HomeMy WebLinkAboutHealth Board - Minutes - 4/5/2016BAYFIELD COUNTY
Tuesday, April 5, 2016 – 4:00 PM
Bayfield County Annex Building - EOC
Present: John Bennett, Dee Kittleson, Wayne Williams, Fred Strand, Ellen Braddock, Deb Dryer
Absent: Elaine Kopp, Kathy Wendling
Staff: Anne-Marie Coy, Cathy Moore
Others: Mark Abeles-Allison, Bayfield County Administrator
1. Call the Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Chairman Strand.
2. Approval of February 9, 2016 Meeting Minutes: A motion to approve the minutes of the
February9, 2016 meeting minutes as presented was made by Kittleson; motion seconded by
Braddock. Motion carried.
3. Public Comment: No one from the public was present.
4. Adoption of Agenda: A motion to adopt the agenda as presented was made by Williams; motion
seconded by Bennett. Motion carried.
5. Staffing Updates: Sara Wartman has accepted the position as Health Officer / Director for the
Health Department. She is currently a part-time employee here. Her start date is April 18th.
Brandon Rohrig has accepted the position of Registered Dietician / Director for the WIC
program. Brandon is currently finishing the Registered Dietitian program. He will be starting
June 6th. We currently have a posting for a part-time nurse to help while Caloney is filling in as
the WIC dietitian and then will fill Sara’s vacant position. This person will work approximately
16 hours per week. We will also be posting for one or two interns to work under the Coastal
Management Grant and the Beach Monitoring Program.
6. Review of 2016 First Quarter Budget: We are right about where we were this time last year for
revenues. Our expenses are down because we don’t have a department director or a WIC
registered dietitian. We will be getting more funding from the DNR for the well testing program.
In the past we have only had to take the water sample. Now we will be required to take a sample
and do a site assessment. We will be paid an extra $50 for every one we do.
7. Coastal Management and Beach Monitoring Grant Update: We were approved for $26,300
for the Coastal Management Grant. Much of that would be used for the cost of an intern. We are
hoping to get an intern from the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA). If we get
an intern through NEHA they will pay his wages and that will leave us more funding for the
groundwater mapping project. We will still be sending water samples to UW-Stevens Point and
run the bacteria test here. We are going to set up a booth at the fair for anyone who was missed
and wants their water tested. We got the Beach Monitoring grant again this year. They want us
to add Meyers Beach to our schedule. We are getting an extra $2,000 to add this beach. We will
get this for two years.
8. Budget Developments Due to the Zika Virus: The State is considering taking our PHEP Ebola
2 dollars to give to the southern counties in the state that have the type of mosquitos that carry the
Zika Virus. The people at the state don’t think we will have another Ebola outbreak so they are
taking any remaining funds in that grant for Zika Virus activities. We do not have the type of
mosquitos that carry Zika Virus. The State of WI is trying to get their lab ready to test for Zika
Virus. Right now there is only one lab in the US that can do the testing and it takes six to eight
weeks to get a result. That is a very long time for pregnant women to wait for a result. To date,
there have not been any positive results in Wisconsin.
9. Groundwater Mapping Project Update: There are several different proposals. To implement
them all would be $101,000. If we don’t want all the options available we could pick out which
ones we want and Madeline Gotkowitz, Hydrologist, could give us prices. We can look for other
funding sources to cover the cost of the report or we could use part of the Coastal Management
Grant. The Board reviewed the options. We can look at what other counties have to see if it is
something we want. We need to look at how much this will be used by other departments. The
susceptibility map may be the one we would want. This one could be a layer for land records
maps. This was proposed as a three year project. We need to know if there are certain reports
that need to be done before others can be done. Anne will explore if the maps have to be done in
a sequence. This will be addressed at another meeting.
10. Information on the Manure Spill Response Training: UW-Extension will do an on-site
training. We need to have a farm with a manure pit on site. The manure will be pumped into a
tanker and blown out at another site. The training requires the use of an excavator, manure truck
and other equipment. There will be some cost involved. The Board was asked who they felt
should be trained - first responders, police department? The Concentrated Animal Feeding
Operation (CAFO) operators should be trained as well as whoever would respond to a 911 call.
We may need to talk with Jason Fischbach, UW-Extension; to see who he thinks should be
trained. It was suggested that someone ask UW-Extension who took the training the last time the
training was held. We could do this in conjunction with Ashland County. We need more than
just a training we need a response plan. The County could require the CAFO operators to have a
spill plan.
11. Adult Immunization Grant Objective: This is a mini-grant to help increase the immunization
rates for adults for several different vaccinations. We are targeting the influenza vaccine. We
chose this because our percentage of adults getting flu vaccines is very low. We will work with
Human Services to identify those who have difficulty getting to a provider. We will give flu
shots at the senior meal sites. We can get names of home bound that want the vaccination. We
can ride with the Meals on Wheels driver to give the shots. We cannot buy vaccine with the
funds. We will try to combine the school flu shots with the senior meal sites. Dryer would like
us to give the pneumonia vaccine.
12. Next Meeting Date: The next meeting is scheduled for June 14, 2016 at 4:00 pm in the EOC.
This will be an organizational meeting.
13. Other Issues: None.
14. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 4:53 pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Cathy Moore
Office Manager