HomeMy WebLinkAboutForestry & Parks Committee - Minutes - 2/14/2022
February 14, 2022
County Board Room
Members Present: Fred Strand, Chairperson; Jeffrey Silbert, David Zepczyk, Larry Fickbohm
Members Attending Remotely: Steve Sandstrom
Staff in Attendance: Jason Bodine, Administrator; Lindley Mattson, Office Manager
Staff Attending Remotely: Steve Probst, Assistant Administrator
Others in Attendance: Joseph Lebouton, WI DNR; Eddie Shea, WDNR Wildlife Biologist
1. Call to Order of Forestry and Parks Committee Meeting.
This meeting was called to order at 6:00pm.
2. Public Comment: None
3. Approval of the January 10th Meeting Minutes.
MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) Approve and place on file, with one change. All:
Yes. Carried.
4. Resolution. Support of Lost Creek Headwaters Land Acquisition Project in Partnership with
Landmark Conservancy.
Bodine presented a resolution and map to the committee. Landmark Conservancy has agreed to help us
locate the funds through Stewardship and WI Coastal grants. In order to apply for these grants, both
require formal support from the Board through a resolution.
MOTION: (Sandstrom, Zepczyk) approve the resolution and forward to the full county board for
approval. All: Yes. Carried.
Fickbohm commented both parcels have Lost Creek running through them and are very valuable to the
5. Wildlife Opening Maintenance Request.
A summary and map was presented to the committee. Eddie Shea, a WDNR Wildlife Biologist, went
over the summary of wildlife openings done in 2021 as well as planned openings for 2022. 83 of the 96
scheduled openings for 2021 were completed totaling 59 acres. For 2022, the DNR is proposing 73
openings, for a total of 73 acres. 36 openings would be mowed and 37 will be hand treated.
MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) Support the wildlife opening maintenance request from the
DNR. All: Yes. Carried.
Comment on use of herbicide only when no other option is available. Some discussion on what types of
wildlife these openings support.
6. Monthly Reports. Discussion of general activities, events, issues and accomplishments. Possible
action on report(s) only.
a. Forestry (all updates): Stumpage revenue was slightly below average at around $230k. Roughly
$300k to date.
a) Carbon Project. Our project seems to be exceeding initial expectations. Carbon audit is
scheduled for late spring.
b) Direct Timber Sale Increase. The Governor recently signed Wisconsin Act 128, which increased
the direct sale limit to $10k. The Act was presented for the committee.
c) Red Cliff Land Sale (348 acres) This project is moving along slowly. Currently awaiting
approval from corp counsel.
d) CFL Withdrawal – Red Cliff Land Sale (706 acres) Withdrawal was submitted. Looking at
completion of this project in the next 1-2 months.
e) Burns/Duquette Trespass CFL Withdrawal. Corp counsel is still in the process of finalizing this
f) Stewardship Project. The application for a Stewardship grant was submitted to the DNR earlier
this month. The application for a Community Forest grant was submitted last month. These are
the primary funding sources we are pursuing to acquire the Ceres Timber parcels (roughly 2,001
g) New Rec Position. The new rec specialist position is on hold until we find a new office
manager. We continue to plan for future workloads.
h) Office Manager Position. The search for an office manager continues. Lindley will continue in
her role as office manager until we find a replacement.
i) DNR County Forest Program Audit. This is a routine audit. The audit cycle was three years but
has now been moved to a five year cycle. Our last audit was completed in 2017. This year’s audit
is scheduled for mid-April.
j) DNR County Forest Time Standards Revision. The purpose of the time standards calculation is
to determine the total number of hours that the DNR will allocate to each county forest program.
Currently, a total of 46,000 hours/year is allocated by the DNR across the entire county forest
program (all 30 of them). Time standards are revised every five years.
b. Campgrounds and Day Use Parks: Nothing new to report.
c. Trails and Recreation:
a) Motorized Trail Updates: Snowmobile season has been very active. Clube continue to keep the
trails groomed and in good riding condition.
b) Non-Motorized Trail Updates: We will soon be working on an RPF for the initial maintenance
of the orchard on the Siskiwit property.
i. Siskiwit River Preserve Conservation Easement. A conservation easement was a
contingency of ownership when the land was transferred from Landmark Conservancy to
Bayfield County. Bodine presented a draft of the easement for the committee.
c) Yurt Updates: Bodine presented the occupancy rates for each yurt.
d) Events: All events will be brought to the committee for approval.
i. Mt. Ashwabay Summit Ski Race. This event was held 2/5/22, the request came after the
January meeting.
d. Delta Landfill Update: the highway department is moving forward with some staging for the project
MOTION: (Fickbohm, Zepczyk) Receive and place reports on file. All: Yes. Carried.
7. Recreation Request: Iron River Area Chamber of Commerce.
The chamber is requesting permission to host the annual Northern Pines Sled Dog Race. At a previous
meeting the Committee approved the improved trail development plan and long-term rec use agreement.
This is the official request for the race. Bodine recommends approval.
MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) approve recreational use request for the Northern Pines Sled
Dog race. All: Yes. Carried.
8. Draft Management Plan for the Mt. Ashwabay SMA.
Bodine presented an updated draft that was originally shared with the committee in November. Updates
include; more information on county lands located within the SMA, historic and future timber
management as well as four detailed maps. Bodine went over maps in detail with committee.
Bodine and other forestry staff members will meet with members of Ashwabay, CAMBA and BATS on
Wednesday to go over the plan.
This plan is meant to provide additional context and clarity in regard to how county forest lands will be
managed over the next 15 years (2021-2035) and how recreation will be addressed as part of the planned
timber management activities.
MOTION: (Silbert, Fickbohm) Approve the draft management plan for the Mt Ashwabay SMA
recognizing that there may be changes or subsequent drafts. All: Yes. Carried.
9. Committee Members Discussion. Silbert thanks Lindley for her service as office manager the last
three years.
10. Joseph Lebouton – No comments.
The next Forestry and Parks Committee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, March 14 at 6:00 P.M.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM
Submitted by,
Lindley Mattson