HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 5/30/2013K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\05 30\05 30 13 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Thursday, May 30, 2013, 3:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Bucky Jardine, John Bennett, Neil Schultz Members Absent: Rusty Williams Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier, Dan Trzinski-Platypus, Thomas Michels-DWD, David Eades-Bayfield Chamber & Visitor Bureau I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Rondeau. II. Motion Regarding February 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Jardine, Bennett) to approve the minutes from the February 13, 2013 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: None. IV. Presentation on Economic Impact of Tourism in Bayfield County: The economic impact information provided by the WI Dept. of Tourism was reviewed. Visitor spending was up by 4.3% in Bayfield County in 2012. Michels pointed out that 6% of homes are seasonal in Wisconsin as opposed to 42% in Bayfield County. The question of whether or not second home owners are considered tourists was discussed. If seasonal homeowners are considered “visitors” as Michels suggests, then the visitor spending estimates provided by the state are very low compared to what the visitor spending actually is in Bayfield County. Michels also showed a graph depicting the “tourism intensity” (tourism employment as % of total) of jobs in Wisconsin (4%) vs. Bayfield County (19%). Motiff’s estimate of 1 in 5 jobs being supported by tourism is supported by these figures. V. Discussion and Possible Action on Tourism Department’s Mission & Goals: Now that the office reorganization was approved by the County Board, the new Mission Statement needs to be formally adopted. Motion (Jardine, Bennett) to adopt the mission statement “To promote Bayfield County as a visitor destination.” Motion Carried. VI. Discussion and Possible Action on Budget Amendment for Brand Identity Campaign: $10,101.82 was deposited into the general fund in 2008 from the dissolution of the Bayfield County Tourism Association. The department is requesting to access these funds for a branding identity project. Motion (Jardine, Schultz) to suspend the rules and allow others to participate in the discussion. Motion Carried. Trzinski, President of Platypus Advertising & Design, gave a presentation for a branding proposal for Bayfield County. David Eades, Executive Director of the Bayfield Chamber of Commerce & Visitor Bureau, expressed support for the proposal. Motiff mentioned that James Bolen, Executive Director of the Cable Area Chamber of Commerce, had voiced support on the phone for the proposal and that he could not be present due to a scheduling conflict with a radio interview in Eau Claire. Motion (Jardine, Bennett) to authorize Motiff to draft a resolution to request to the full board that the Tourism Department access the $10,101.82 to start the rebranding of Bayfield County. Discussion: Schultz will oppose this at the full County Board meeting. Motion Carried 3-1. VII. Director’s Report: Motiff is still spending quite a bit of time working on trail issues and the Fair during the transition. A. Proposed timeline for reorganization activities: June 18 Budget amendment to county board June 26 Begin Brand Identity work (could be moved up to June 19) June 27 Tourism committee meeting – Goals & Objectives led by Tim Kane K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\05 30\05 30 13 meeting min.docx July “Marketing Toolbox” presentations to chambers July 26 2014 Budget review/approval Early Aug Complete Brand Identity work Aug/Sept Solicit ads for VG & ATV map Sept 26 Tourism committee meeting – present results of Branding Identity project & recommendations for 2014 Marketing Plan Quarterly meetings after that starting Jan 2014 (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) w/annual report in May B. Recent events: a. Discover WI motorcycle episode – Bennett would like a copy of the Bayfield County portion to forward to others b. Governor’s Youth Fishing event at Lakewoods – 21 youth attended w/a parent, Governor talked about the new proposal to increase the walleye population, which the DNR representative stated was an effort to “help the economy in the north and that means tourism”; youth met the Governor and then went fishing; they were able to keep the fishing poles which were purchased from St. Croix Rods by the Cable chapter of Ducks Unlimited; Secretary Klett was also in attendance; this was the first event of its kind. C. Upcoming projects/events: a. Regional Tourism “Round Robin” June 5 at NGLVC – Motiff will send a link via email b. NATOW/Legendary Portage – bus tour at NGLVC on June 11 c. 2-county bike maps – “on hold” until our goals and objectives have been decided and after the volunteer salesperson is done with the Superior Vistas Bike Tour event d. Broadband/Cell communications meetings – visitors need to be connected while in the area; Motiff continues to be involved in these discussions at the state and local level D. Upcoming promotions: a. Ride Lake Superior (giveaway prize package) – motorcycle tours around Lake Superior b. Discover Wisconsin Passport to Adventure (giveaway prize package - $600 value) – working with local chambers, etc. to put it together E. Ongoing: a. Facebook updates b. County Website updates c. Publications – Visitor Guide and ATV map d. Travel WI website updates e. Paid advertising – Motiff updated the committee on current advertising VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Tourism & Recreation Program Assistant