HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 5/9/2012Bayfield County Fair Minutes 5-9-12 Page 1 of 3 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday, May 9, 2012 – 5:30 p.m. County Board Room, Courthouse – 117 E. 5th Street - Washburn, Wisconsin Minutes 1. Call To Order The Chair, Dee Kittleson called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Members present: Marco Bichanich, James Crandall, Dee Kittleson, Harold Maki and Shawn Miller. Others present: Mary Motiff, Director, Theresa Kummerow, Secretary, Bob Janigo and Verne Gilles 2. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair The floor was opened for nominations for Fair Committee Chair. Miller nominated Kittleson as Chair. Kittleson asked 3 times if there were any other nominations. MOTION (Miller, Crandall) to close the nominations and cast a unanimous vote for Kittleson as Chair. Motion Carried. Chair Kittleson then asked for nominations for Vice-Chair. Miller nominated Bichanich as Vice-Chair of the Fair Committee. Chair Kittleson asked 3 times if there were any other nominations. MOTION (Crandall, Miller) to close the nominations and cast a unanimous vote for Bichanich as Vice- Chair. Motion Carried. 3. Approval of Minutes from March 14, 2012 Meeting MOTION (Miller, Bichanich) To approve the March 14, 2012 minutes as read. Motion Carried 4. Administrative Update a. Welcome Motiff welcomed the returning and new members to the Fair Committee. b. Spring District Meeting Motiff and Kittleson attended the meeting in Barron. The future of the Head of the Lakes Fair (Superior) may be in some doubt as Kestrel will be taking over the Fair Grounds. Discussion. c. Convention Discussion on the Annual Wisconsin Association of Fairs Convention held in January in Wisconsin Dells. Crandall, Kittleson, Miller and Motiff are interested in attending. d. Winter Storage Winter storage items have been picked up; some deposits for next season have been collected. 5. Update on Schedule for Non-Fair Use of Fairgrounds a. Schedule – Kummerow will get a schedule of the Fair Grounds events to all of the Committee Members. b. Horse Shows Horse shows have been scheduled for the summer. c. DNR Trapper Education Class Discussion on charges for use of the grounds for educational purposes. The consensus of the Committee is to charge the DNR Fifty Dollars ($50) for the use of the Fair Office building at the Fair Grounds to hold the DNR Trapper Education classes. 6. Buildings & Grounds a. Update on 2012 Repair & Maintenance Projects A list with repair and maintenance projects proposed by Cal Davies, Head Groundskeeper, was looked at by the Committee. i. Wooden Outhouses near the office building. Motiff noted that the removal and replacement of the wooden outhouses is not on this list, but is something that should be taken care of. Discussion on the rental of a port-a-potty versus purchasing one. This will be discussed further at a future meeting. ii. Dairy Barn fill This item is not on the list either. The area where the portable horse stalls are erected needs to be filled in. Discussion on fill material to use. Bayfield County Fair Minutes 5-9-12 Page 2 of 3 The consensus of the Committee is to use the same sand mixture for the fill in the Dairy Barn as has been used in the past for the horse barns. iii. Draft Horse Barn Fill is needed for the stalls in the Draft Horse Barn. Discussion on the use of Jail help. The funds for transportation and supervisory personnel are no longer in the Sheriff’s budget, so jail assistance may not be available. Crandall and Maki will look into this further. iv. Dressage Rings The dressage rings need to be filled (sand/topsoil mix) and graded. v. Raking Davies has acquired jail help to assist with the raking of the grounds around the fencing and under the trees. b. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Buildings & Grounds Projects Including Capital Improvements and Capital Equipment Pricing information on portable bleachers was given to the Committee Members. The need for additional bleachers on the grounds and possible alternatives to portable bleachers was discussed. MOTION (Crandall, Bichanich) to have Motiff purchase two units of 5 row 21' non-elevated, all aluminum bleachers with transport, seats 114, for Thirteen Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($13,200). Motion Carried. c. Garden Building The siding is being put up on the Verne Gilles Garden Building. 7. 2012 Fair Planning a. Entertainment i. Carnival Contract Motiff noted that although there is not a signed contract, she has been in contact with Spectrum via phone and email. She will have a signed contract by the next meeting. ii. Entertainment Budget A handout showing the most current estimates for entertainment schedule & expenses was handed out. Motiff noted that the entertainment budget is slightly over budget. This is partially due to the fact that a Friday night grandstand show had not been figured into the budget and the sound and lights for Free Fallin’ are an additional expense. Discussion. iii. Free Fallin’ The sound and light for The Tom Petty Tribute band was not included in the original estimate. One quote for sound and light came in between $800 - $1200 another estimate has come in between $600 - $700. iv. Mud Runners Motiff has been in contact and met with the Mud Runners group. Their fee for a Friday night show will be Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500) for the first year, with an expected increase in following years. v. Cattle Penning Show Arrangements could not be worked out for a cattle penning show on Saturday afternoon. At this time there are no plans for a Saturday afternoon Grandstand show since there will be a lot of other activities going on during the day on Saturday. vi. Petting Zoo The petting zoo will be available for free to the Fair-goers. There will be a fee for fair-goers to feed the animals and have pictures taken with the animals. vii. Motorcycle Stunt Show The Motorcycle stunt show will be performing 3 shows each on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The logistics for placement will of the stunt show will need to be worked out. viii. Clown Ozseeker the Clown does face painting, balloon animals and clown antics. ix. Track - Highway Department and Personnel Motiff noted that the mud runners would like an area fifty feet wide with two fifteen foot wide raised (14 inches high) racing lanes with a ten foot lane in between and approximately two Bayfield County Fair Minutes 5-9-12 Page 3 of 3 hundred feet in length. This track will be built approximately one hundred feet from the grandstand fence. The Highway Department will have their loader and dozer at the Fair Grounds for the Fair. The Administrator has let Motiff know that the equipment can only be run by County Employees. In the past, these pieces of equipment have been used for the Dirt Dash on Sunday, with Bayfield County Highway Department personnel volunteering their time to run the equipment. Motiff will be in contact with the Highway Department to clarify if someone would be available on Friday night to run the equipment. A water truck will be needed to keep the racing lanes watered down. The Department should contact a local septic company to see if they would donate the use of a pumper truck for the event. x. Renaissance/Medieval Group Handouts showing various aspects of what the medieval group could provide were handed out. There would not be a charge for the group to be at the Fair. They would just need entertainment passes to get on the grounds. Logistics were discussed. The consensus of the Committee is to proceed with the projected schedule and budget and wait until after the Fair to see if a budget amendment will be needed. b. Premium List The premium list changes and updates are being worked on. The premium list should be printed the first week of June. c. Fair Royalty As of today, there have not been any applicants for the Fair Royalty. Last year, entries came in right before the deadline. A Fair Royalty poster was handed out to Committee Members. d. Staff Motiff has asked Helen Hyde to return and would like to ask Shawna Polkoski and Arlone Gurtner back to work during the Fair in the Fair Office. She has also been in discussion with the Highway Department regarding their summer intern working for the Fair during the week of the Fair (with his wages coming for that week out of the Fair budget – same as last year). The summer office intern will be hired at the end of June. Motiff will be trying to work through Gemini to find a cleaner for the women’s bathrooms. e. Sponsorships A handout was given to the Committee showing the 2011 Sponsorship details along with the Sponsorships that have come in so far for 2012. Motiff will follow up with potential sponsors. Kummerow will print and send the Committee members a list of businesses that were sent the sponsorship information. f. Tickets A handout was given to the Committee Members showing the number of free passes and recipients in 2011 and an estimated amount for 2012. Discussion. The consensus of the Committee is to increase the number and type of free passes given to Sponsors back to the 2011 level. g. Volunteers The volunteer form for assisting in the Exhibit Hall was shared with the Committee members. 8. Public Request Verne Gilles requested the use of the Fair Grounds picnic tables for use during the Chequamegon Bay Dairy Days on the Farm event on June 30th. The event is being held on a local Dairy farm near the Fair Grounds. The picnic tables will be picked up, loaded and returned without needing any assistance from the Fair Grounds personnel. . The consensus of the Committee is to donate the use of the picnic tables (approximately 30) from the Fair Grounds to the Chequamegon Bay Dairy Days on the Farm event. 9. Future Agenda Items Capital Improvements 10. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on Monday, June 18th at 5:30 pm at the Fair Grounds in Iron River. 11. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:22 pm. Minutes Submitted by: Theresa Kummerow, Bayfield County Fair Secretary