HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 2/18/2019
February 18, 2019
County Board Room
Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert, Vice-Chairperson; Harold Maki, Larry Fickbohm
and David Zepczyk
Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Steve Probst, Asst. Administrator; Lindley Mattson, Office
Manager; Mike Amman, Forester
Others: Tom Piikkila, WI DNR Liaison;
1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting.
The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by Chairman F. Strand at 6:00 P.M.
2. Public Comment.
Chairperson Strand called for public comment. After repeating the call no one came forward. Closed
public comment.
3. Approval of the January 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: (Zepczyk, Maki) to approve the minutes as presented. All: Yes. Carried.
4. Timber Sale Process Review. Discussion regarding the general practices and procedures applied
by the Department when establishing a new timber sale.
Mike Amman, County Forester, presented a power point to provide a brief, general overview of the
timber sale establishment process. From goal development, stand selection and NHI review, to
prescription development and all associated field work, to the final write-up. A copy of the power point
was provided to each committee member.
5. Maple Tapping Permit. Discussion and possible action regarding the development of a permit
system to allow the tapping of trees for sap collection in designated areas on the county forest.
J. Bodine proposed starting a small non-industrial maple tapping program within the Bayfield County
Forest. The overarching goal of the program is to provide another recreational opportunity for the
public. The department would select and designate the areas that could be tapped, with a focus on stands
of lower quality so there would be little to no impact on timber value/sales. Three stands were presented
as being potential stands for the first year, locations off Echo Valley, Star Route and/or Friendly Valley
roads. This is being presented as a pilot program, 6-10 permits would be issued during the pilot year
(2019 if possible) Permit holders would be hand selected by the Department. With there being some
administrative expenses, it was proposed a fee of $25-$50 to offset costs.
Fickbohm had concerns that there may not be much interest if we don’t allow boiling on site as it may
be too much work to haul sap out of the woods. Silbert agreed it maybe a lot of work to haul sap out of
the woods but he is not in favor of boiling in the woods, referenced the Iron River Fish Hatchery’s
program which also forbids boiling on site. Continued discussion on the number of permits given and
applicants would be hand selected by staff. Was suggested to keep permit fee low as applicants may not
get much of a return on their harvest. Committee would like Administrator to continue to work on the
project and bring back a summary.
MOTION: (Maki, Silbert) To proceed with the pilot program for maple syrup plots within the Bayfield
County Forest, with no more than five permits for the pilot year. All: Yes. Carried.
6. Monthly Reports. Discussion of general activities, events, issues and accomplishments. Possible
action on report(s) only.
A. Forestry (all updates)
a. 2018 Budget
2018 was a very successful year. Timber sale revenues ended at $4,562,243.45,
exceeding the budget by a little over $1.3 million. Still waiting on some 2018
reimbursements so they may end up in the 2019 budget.
b. 2019 Budget
Starting 2019 well, timber sales for January were well above normal, just over $388,000.
Expenses are as expected.
c. Sustainable Forestry Grant
We were approved for the grant; two drones were purchased, and remaining grant funds
will be used to purchase additional batteries.
d. DNR Pitman-Robertson County Forest Wildlife Grant
Our application was approved, and we were awarded the full $12,000, with a deadline to
use the funds by June 30, 2019. Our project focus is in the Barnes Barrens area, with an
emphasis on jack pine seeding.
e. Breeding Bird Survey Modeling Project
2008-2011 a total of 1,200 breeding bird point counts were conducted, across all forest
types. One goal of the survey was to create a useful and approachable model that could
be used by the Department to develop a better understanding of the potential impacts of
forest management on breeding birds. The Department approached the University of
Minnesota-Duluth, Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI) to discuss potential
options for summarizing the survey data. As part of the agreement, NRRI would clean
up the data set, summarize and analyze all the data, develop an app/model and provide
additional recommendations for future study. J. Bodine demonstrated how to use the app
for the committee as well as others in attendance.
f. Superior Days
Chairman Strand presented an overview of Superior Days. Superior Day discussion
included payment in lieu of taxes (PILT) to townships, was an agency issue brought to
Superior days again this year. Ongoing discussion with the Joint Finance Committee and
Legislation on how much should be budgeted and by whom. DNR is supportive of it, in
general, if the legislature would appropriate the money. One thing we learned is that the
thirty cents per acre that is currently being paid, is set by state law. But, in our budget we
can have a supplemental payment that can be approved in the biannual budget, we would
like to move forward but are unsure if the governor would leave it in. We have been
working on it for a couple years but feel there is more support than we have had in the
past. We will continue to work for it.
B. Parks (all updates)
Parks are still closed for the season. Reminder letters were sent to all seasonal campers, should
begin to see revenues coming in. Balances due March 22, 2019.
C. Trails and Recreation (all updates)
a. Motorized Trials
Latest snow storms have had a positive impact on trails. Snowmobile clubs are reporting
best conditions in years.
b. Non-Motorized Trails
Cross country ski trails are also benefitting from the snow. Groups are actively grooming
and reporting above average use.
c. Yurts
J. Bodine presented occupancy rates for the yurts in January; Evergreen 61% Terra Cotta
71% Cable 45%
d. Events
No recurring events for January. Mt Ashwabay is looking to do the Skijoring event the
first weekend in March. Expected to be approved as it was last year and event is expected
to be comparable.
e. Bayfield County Local Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan
LCORP is set to expire the end of this year. The Department will also collaborate with
the Tourism Department to make sure the document is complete. Once compiled, an
updated version will be presented to the Committee for approval. The plan will also need
to be approved by the Board before submitting to the DNR.
f. Recreational Trail Aid Program (concept)
J. Bodine proposes the development of a recreational trail aids program, structured like
the Town Road Aid Improvement Projects. Dedicate a certain percentage of stumpage
revenue for recreation-based projects. Proposing 1-2% with a cap. This program would
target non-motorized trail development; prioritize new trail development, trail
improvements, parking lot development and/or improvement, signage, possible
equipment purchases (if used primarily on the trails), etc. It would be available to
organizations that have a valid rec use agreement with the Department.
Committee discussed and liked the concept, would like Administrator to continue
developing the idea with a target of getting it on the 2020 budget.
g. Wi Costal Management Grant
i. Fire Hill Project
The application for the acquisition of this 107 acres of land was submitted to WI
Coastal on November 1. If awarded, the remaining funds would be contributed
by Landmark Conservancy either through a stewardship grant and/or additional
fundraising. If successful, the land would be deeded to Bayfield County and will
become another excellent addition to the parks program.
ii. Siskiwit Falls Project
The current grant was extended to September 30, 2019. We are still waiting to
hear back from the State Historical Preservation Office with regards to what, if
anything, needs to be addressed before we can start some of the improvements. In
regard to the new grant application to WI Coastal for additional upgrades and
improvement to the primary access trail along the east side of the Siskiwit River,
this project has been recommended for full funding. This project would include
boardwalks, gravel and minor adjustments of the trail to improve accessibility and
sustainability. The project was estimated at $60,000 and would require a 50%
match, if officially awarded the match would be accomplished through a
combination of capital project funds and/or an RTA grant from the DNR.
h. FEMA Grant/Projects
i. Motorized Trails
Nothing has officially been awarded. Minor incidental requests for additional
information are still coming in from FEMA. Hope to hear something soon.
ii. Landfill
Same as motorized trails.
MOTION: (Maki, Silbert) Receive the monthly report and place on file. All: Yes. Carried.
7. Town Road Aid Program Review. Discussion and possible action regarding the town road aid
J Bodine provided a table showing costs associated with the program, approximately $80,000/year, to
date nearly $500,000 has been spent since 2010. This aid program has been well received by the towns
and has significantly improved many town roads that provide primary access to county forest lands.
H. Maki explained the benefits of the program in regard to timber sales and encouraged the increase of
funds by 1%.
Discussion by committee, all in agreement that the program is making a difference in the town roads
accessibility. Putting forward another 1% will help with timber sales, making the roads more accessible
for contractors. Also discussion to remove the cap on the program funds, which is currently
MOTION: (Maki, Zepczyk) To increase the Town Road Aid Program to 3% for the 2020 budget, with
no cap. All: Yes. Carried.
8. Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Grant for County Forest Land Acquisition. Discussion and possible
action regarding the recent approval of a Bayfield County Stewardship grant application to
purchase 510 acres of land.
This was approved by JFC on February 7. The hitch being the Bibon Swamp needs to be included as
part of the match properties, but will not be awarded any match value. So, to purchase the 510 acres of
land, we need to include the three previously identified match properties, as well as the 3,040 acre Bibon
Swamp, but will get no compensation for the Bibon as part of the grant. Since the agreement has
changed significantly, it will need to be re-addressed by the County Board. As it stands, the project
would be valued at about $638,000. The grant award would be roughly $485,000 and the rest would
come from the county in the form of cash. This cash match would come from the two previous land
sales to Red Cliff. So, this project would still result in no new out of pocket expense to the county.
J. Bodine presented a resolution to the committee that would accept the grant, as awarded, and amend
the 2019 budget. There is approximately $175,000 in timber sales that could be extracted immediately
from the properties and up to $250,000 in the next 10 years. The properties have both positive timber
value in addition to public use value if enrolled in Bayfield County Forest Land.
MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) Approve and recommend to the full county board, the adoption of the
resolution pertaining to the Stewardship Grant.
9. Trespass on County Forest Land. Discussion and possible action regarding a trespass on county
forest land located near Long Lake in the Town of Iron River.
A potential unauthorized use of county forest land was recently brought to our attention. The area in
question is located south of West Long Lake Road in the Town of Iron River. The trespass includes, but
is not limited to, encroachments of the house, deck, garage, and driveway, and also includes clearing,
maintenance and manipulation of the grounds. In addition, a portion of county land located north of
West Long Lake road has been cleared for equipment/vehicle storage. The department has attempted
contact with the landowner but has not heard back yet.
10. 2018 Forestry and Parks Department Budget Amendment(s). Discussion and possible action
regarding the amendments.
J. Bodine presented a resolution to ament the 2018 budget. Roughly $285,000 needs to be amended to
the budget primarily to account for overages pertaining to the payment to towns and storm damage
projects. In total, expenses would increase by $302,747.97. Revenues would also increase by the same
amount, thus resulting in a zero net change to the budget.
MOTION: (Silbert, Maki) Approve resolution on the budget amendment for the Forestry and Parks
Department and pass the recommendation to the full county board. Discussion: None. All: Yes.
11. Tom Piikkila, DNR Representative, Comments.
Tom, DNR Forester at Washburn Ranger station. He has been busy setting up timber sales on County
Forest property, a few sales in Barnes area and one in the Echo Valley area.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 P.M
The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, March 11, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. at
Bayfield County Courthouse, County Board Room, Second Floor, 117 E. 5th Street, Washburn, Wisconsin.
Submitted by,
Lindley Mattson