HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 6/10/2019 BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING June 10, 2019 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert, Vice-Chairperson; Larry Fickbohm and David Zepczyk Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Lindley Mattson, Office Manager; Steve Probst, Others: Joseph LeBouton, WI DNR Liaison; Art Hyde, ABC Sportsman; Doug Cannon, ABC Sportsman 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. The meeting of the Forestry and Parks Committee was called to order by Chairman F. Strand at 6:08 P.M. 2. Public Comment. Chairperson Strand called for public comment. After repeating the call no one came forward. Closed public comment. 3. Approval of the May 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Zepczyk) to approve the minutes as presented. All: Yes. Carried. 4. Shooting and Trap Range Update Doug Cannon presented updates on the shooting range. Work began this winter to develop a trap shooting range. Doug Belanger cleared 130 yards of wooded area where the range will be expanded. Some final grading needs to get done and then the perimeter fencing can go in. Fencing will hopefully start the beginning of July. If all goes well, trap range will be up and running this fall. Spring clean-up took place on April 27th this year. There was a total of 37 volunteers. The clean-up went well, in general people are taking better care of the range which means less clean up. Updates were made to the backstop to make it easier to sift out the lead. Doug summarized the soils tests that were conducted. Went over the process of treating the soil, hand spreading lime and/or fertilizer to get the soil within the recommended levels. Committee had questions and answers on types of ammunition being used, number of users, noise complaints and certification of range. 5. Monthly Reports. Discussion of general activities, events, issues and accomplishments. Possible action on report(s) only. A. Forestry (all updates) a. 2019 Budget Timber sale revenues were solid in May at just under $350,000. To date, total of $1.61 million in stumpage revenues this year. Expenses are on target. Country Trucking and Logging recently breached his last remaining contract with us, valued at $56,000. That sale will be reoffered this fall. b. Comprehensive Land Use Plan The WCFA is currently collaborating with the DNR on the development of a template for the next 15 year comp plan. One goal of the committee is to streamline information presented in the document and greatly reduce redundancy. They are also in the process of generating a standard/recommendations for how to address/include public comment. Hoping to have a template this fall, then start the process of developing the new plan. Expect to start discussing the new comp plan at meetings beginning this fall, we work our way through the various chapters. This document will provide the foundation and set direction for how the county forest is managed over the next 15 years. c. Certification Audit Our upcoming dual forest certification audit will be a full re-certification for both FSC and SFI. We were given a list of 30 sales, we eliminated sales that would be too difficult to get to during summer months. Of those, 17 sales were selected. They will also request a list of active sales the week before the visit, which is tentatively set for August 8. There will be three groups of auditors visiting the selected sales. d. Emerald Ash Borer We are in the process of installing the large purple traps to monitor for EAB. There will be 3-4 in the Barnes area where most of our Ash is located, a few in Iron River and the rest heading north through the Bayfield peninsula. We will monitor the traps this summer. We hope to not find anything but would not be surprised if we do. B. Parks (all updates) Additional item not on agenda: “Rainbow Gathering” is happening outside of the Ashwabay trail system. Spring gathering is now on county property but they will be moving to federal land later this week (Delta/Iron River area) Currently 40-50 people camping on county land, but expected 4,000-10,000 to gather on National Forest the week of July 1-7. Forest Service is aware of this “Rainbow Gathering” and will continue to monitor their whereabouts. J. Bodine walked through camp on 6/10/19 and didn’t see any issues at this point. Committee questions on whether a permit is needed for this type of gathering, administrator looking into revising rules/regulations of dispersed camping to clarify this for future use. We recently installed the new sign at Big Rock (photo) a similar one will be going up at Atkins Lake as soon as time allows. With the rising water levels and shore erosion steps were installed on the Twin Bear fishing pier. Swimming buoys were extended from the current beach to the pier to designate a lane to the steps. (photo) Boat launch use over the past three weeks has been above average. C. Trails and Recreation (all updates) a. Motorized Trials ATV trails opened a few weeks ago. We made a small repair to the trail outside Washburn to remove stumps that made their way through the old railroad grade. Local clubs are still in the process of putting the finishing touches on the trails, but all are reporting good riding conditions. b. Non-Motorized Trails i. Siskiwit Falls J. Bodine displayed a map explaining symbols and updates. The primary parking area will be moved a little to the south to better utilize the existing access road. We hope to begin work to finish up the secondary parking area, improving the primary access road and replacing a culvert near the end of the primary access road. We may work with Highway to complete all previously approved repairs/improvements. We will begin purchasing and placing signs and kiosk materials. Landmark Conservancy is assisting with the development of the primary informational sign to include Swenson Family/property history. The other WI Coastal grant has not been officially awarded. This grant would total $30,000 and should be awarded in early July. All other work, including improvements to the existing hiking trail are contingent upon available funds, hopefully from the WI Coastal grant, Stewardship grant and/or county matching funds. ii. Fire Hill The Stewardship grant is now in front of JFC. The passive review period is two weeks and will last until June 17. If no objections are raised by that time, the project should receive funding. If funded, Landmark will continue working with the landowner to close on the property. If it isn’t funded, Landmark will work on raising the remaining funds, which would take a little longer to accomplish. If successful, the property may be transferred to the county this fall. c. Yurts Yurts continue to be popular, picking up for the summer months. Evergreen occupancy rates were 52% for May, 80% for June and 97% for July. Terra Cotta was 42% for May, 87% for June and 87% for July. Cable was 32% for May, 57% in June and 19% in July. Some discussion on yurt maintenance as well as service animals permitted at the yurts. d. Events No previously approved events were addressed during the past month. e. FEMA Grant/Projects i. Motorized Trails All FEMA projects have now been obligated. Both trail projects have been completed and are in the process of being reimbursed. Once the federal and state share of each project have been received, we’ll send a request to the DNR for our portion (for work on the trails…will not include what was done in the parks). Total combined costs of the trail work was around $110,000. Also, administration costs are associated with all approved projects. As a result, FEMA has awarded a fourth project to address administration. The current process is to reimburse admin costs at a blanket rate of 5%. ii. Delta Landfill The landfill project was also obligated this past month. The total estimated costs associated with repairing the landfill to pre-existing conditions is around $350,000. We recently received confirmation from DNR Waste Management that working with DATCP engineers on the development of a plan is acceptable. We will soon begin work with Ben and Travis on the initial topographical survey. One option to repair this site is to move the drainage channel away from the landfill. Since FEMA only approves returning something back to pre-damaged conditions, any deviation would require mitigation and additional funding. If so, it may add more time to the process and potentially push repairs into late fall or early 2020. If early 2020, we would need to extend the FEMA grant and get approval from the DNR. Attached is a FEMA worksheet of all projects that were approved as a result of the June 2018 storm. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Zepczyk) Receive the monthly report and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 6. Trespass on County Forest Land J. Bodine presented a signed purchase agreement with Nathan Merritt. The goal was to only sell as much land as necessary to address the trespass and comply with zoning laws. Total amount of land was estimated to be .10 acres (map shown) The agreement outlines the terms of sale, including items that need to be addressed on the encroached upon land not part of the transaction. As always, all proceeds received from the sale will be credited to our non-lapsing land acquisition account for use on a future purchase. This sale will also need to be approved by the County Board. 7. Resolution: County Forest Law Withdrawal Before the sale of land to Nathan Merritt can be finalized, the land in question first needs to be withdrawn from County Forest Law (successful withdrawal is a contingency of sale). The attached resolution addresses the withdrawal of 0.10 acres from County Forest Law. This will also need to be approved by the County Board. MOTION: (Fickbohm, Silbert) Recommend to the full County Board for approval. All: Yes. Carried. Joseph LeBouton, DNR Liason – Tom Pikkala and Colin Nowaczyk both retired, positions are open. Will be hiring soon. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 P.M The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting will be held Monday, August 12, 2019 at 6:00 P.M. at Bayfield County Courthouse, County Board Room, Second Floor, 117 E. 5th Street, Washburn, Wisconsin. Submitted by, Lindley Mattson