HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 8/6/2012K:\(T&R Committee)\2012\Meeting materials\08 06\08 06 12 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Monday, August 6, 2012, 3:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Bucky Jardine, Rusty Williams, Neil Schultz Members Absent: John Bennett Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier, Paul Susienka I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Rondeau. II. Motion Regarding March 12, 2012 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Jardine, Bennett) to accept minutes from the June 4, 2012 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: None. IV. Bid Opening – White River Bridge Repair: Of the 3 bids, 2 were over budget. The contract was awarded to Jay’s Tree Care by consensus of the committee. V. Discussion and Possible Action on 2013 Budget: The proposed budget was discussed with emphasis on revenue from the visitor guide and snowmobile & ATV maps. It was suggested to phase out the “800” phone number as most people have cell phones or unlimited long distance. Motion (Jardine, Williams) to approve the budget & send it on to the County Board. Motion Carried with one opposed. VI. Department Review – Neil Schultz: Along with snowmobile & ATV trails (grants, problems, etc.) and the County Fair, the Tourism office does marketing, press releases, etc. Joining all area Chambers of Commerce, trade shows and room tax were discussed. VII. Report from NoRTAC: The last meeting was canceled. Rondeau will ask what direction the group is heading. VIII. Report from Director: Railroad right-of-way opinion – Motion (Jardine, Schultz) to suspend the rules and include Paul Susienka in the discussion. Motion Carried. The Cable to Drummond connector trail was discussed in regard to the right-of-way. Susienka questioned the validity of the opinion. Rondeau directed Motiff to schedule the next meeting and include Linda Coleman, Bayfield County Corporation Counsel, on the agenda. A. Administrative & Legislative Updates: Nothing to report. B. Trails:  Additional DNR grant meeting is on August 13.  18 Mile Creek bridgework is completed. Will send for reimbursement - waiting for pictures.  The USFS & Scott Williams, BCSA President will be looking at trouble spots on August 8. During and after the ATV season, better maintenance is needed to get the dual use trails in shape for K:\(T&R Committee)\2012\Meeting materials\08 06\08 06 12 meeting min.docx snowmobile season before the ground freezes. Motiff is making headway trying to get an agreement to help with USFS ATV trails.  The land manager from Crow Wing County in Brainerd, MN is coming to meet Jason Bodine & Motiff and then take a tour of the trails in the Cable area. C. Marketing:  Scenic By-way paperwork has been submitted to the state and we’re waiting to hear if it’s accepted/approved. The plan states that Bayfield County will lead the marketing efforts. Motiff would like to suggest that the Bayfield Chamber of Commerce take the lead role with Bayfield County’s assistance.  Motiff met the new state Tourism Specialist for northwest Wisconsin.  Continuing to maintain the facebook page.  Working on Fair planning – very time consuming. IX. Suggestions for Agenda Items for Next Committee Meeting: Right-of-way legal opinion. X. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Sue Trepanier, Tourism & Recreation Program Assistant