HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 12/11/2012K:\(T&R Committee)\2012\Meeting materials\12 11\12 11 12 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Tuesday, December 11, 2012, 12:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Bucky Jardine, Rusty Williams, John Bennett, Neil Schultz Members Absent: none Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier, Linda Coleman, Mark Abeles-Allison, Tom Frels I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. by Rondeau. II. Motion Regarding November 21, 2012 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Jardine, Schultz) to approve the minutes from the November 21, 2012 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: none IV. Discussion on Letters Received at the Last Meeting: Motion (Jardine, Williams) to postpone the discussion until the next meeting. Discussion followed with Schultz asking what prompted the letters. Motiff indicated that the letters were in response to the November 21 Committee meeting agenda. Motiff will share the email she sent to area business associations and chambers with Schultz. Motion Carried. V. Discussion and Possible Action on Proposed Motorized Recreational Use of County-Owned Railroad Grade Between Cable and Drummond: Motion (Bennett, Schultz) to suspend the rules and let others be included in the discussion. Motion Carried. Frels proposed an ATV trail using the current snowmobile trail on the railroad grade from Perry Lake Road to the point that it crosses Hwy 63. The trail would stay on the snowmobile trail to Blue Moon Road and become a road route up to the Drummond town line. One property owner believes he doesn’t own one of the parcels in question. This will have to be researched. Motion (Rondeau, Jardine) to approve opening the railroad grade from County Highway M, north to the Drummond town line providing we have easements on the even sections and ownership on the odd sections. After discussion, the motion was amended to read: to approve opening the railroad grade from County Highway M, north to the Drummond town line providing we have either easements or ownership. Amended Motion Carried by Consensus. VI. Suggestions for Agenda Items for Next Committee Meeting: Motiff informed the committee that there will be a stakeholders meeting in the EOC at 2:00 pm on January 15th to gather input on issues facing the Department. Information gathered from that meeting will be used at the January 24th committee meeting. VII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Sue Trepanier, Tourism & Recreation Program Assistant