the appraisals and establishes the final values, they are then sent to the State’s Joint Committee on Finance. The goal is to have the process completed by mid-June. If the moratorium on the Stewardship Grant is passed, and the grants have not been formally approved by the end of this FY (June 30th), it is possible the County could lose the $19,000 appraisal expense. 4) Legislative Updates: Northern Long Eared Bat: If the NLEB is listed as Threatened under the Federal Endangered Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 4 March 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes Species Act, there is a possibility that management restrictions could fall under the 4(d) rule restricting harvests within 0.25 miles of known, occupied den sites; among other restrictions. If listed without the 4(d) rule, the impact could extend to larger forest management restrictions during the summer months. The later would have the greatest impact on timber harvesting operations. Wood Turtle: The wood turtle is a state threatened species and restrictions are in place that limit when and where harvesting can take place in known and documented habitat. A state broad incidental take permit is in process of being developed. If approved, the permit would lessen the restrictions on most forest management activities. Temporary Forestry Stream Crossings: There is a proposal to develop a general permit which addresses several stream crossing concerns. Among those are the removal and reinstallation of temporary crossings over several seasons with one permit; multiple temporary stream crossings in a single project area with one permit and fee; and different variations in design for temporary crossings and greater flexibility for temporary crossings on trout streams. B. Parks Seasonal camping fees are coming in, otherwise March was a quiet month for the Parks program. C. Trails This season, trail conditions were variable and grooming was sporadic making this one of the quietest seasons on record. Mark Abeles-Allison requested mentioning that Sawyer County has claimed ownership or use rights on an old railroad grade south of Cable. This land is part of a snowmobile trail that connects Hayward with Cable. The claim of ownership is apparently being contested by adjacent, private landowners. If Sawyer County were to win ownership, the private landowners have threatened to shut down their land on either side of the railroad grade in Bayfield County, thus potentially closing access to the trail. MOTION: (Maki, Bichanich) to receive and place on file the February 2015 financial report. Carried. 6. 2015 Town Road Aids. J. Bodine and Steve Probst reviewed the proposals from the Towns for the $91,000 grant funds based on 2% of revenues received in 2014. There was also discussion on capping the grant at $80,000, since the previous grant (when funded at 1%) was capped at $40,000. It was noted that most of the projects are adding materials (gravel and culverts). After discussing the submitted proposals and reviewing the two proposed disbursement of funds options, the Committee selected Option 1. MOTION: (Maki, Strand) to approve Fund Option 1 for the 2015 Town Road Aids grants to Towns. Carried. 7. County Forest Recreational Trails Grant. J. Bodine requested more direction on the future of the Recreational Trails Grant program. At the February meeting most of the grant requests were denied, with a few being partially funded. The total grant amount was $8,975.00 of a potential $30,000 maximum per year. Past discussions of the Forestry and Parks Committee, Executive and full County Board deemed the recreation grant program to be worthy and similar to the Town Road Aid Grant program; investing back into the county forest. Some good project proposals were received but not a lot of great proposals. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 4 March 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes There was much debate of the restricted non-motorized trails versus the motorized trails use. J. Bodine assured the Committee that group trail restricted “ownership” would not happen on County Forest land. He also assured the Committee that forest management would always take priority. The Committee requested J. Bodine develop the Lost Creek Falls trail improvement project for review. No action taken. 8. 2014 Accomplishment Report. J. Bodine summarized the year’s report. Highlights include 4,842 acres of sustainable timber management goals were met; 61 timber sale tracts were offered and sold; record timber sale revenues received ($4.53 million); no planting or seeding program in 2014; 239 acres of bud capping; reconnaissance focused on mature stands of jack pine and red oak; spotted knapweed and buckthorn control has begun; approved and issued 21 recreational events permits; 486 firewood gathering permits; 7 property access permits; and 5 disabled hunter permits. Strand commented that lots of great work happens in the county forest. The Committee requested J. Bodine present the report to the full county board. MOTION: (Bichanich, Strand) to receive and place on file the 2014 Accomplishment Report as presented. Carried. 9. Access Permit Renewal Request. Vernon Wickman. A request was received from Vernon Wickman to renew an existing 10 year access permit in the Town of Tripp for another 10 years. J. Bodine recommends approval. MOTION: (Bichanich, Strand) to approve the 10 year Access Permit renewal as requested by Vernon Wickman to property located in the Town of Tripp. Carried. 10. Resolution: Increase in Town PILT Payments. Wisconsin County Forest Association (WCFA) has lobbied for years to increase the allotment that was set in 1989 for the state payments to the towns with county forest lands from $.30 to $1.00 per acre; Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT). Historically, this allotment was created to assist emergency services expenses. Many counties have passed similar resolutions in support of an increase. Miller commented the PILT payment only helps the towns with county forest land. MOTION: (Strand, Bichanich) to approve the resolution in support of the increase in the PILT to $1.00/ acre. Roll call vote: Yes: Maki, Bichanich, and Strand. No: Miller. Carried. 11. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative. Comments. New hires are moving at a slow pace due to the uncertainty of the state’s budget; thus, three DNR positions remain unfilled. These three positions provide support to Bayfield County. J. Bodine commented that that County Forest Administrator 50/50 grant is proposed to be removed from the next state fiscal year’s budget. Joe Schwantes, DNR County and Public Forest Specialist, filed a brief with the legislature to draw their attention to the removal of this grant and the DNR is doing what they can to Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 4 of 4 March 9, 2015 Meeting Minutes promote that the grant remains in the budget. 12. Adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 P.M. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, April 13, 2015 at 6:00 P.M. in the Emergency Operations Center in the Annex Building of the Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI. Submitted by, Pat Bruno