HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 3/5/2013Bayfield County Fair Minutes 3/5/13 Page 1 of 2 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING March 5, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. County Board Room, Courthouse – 117 E. 5th Street - Washburn, Wisconsin Minutes 1. Call To Order Dee Kittleson, Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Committee Members present: Marco Bichanich, Jim Crandall, Dee Kittleson and Harold Maki Committee Members absent: Shawn Miller. Others present: Mary Motiff, Director, and Theresa Kummerow, Secretary 2. Approval of Minutes from January 22, 2013 Meeting Motion (Crandall, Maki) To approve the January 22, 2013 minutes as read. Motion Carried. 3. Update on FEMA Grant The FEMA Grant application is on schedule. A letter of support has been received from Mary Motiff, Director, Jan Victorson, Emergency Management Director and from Hood Equipment. A copy of the plans and budget costs were included in the Committee’s packets. The County’s share of the cost will be approximately $37,500. If the Committee Members have any thoughts on the plans, they should let the Administrator know as soon as possible. 4. Rezoning of Fair Grounds from Ag 1 & Res 1 to Municipal The Bayfield County Zoning Department sent a letter explaining that currently the Fair Grounds is zoned Agriculture 1 and Residential 1 and the benefits of changing the zoning to Municipal (included in Committee Members’ packet). The Iron River Land Use Plan has the Fair Grounds zoned as Municipal and Forestry. Discussion. Motion (Crandall, Bichanich) To apply for rezoning the Bayfield County Fair Grounds from Ag1 and Residential 1 to Municipal. Motion Carried. 5. Proposal for Reorganization of Tourism Department in relationship to the Fair The reorganization plan was included in the Committee Members’ packets. Motiff noted that the Tourism and Forestry Committees had passed the reorganization plan. There would be changes to Fair personnel time as follows Kummerow’s time would be increased to 80% from 50% while Motiff’s time would be decreased to 20% from 30%. Discussion. Motion (Bichanich, Crandall) To accept the proposal for reorganization of the Tourism Department as it relates to the Bayfield County Fair. Motion Carried. 6. Donation of Tanker Truck from Iron River Fire Department The Iron River Fire Department has made a verbal offer to give the Bayfield County Fair Grounds one of their older 1,000 gallon tanker trucks. The IRFD waters the track as needed during the Fair and the Iron River Fire Department brings water out in a tanker to the Fair Grounds four or five times during the horse shows to water down the rings. They charge the horse shows directly for their services and water. If the Fair staff would take over these duties, then Fair staff time would be used to obtain water in the tanker and to water the rings. There would also be a small per fill charge to the Fair for water put into the tanker. The tanker has some leaking of the back brakes and pump issues that would need to be addressed. Discussion. Motion (Maki, Crandall) to Respectfully Decline the offer by the Iron River Fire Department for the Donation of a Tanker Truck. And to have Motiff negotiate charges for the track watering during the Fair. Motion Carried. Bayfield County Fair Minutes 3/5/13 Page 2 of 2 7. 2013 Fair Planning a. Contracts The following contracts are in the process of being worked on: The Lost Trailers, Motorcycle Stunt Show and Wayne the Wizard. The Vince Anthony Band has been penciled in for opening for Lost Trailers and the Bull Riding, although the fee has not been determined as of yet. Copies of communication between Motiff and the entertainment groups were enclosed in the Committee members’ packets. b. Stage Motiff has been in contact with a company regarding the stage, lights and sound rentals. Crandall also has a name of a sound and light company for Motiff. Discussion on the stage. John Hood needs to be asked if he can build a portable stage (20x24 with a frame for a roof and lights for this year, if it is not possible for this year, then to complete it for next year. Also need to discuss the possibility of a concrete pad in the track for the stage to set on. c. Entertainment Entertainment for the Beer Garden still needs to be procured. A summary of the entertainment and entertainment budget were included in the Committee’s packets d. Other Beer Garden – The electrical will go in this year, if the Beer Garden does not work in the new area, the electrical will still be able to be used for vendors. 8. Update on Grounds Position An interview was held on Monday, March 5th. Due to the small number of candidates, the job posting will be opened up again until March 17th. It will be posted in the Daily Press, the County website and the Fair’s Facebook pages. 9. Update on Emergency Plan The Bayfield County Health Department has given the Fair a plan to follow for Food Borne Illnesses. Jan Victorson, EM Director will be working on her notes regarding the Bayfield County Fair Emergency Plan. Motiff noted that the Chain of Command naming process needs to be worked on. 10. Future Agenda Items a. Update Emergency Plan b. Campsites- electric and water, pump station – These will go on the May agenda for meeting on the grounds. Crandall will look into possibly using the Land Records GPS camera to locate the current camp/electrical sites. 11. Next Meeting Date The next meeting will be held on Monday, April 15, 2013 at 5:30 pm in the County Board Room at the Courthouse, in Washburn, WI. 12. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. Minutes submitted by: Theresa Kummerow, Secretary Bayfield County Fair