HomeMy WebLinkAboutChildren’s Community Options Program Advisory Committee - Agenda - 3/12/2013 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Iron River Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 at 10:00 am Committee Members Present: Shelli Listing, Lona Schmidt, Mary Lou Jahr, Ann Glavan, and Barb Gadbois. Committee Members Absent: Renea Woerle. Staff Present: Becky Stanhope. Others Present: Dan Gadbois. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ann Glavan. Adoption of 11/13/2012 minutes: The draft FSPAC meeting minutes were presented. One correction was noted. Lona made a motion to adopt the minutes with the correction, Shelli seconded, motion carried. Review/Approval of the 2013 FSP Data: The 2013 Family Support Program Data was presented. Ann made a motion to approve the 2013 FSP Data, Mary Lou seconded, motion carried. Becky will provide updates at the next quarterly meeting. Review/Approval of the 2013 FSP Plan: The 2013 Family Support Program Plan was presented. Barb made a motion to approve the 2013 FSP Plan, Mary Lou seconded, motion carried. 2013 Allocations: 2013 FSP allocations were discussed. Becky referenced the number of families currently being served and informed committee members that if there is leftover funding at the end of year, families on the waiting list may be served. The determination will be made in November 2013. FSP Manual: The FSP manual was discussed. Becky informed committee that music therapy is being reviewed by the State. Children currently receiving the therapy can continue to receive it but new requests will not be approved until the review is complete. Becky will keep committee updated about progress of this and any other changes. Other: Barb informed the committee that she recently provided a presentation about special needs and the funding, or lack thereof, for children/families to the Red Cliff Tribal Council. Barb referenced upcoming conferences: Circles of Life, Autism Conference, and Family Fun Event. Committee members directed Becky to inform the committee and family members of future conferences. There was discussion about the lack of resources and conferences held in the rural, northern part of the state. It was suggested that a venue in Superior would be well-received. Barb felt K:agenda&minutes/FSP/mintes/2013/2013-3-12_FSPAC_minutes 2 that a conference could be held in this region if local representatives worked with the individuals who organize and plan the conferences. There was a question about how the Family Support Program is funded. Becky will find out and update at the next meeting. Future Meetings: 2013 meetings are scheduled for May 14, August 13, and November 12. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 10:35am. Minutes submitted by, Becky Stanhope