HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 6/18/2012Bayfield County Fair Minutes 6-18-12 Page 1 of 4 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, June 18, 2012 – 5:30 p.m. Bayfield County Fair Grounds – 7080 Main Street, Iron River, WI Minutes 1. Call To Order The Chair, Dee Kittleson called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm. Members present: Marco Bichanich, James Crandall, Dee Kittleson, and Shawn Miller. Harold Maki arrived at 5:44 pm. Others present: Mary Motiff, Director, Theresa Kummerow, Secretary, Cal Davies, Groundskeeper, Bob Janigo, Bucky Jardine, County Board, Bill Kacvinsky, Tyler Luger, CEZRA and Randy Harvey, Bayfield County 4-H Equine Council representative, 2. Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2012 Meeting MOTION (Bichanich, Crandall) To approve the May 9, 2012 minutes as read. Motion Carried. 3. Administrative and Legislative Update a. Office Staff - Kummerow is currently working 22.5 hrs. per week; Sue Trepanier is helping out where she can, mostly with the bookkeeping duties. b. Legislative Update – The Committee members were given a handout which highlighted some of the legislative changes. The changes were made with no notification from the state. Since Theresa isn’t on the WI Fair Association Premium List Committee any longer, we don’t have a voice in making recommendations or communicating possible effects of changes until after the decisions are made. 4. Budget a. Fiscal Year To Date – A worksheet showing the year-to-date budget figures was looked at. Also a handout showing a comparison of the last 5 years mileage line item was looked at. Discussion. The Committee would like to discuss at the September meeting the grounds rental fees. b. Capital Improvements – i. 2012 – 1. Bleachers - The bleachers have been ordered for this year. 2. Electrical Upgrade - The electrical upgrade for the Exhibit Hall has been ongoing with Anderson and Davies doing the work and the monies coming out of the maintenance budget line. There has been a new service box and switches added as well as the upgrade of the wiring. The lights will no longer have to be turned on and off with the breakers. ii. 2013 & 5 year Capital Improvements 1. Rabbit Poultry Barn – There have been concerns regarding the amount of dust in the building. Discussion on available flooring materials and costs. The consensus of the Committee is to use recycled blacktop at about two inches thick as the flooring and to accept the generous offers of Kacvinsky (in donating one truckload of recycled blacktop) and Miller (for the use of his skid steer). The remaining truckload of recycled blacktop will be purchased from Ashland Construction. The work will be done this year before the Fair. 2. Lawn Mower – The current riding lawn mower is 8 – 10 years old. The deck needs replacing. It would cost approximately $1,000 to replace the deck and $1,900 to replace the mower with a similar type mower. A heavier more commercial style riding lawn mower would run about $2,700 with trade in. Discussion. The consensus of the Committee is to leave the riding lawn mower in the 2013 Capital Improvement budget at $3,000. The Committee would like to see bids from Lulich and Northland Lawn, Sport and Equipment be considered. Trade in of the old riding mower should also be figured in. Bayfield County Fair Minutes 6-18-12 Page 2 of 4 3. Restrooms by the Green Horse Barn – Discussion The consensus of the Committee is to remove the restrooms from the 2013 Capital Improvement budget. 4. Draft Horse Barn Roof - Discussion. The consensus of the Committee is to leave the Draft Horse Barn Roof in the 2013 Capital Improvement budget but increase the cost to $15,000 due to the increase in steel prices. 5. Portable Bleachers – Discussion. The consensus of the Committee is move the portable bleachers to the 2013 Capital Improvement budget and also increase the cost to $5,000. 6. 2014 to 2017 Capital Improvement Budget numbers The consensus of the Committee is to leave the budget numbers as they are for 2014 to 2017. 5. 2012 Fair Planning a. Advertising – A worksheet showing the actual dollar amounts spent in 2010 & 2011 was handed out. Discussion. The current Committee reconfirmed the Committee’s previous decision that there will be no television advertising except for the weather crawl; this will help keep the advertising line item budget on track. b. Entertainment i. Entertainment Schedules - Motiff handed out a copy of the daily schedule of events color poster (from the middle pages of the premium list). Kummerow also handed out a daily schedule of the events with the estimated costs for each item listed . ii. Red Bird Drummers – The Red Bird Drummers will not be performing this year at the Fair as the Legendary Waters has not come on board to sponsor them. Since this entertainment will no longer be on the schedule, the entertainment budget is now on track iii. Carnival Contract – Miller questioned as to whether the 2012 contract with the carnival had been signed. Motiff reported that the 2012 contract has not been signed as of yet. She felt that since there has been email communication with Spectrum confirming the changes that one would not be needed. The 2011 carnival contract was looked at and portions were read aloud by Miller. The consensus of the Committee is that a new signed contract with the carnival is needed and that Motiff should have the signed carnival contract at the next meeting. iv. Mutton Bustin’ – The Committee wants to have the Mutton Bustin’ during the Bull Riding. Motiff has contacted the Fichbohms regarding the use of their sheep for the Mutton Bustin’ this year. c. Premium Lists – The premium list should be printed and ready for pickup on Wednesday. d. Fair Royalty – Discussion on changing the requirement that all Fair Royalty candidates must live in Bayfield County by adding the statement “or be an active member in a Bayfield County 4-H Club.” The deadline date to apply will be changed to June 25th. Motiff will send out a press release with the new information and date to apply. The consensus of the Committee is that the statement “or be an active member in a Bayfield County 4- H Club” be added to the requirements. Motiff will follow up with last year’s winner and this year’s contestants regarding participating in the Ashland 4th of July parade and the Iron River Blueberryfest parade. e. Fair Staffing i. Office Staff – Helen Hyde and Shawna Polkoski have agreed to return to assist in the Fair Office during the Fair. ii. Women’s Bathroom Cleaner – Motiff has contacted Gemini and they are searching for a woman to clean the restrooms. iii. Grounds Staff – The Highway Department has verbally agreed to allow one of their summer interns to work as Fair Grounds Staff for 4 days/40 hours, with his wages for those hours coming out of the Fair budget. Bayfield County Fair Minutes 6-18-12 Page 3 of 4 iv. Summer Assistant – Yvonne Lind will be returning as the Summer Assistant. Lind has previously worked as the Fair Summer Assistant. f. Sponsors – A handout showing the 2011 and 2012 Sponsors was handed out. The green indicates those that have confirmed and paid. The light blue indicates those that have confirmed with In Kind Donations. The yellow indicates those who have made a verbal commitment but no paperwork or check or In Kind Donation has been received as of yet. g. Vendors - i. Returning Vendors - Most of the food vendors have reserved their places. Two commercial vendors have also reserved their spots. ii. Bayfield County 4-H Equine Council – During the Fair, the Bayfield County 4-H Equine Council would like to have a food booth in the CEZRA food booth building near the arena. They would like to be a food vendor for free and do not want to pay the non-profit food vendor fee. Discussion. This item will be added to next month’s agenda for action. h. Volunteers i. Gate Staff – The letters to non-profit organizations, churches and schools will be mailed this week. ii. Exhibit Hall – Last year the Exhibit Hall & Garden Building did not have an adequate amount of volunteers to staff the security shifts as was needed. Security in these buildings mainly ensures that no one touches or steals the exhibits. The Bayfield County Sheriff Reserves were suggested in there are not enough volunteers to fill all of the shifts. 6. Buildings & Grounds a. Update on 2012 Repair & Maintenance Projects i. Signs – The Bayfield County Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, has provided No Concealed Weapon signs which will be affixed to all of the buildings on the Fair Grounds. ii. Garden Building Siding – The siding on the Verne Gilles Garden Building has been completed. iii. Painting – The bathroom doors in the Groomer Building are still waiting for their first coat of paint. The metal Office doors also need to be painted. iv. Replacing lights – A lift will need to be rented from CBS Rental so as to be able to reach the lights at the top of the light poles. v. Port-a-Potty - The cost to purchase a non-handicapped port-a-potty is approximately $700. There would be an additional fee to have it pumped out and restocked. The cost to rent a non- handicapped port-a-potty would be $90/month which includes one pump out per month. The rental of a handicapped port-a-potty would be about $125/month. Discussion. The consensus of the Committee is that if the handicapped port-a-potty should be purchased, if it is not much more than $700. vi. Septic system – Motiff noted that one of the vendors last year complained about the odor from the septic system. This has been a problem almost every year. Discussion. It was proposed that every year before the Fair, that the pumping system in the first tank be manually engaged to maneuver the sewage from there into the tanks further down the line. This year the septic system is required to be pumped out. vii. Picnic tables – The Tri-County Corridor Trail will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary on July 7th in Iron River with a celebration. The Commission would like to borrow some picnic tables. The consensus of the Committee is that the picnic tables may be borrowed for the event. They will be responsible for picking up and dropping off the picnic tables to the Fair Grounds. viii. Horse Arena Bleachers – Tyler Luger, CEZRA, would like to have the bleachers by the horse arena repaired and stained. If the Committee will provide the materials, CEZRA is willing to provide the labor. Discussion. This will be added to next month’s agenda and CEZRA will supply a list of materials needed. 7. Future Agenda Items a. 4H-Equine Council Food Booth Request b. Carnival Contract Bayfield County Fair Minutes 6-18-12 Page 4 of 4 c. Repair of Horse Arena bleachers 8. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25th at 5:30 pm in the County Board Room at the Courthouse in Washburn. 9. Site tour At 7:12 pm, the Committee left the Office Building to tour the Fair Grounds. Grandstand – Track layout was discussed. Dressage Rings - Discussed having the Highway Department come in and fill in the low spots in the rings with the composting manure pile on site. 10. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8 pm.