HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 11/19/2018 BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING November 19, 2018 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert, Vice-Chairperson; Harold Maki, Larry Fickbohm and David Zepczyk Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Caleb Brown, Forester; and Pat Bruno, Office Manager Others: Joseph LeBouton, WI DNR Liaison 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by Chairman F. Strand at 6:01 P.M. 2. Public Comment. Chairman Strand called for public comment. After repeating the call no one came forward. Closed public comment. 3. Approval of the October 8, 2018 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Zepczyk, Silbert) to accept the minutes of the last meeting. All: Yes. Carried. 4. Fall Timber Sale Bid Opening J. Bodine read the timber sale bids of the 2018 Fall timber sales (32 tracts offered). The unofficial winning bids were announced. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Maki) to accept the apparent high bids. Discussion: None. All: Yes. Carried. Of the 32 tracts offered, 7 did not sell. The preliminary sold value is $1,806,558.94. Of those that did not sell, three frozen ground sales are eligible for direct sale. 5. Land Use Request. Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. J. Bodine received a request from the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa for permission to tap 50+ maple trees located on county forest land in the Town of Russell for syrup production education. The Red Cliff Band, in collaboration with the Bayfield School District, was awarded a farm to table U.S.D.A. grant for 2019 and 2020. This project would provide natural resources activity for approximately 20-50 students and provide the product for the school’s use. This type of project is not restricted under County Forest Law (CFL) nor in the Fifteen Year Comprehensive Plan, and could be addressed under permits available to the public. He further explained that a viable location could be an existing oak stand with maple understory. MOTION: (Silbert, Zepczyk) to approve the request to tap maple trees on the best suitable property on the county forest; helping kids and families to get out into the woods for a planned activity. Discussion: None. DRAFT – Subject to approval at the next committee meeting. Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 2 of 5 November 19, 2018 All yes. Carried. 6. Monthly Reports. A. Forestry (all updates): 1) 2018 Budget. The timber sale revenues were nearly $470,000 in October; to date the total is $4.179 million. It is expected this year will again exceed the budget. Future years could be different due to low markets and the impact that weather could have. An expected budget adjustment resolution will be proposed to address the expected FEMA/storm related projects, the additional $100,000 for the supplemental payment for snowmobile trails, and the funds to be sent to the Towns for the 10% stumpage payments. All other expenses are on target. 2) Stewardship Grant. J. Bodine has been communicating with the Joint Finance office. He submitted new figures for the revised Bibon Swamp project that removed the Bibon Swamp property. The total dropped by 50% (from 1,110 to 510 acres and total value from $1.322 million to $667,000). If the project is approved, the opportunity remains to acquire high quality, productive forest lands that will solidify the county forest blocking and provide additional opportunities for public use. After subtracting the 160 acres sold to Red Cliff, this project will add a net of 531.25 acres to the county forest. The grant office has been very busy. It could be a few weeks before an answer is received. Discussions are taking place with Meteor Timber who owns ___ acres in the Bayfield Peninsula. Considering a larger non-match property purchase at this time could be advantageous. 3) NHI/Timber Sale Process Review. In response to an inquiry at the October meeting regarding timber sale restrictions that are adopted in response to the presence of certain wildlife species on a specific tract, a meeting and site visit took place with the DNR Endangered Resources staff. The meeting resulted in a removal of the seasonal restriction from the tract. The meeting also generated discussion and review of the timber sale establishment processes in general; goal development, stand selection, prescription development, timber sale design, write- up, etc. It is a timely discussion as the 2019 Annual Work Plan is being written. The National Heritage Inventory (NHI) information overview will be shared with the Committee at the next meeting. 4) County/DNR Time Standards. New time standards were adopted this year which lead to some confusion when the counties completed the forms. Some counties were feeling undervalued. A re-assessment of DNR contribution hours could generate revisions. If prorated, it is possible that Bayfield County could lose approximately 100 DNR hours over fiscal years 2019-2022. 5) Bayfield Wireless Communications Tower. The CFL withdrawal was approved by the DNR. The goal is for the tower to be constructed and Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 3 of 5 November 19, 2018 powered yet this year. The site has been cleared. B. Parks (update). The parks are officially closed for the season. The 2019 seasonal site reservation October call-in was a success with all available seasonal sites rented at Twin Bear and Delta Lakes. Overall, the program has generated about $106,000 this (new record) year; an increase of $2,000 from 2017. C. Trails and Recreation (all updates). 1) Motorized Trails. Trail preparations for the season have started. Because of the June storm flooding, it is likely that Trail 4 between Delta and Mason (the grade south of the Delta landfill) will be closed for the year. No viable re-route has been found. It is expected that $80K-$100K will be reimbursed the for the supplemental payment which is forwarded to the Snowmobile Alliance to offset their additional expenses. This will require a budget amendment at the end of the year. Nearly all the major FEMA repair projects were active in October. a) Drummond Connector Repair. The U.S. Forest Service and Bayfield County partnered to repair and reopen this trail. A portion of the $65,000 total funds will be provided by the USFS and the remaining from the state with no out of pocket expense to the county. This project will also require a year end budget adjustment to offset revenues and expenses. Without the partnership, the project would have been bogged down with various federal processes and this important connector could have remained closed for the season. 2) Non-Motorized Trails. The planned 2018 interim infrastructure improvements are on hold until formal repair approval is received from Wisconsin Coastal Management. The NOAA CLEP grant will be extended for an additional six months so that the project can be completed. 3) Yurts. Bayfield Yurt 1 (now named Evergreen) had 80% occupancy in October and an expected 60% in November. Cable’s occupancy is 61% for October and currently 40% for November. The new yurt (Terra Cotta) is at 60% for November with every weekend booked through February. 4) Events. There were no new or previously approved events for October. The North End Ski Club and American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation have submitted event requests that will be approved internally this month. 5) WI Coastal Management Grant. a) Fire Hill Project. The grant application to purchase 106 acres for the project as described by Erika Lang, Conservation Manager, Landmark Conservancy at the September meeting has been submitted. If successful, the land would be deeded to Bayfield County and will become another excellent addition to the parks program. b) Siskiwit Falls Project(s). Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 4 of 5 November 19, 2018 Work progress on the project was stalled due to various external review processes. All planned activities must be reviewed and approved by WI Costal Management before proceeding. The pending projects are work on the existing access road, replacement of two culverts and improvements to the parking areas. The grant expires in February; however, a six- month extension is anticipated. Another grant request was made to WI Coastal Management for additional upgrades and improvements to the primary access trail along the east side of the Siskiwit River. The $60,000 grant would require a 50% match which could be accomplished through a combination of capital project funds, and potentially a Recreational Trails Aid (RTA) grant from the DNR. 6) FEMA Projects. a) Motorized Trails. There were five storm damage projects that were repaired by Department staff. There were eight projects that were large, and contracts were awarded via a competitive bid process. As of this meeting, all but one has been completed. We are anticipating having all the FEMA paperwork finished by early December. b) Landfill. To date, FEMA has not determined if this project will be eligible for FEMA funding. Also, the determination has not been made as to who the responsible party will be; Town of Delta or Bayfield County. For the interim, the DNR required the exposed landfill material to be covered with landscape fabric. The temporary repair was completed for $2,000. MOTION: (Maki, Zepczyk) to receive and place reports on file. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 7. Recreational Use Request. Bait Rigs Tackle. A request was received to use the Twin Bear Campground as a staging area for the first Bait Rigs Tackle Youth Ice Fishing Tournament scheduled for January 5, 2019. This is a new event and they have received approval from the WI DNR. They will provide liability insurance. MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) to approve recreational request to Bait Rigs Tackle. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 8. Recreational Use Request. North End Ski Club. The North End Ski Club is requesting to hold the North End Snowshoe Classic racing event on existing trails in the Town of Cable on January 5, 2019. MOTION: (Zepczyk, Fickbohm) to approve recreation request to North End Ski Club. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 9. Recreational Use Request. American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation. The ABSF has requested access to existing trails located on county forest land in the Town of Cable for the Ladies Fat Bike Getaway to be held on December 15, 2018. J. Bodine recommends approval. MOTION: (Maki, Silbert) to approve the request. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 10. Access Permit Request. Jason and Tammy Rhode. The previous owners held a similar permit to access property located in the Town of Barnes, adjacent to Bayfield County Forestry and Parks Committee Page 5 of 5 November 19, 2018 Eight Mile Lake. There are no changes to the previously held permit. J. Bodine is recommending a 10-year temporary access permit be granted. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Maki) to approve the access permit. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 11. Sustainable Forestry Grant. With the onset of oak wilt, impending arrival of emerald ash borer and increase in significant storm events, there is a growing need to increase CFL monitoring efforts. The Department has four FAA licensed drone operators. The intent of this grant application would be to purchase two additional drones and more batteries; increasing the drone fleet to three. Battery life limitations, equipment back up and an increased field need are the reasons for applying for this grant. MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) to approve application for the Sustainable Forestry Grant to purchase drones as outlined. No discussion. All: Yes. Carried. 12. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Representative. The three pending hires reported at last month’s meeting have been hired. The meeting adjourned at 8:04 P.M. The December meeting is cancelled. The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, January 14, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. at Bayfield County Courthouse, County Board Room, Second Floor, 117 E. 5th Street, Washburn, Wisconsin. Submitted by, Pat Bruno