HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 4/12/2021 BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY AND PARKS DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING April 12, 2021 County Board Room Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert, Steve Sandstrom, David Zepczyk Members Not Present: Larry Fickbohm Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Lindley Mattson, Office Manager; Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator, Charly Ray; County Board Member Others in Attendance: Tessa Levens 1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting. This meeting was called to order at 6:03pm. 2. Public Comment: Tessa Levens, Town of Russell resident, spoke about two concerns she has. One: she would like to have Bayfield County Forestry start considering some alternative logging methods. In addition, would like Bayfield County Forestry to increase setbacks of logging operations from waterways and trails. Two: A recent logging in her neighborhood greatly effected the Raspberry River Back Country Hiking Trail. She hopes that the trail will be reestablished. Chairman Strand asks Jason Bodine or another member of the Forestry and Parks staff to meet with Tessa to go over the county’s Timber Management practices. Vice-chair Silbert would like her concerns placed on the agenda to be discussed next month. 3. Approval of the March 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes. MOTION: (Silbert, Sandstrom) to approve the minutes as presented. All: Yes. Carried. 4. Monthly Reports. Discussion of general activities, events, issues and accomplishments. Possible action on report(s) only. a. Forestry (all updates): a) 2021 Budget. Revenues are exceeding expectations. Revenues were at an all-time high for March. Also, first quarter revenues were an all time high. Expenses are on track. b) Carbon Project. Signed a formal agreement. We are now officially in a ten year agreement with Bluesource. Next week is a meeting to establish the next steps in the process. There is discussion on using CFI plots for the Carbon inventory. That should save a lot of time and expense. Should start to see revenues in late 2022. c) Wildlife Monitoring Project. Capturing birds and banding will happen this month. In total we hope to band 10-12 birds and track their movements. The breeding bird survey is expected to kick off end of April, early May. d) Stewardship Land Acquisition Project. Moving forward with the large Ceres Timber acquisitor in the Town of Bell. TPL has been notified we made it to second stage of Acres for America grant. We’ve also started the discussion on the properties near Lost Creek Falls. e) Timber Professionals Cooperative Survey. Both Consolidated Cooperative and Park Falls Cooperative are now officially legal entities. This establishes a direct pathway to facilitate discussions with current mill owners. f) 2021-2035 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. This week, we received formal notification from the DNR that the plan was approved. There was a tremendous amount of work from the whole team on this document. g) Trespass in the Town of Bayview. Rain has delayed the on-site visit. Rescheduled for later in the week. b. Parks (update). Campgrounds are starting to open up. With the rain, it is still to wet to complete any site work. Target opening is May 8. We are planning to have all facilities (bathrooms, showers) open. Two seasonal sites remain open at Delta. c. Trails and Recreation: a) Motorized Trail Updates: Motorized trails are closed. ATV trails generally open mid May. Expecting that to be on target. b) Non-Motorized Trail Updates: A little work to finish up at Siskiwit Falls. We do have some grant money available for some work at Lost Creek Falls. c) Yurt Updates: Bodine presented occupancy rates. Dates are being booked as soon as they become available for fall. Some updates are coming to the yurts this summer and fall. d) Future Recreation Projects (Stimulus): Bodine put together a summary of potential projects. e) Events. North End Ski Club submitted requests for their event in May and dates for 2022 events. Three approved reoccurring events. d. Delta Landfill Update: More Q & A. New questions are from a different department, so hopefully this is a good sign. Some committee discussion some of the items on the monthly report. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Silbert) Receive and place on file. All: Yes. Carried. 5. Spring Timber Sale Offering Bodine presented a summary of the spring offering. Attached is a summary of the spring offering, including copies of all maps and harvest requirements. A total of 32 sales, covering 2,920 acres will be included in this offering. Of that total, 6 sales and 450 acres are re-offers. Of the re-offers, 2 sales and 129 acres are salvage related. Tract 10-21 was in the summary but has since been has been removed from this offering. We are in collaboration with Northland College on a small sale that would include 35-40 storm damaged trees for their Fish Creek Rehab project. They will be inserted in the stream bank to help stabilize the bank. This will only bring a small value to the county, but is a unique use for storm damaged trees. Bodine recommends continuing with the bid opening same as the last two sales. Bids are opened and summarized in office prior to the committee meeting. The results are brought to the meeting for approval. MOTION: (Silbert. Zepczyk) Approve 32 timber sales proposed and use the method described for opening bids. All: Yes. Carried. 6. 2021 Town Road Aid Projects Bodine brought two options for distributing these funds. Option 1: the funds are more evenly distributed. Option 2: Looks at the projects in depth, weighing importance of projects in townships. Some discussion on a different way to manage this program, instead of evenly distributing funds every year develop a new process to approve larger projects. MOTION: (Silbert, Sandstrom) Adopt option one for this year and have further discussion for future decisions. All: Yes. Carried. 7. 2020 Accomplishment Report Will be brought to the committee next month. 8. Update to Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan 2020-2024 Resolution was presented to the committee adding two revisions to the LCORP. Across the Pond Veterans Park and North Pikes Creek/Beaver Hollow Outdoor Education Area. Both entries were presented to the committee. MOTION: (Sandstrom, Zepczyk) Approve the resolution with the recommendation to the full county board. All: Yes. Carried. 9. Joseph LeBouton, DNR – The spring timber sale approval/review process was The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, May 10, 2020 at 6:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 7:23 PM Submitted by, Lindley Mattson