HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 11/21/2012K:\(T&R Committee)\2012\Meeting materials\11 21\11 21 12 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Wednesday, November 21, 2012, 2:30 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Bucky Jardine, Rusty Williams, John Bennett, Neil Schultz, Brett Rondeau (2:35 p.m.) Members Absent: none Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier, Scott Williams, Jim Nemec, Tim Kane, Joe Groshek, Diane Brander I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:32 p.m. by Jardine. II. Motion Regarding September 26, 2012 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Schultz, Bennett) to approve the minutes from the September 26, 2012 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: Chairman Rondeau arrived at 2:35 p.m. and assumed control of the meeting. Scott Williams, Bayfield County Snowmobile Alliance: Thanked the Tourism Department for all their help with US Forest Service issues. Jim Nemec, Chequamegon ATV Club: Is concerned with trail #63 and would be willing to head up a committee to look into overturning the Johnson decision. He also suggested getting the legislators involved in the issue. Schultz publicly thanked Nemec for his work. Rondeau suggested that Nemec participate in public comment at a County Board meeting. Joe Groshek, silent sports advocate: Thanked the Tourism Department for supporting silent sports and for working with Ashland County on a road biking map. Diane Brander, Washburn Area Chamber: Thanked the Tourism Department for facilitating a Discover Wisconsin program on motorcycling and stressed the importance of the Department in promoting the entire area. IV. Budget Review: Motiff reported that the 2012 budget is on target and should balance. V. Discussion and Possible Action on an Amendment to the Local Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan: Grand View would like to amend the LCORP to include various projects in their area. Motion (Jardine, Bennett) to make an additional amendment to the current LCORP to include Grand View’s request. Motion Carried. VI. Update on Railroad Grade Title Work: The number of parcels slated for title research would cost $3,000 so the report was focused on the 2 parcels needed for the Cable to Drummond route. The Department is waiting on the official opinion from Corporation Counsel. VII. Review of Tourism Department’s Mission & Goals: Motion (Schultz, Bennett) to move item #8 up on the agenda. Motion Carried. VIII. Discussion and Possible Action on Moving Trails to the Forestry Department: Rondeau suggested that the Tourism Department should focus on tourism and that the Forestry Department would be a better fit for the trails. Promotion of the trails would still be the responsibility of the Tourism Department. Motion (Schultz, Jardine) to forward a recommendation to the Executive Committee to move the trails out of the Tourism Department. Discussion followed regarding the role of promotion of the trails. Motion (Schultz, Rondeau) to amend the original motion to read: to forward a recommendation to the Executive Committee to move oversight of the trails out of the Tourism Department but to keep the promotion of the trails within the Tourism Department. Motion Defeated 2-3. Original Motion Defeated 2-3. K:\(T&R Committee)\2012\Meeting materials\11 21\11 21 12 meeting min.docx VII. Review of Tourism Department’s Mission & Goals: Motion (Schultz, Rondeau) to table the discussion and set up a meeting with area Chambers of Commerce or interested parties by mid-December. Discussion of including all three areas (Tourism, Fair & Trails) followed. Motion (Schultz, Williams) to amend the original motion to read: to table the discussion and set up a meeting with area Chambers of Commerce or interested parties by mid- December and to include discussion on Trails and Fair. Motion Carried. Original Motion Carried as Amended. IX. Suggestions for Agenda Items for Next Committee Meeting: The next meeting concerning railroad right-of-way trails will be at noon on December 11 and the meeting on the Department Missions & Goals will be at 2:00 on January 24. X. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Sue Trepanier, Tourism & Recreation Program Assistant