HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 6/27/2013K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\06 27\06 27 13 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Thursday, June 27, 2013, 3:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Brett Rondeau, Bucky Jardine, John Bennett, Rusty Williams Members Absent: Neil Schultz Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier, Tim Kane I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Rondeau. II. Motion Regarding May 30, 2013 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Bennett, Jardine) to approve the minutes from the May 30, 2013 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: None. IV. Budget Review: a. YTD Report: Motiff reported that the budget is on track. The advertising revenue looks low, but most of the revenue comes in the latter part of the year and many of the printing expenses happen in the early part of the year. b. Discussion and Possible Action on Budget Amendment: A budget amendment is needed for an episode of Discover WI with revenues from the Cable and Iron River Chambers balancing out the increased amount in advertising expenditures. Motion (Jardine, Williams) to approve the budget amendment and forward it to the Full County Board for approval. Roll Call Vote: Williams-yes, Bennett-yes, Jardine-yes, Rondeau- yes, Schultz-absent. V. Discussion and Possible Action on Tourism Department’s Goals & Objectives: Kane went over the issues from the input at the stakeholders meeting in January. A majority of the priorities were related to marketing and promoting the county. The proposed Goals & Objectives draft: Goal 1: Increase annual visitor spending in Bayfield County. Objective 1: Develop a public relations/media campaign to market the County. Objective 2: Make advertising purchases to promote the County. Objective 3: Update and maintain County Tourism Department web site. Objective 4: Utilize social media to promote the County. Objective 5: Produce and distribute visitor publications to promote the County. Goal 2: Increase coordination and collaboration with area chambers, business associations, other nonprofit organizations and governmental entities. Objective 1: Maintain regular communication with the above. Objective 2: Cooperate and collaborate with above on tourism-related projects and events. Objective 3: Investigate new opportunities to partner with above to promote Bayfield County. Discussion followed regarding branding. Under Goal 1, the Committee added as Objective 1: “Develop and utilize a brand identity for the County”. The other 5 objectives were then re-numbered. Motion (Bennett, Jardine) to approve the Tourism Department Goals & Objectives as amended. K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\06 27\06 27 13 meeting min.docx VI. Director’s Report: Motiff explained the Department’s timeline: The “Marketing Toolbox” presentations to chambers will begin around 7/15. The budget amendment will go to county board on 7/30. The Branding Identity work could begin on 7/31. The next Tourism Committee meeting for the 2014 Budget review/approval will be on 7/25. July & August: Start making changes/updates to the Visitor Guide & ATV map. Recent events: a. The NATOW conference was June 11-12; had information table & participated in panel discussion; arranged for guided bus tours of Scenic Byway. b. Broadband/cell communications meeting – Don Sudlowski from the Northwoods Broadband Development Coalition gave a presentation to a group including representatives from Norvado and CenturyLink along with members of the BCEDC and AEDC and Paul Houck; next on the agenda is development of a plan of action. Upcoming projects/events: a. Discover WI filming in Central/Southern Bayfield County. b. Marketing Toolbox - Meet with Chambers & invite individual businesses to presentation; offer individual appointments before and after each presentation. Current/upcoming promotions: a. Ride Lake Superior (giveaway prize package); http://ridelakesuperior.com/ . b. Discover Wisconsin Passport to Adventure (giveaway prize package); http://www.discoverwisconsin.com/contests.aspx . Ongoing marketing efforts: a. Facebook – engaging at least twice weekly with over 1100 people. b. County Website – new printable hiking trails; http://www.bayfieldcounty.org/assets/files/tourism/Maps/Hiking%20Trails%20in%20Bayfield%20County.pdf c. Publications – new hiking trails booklet. d. Web statistics –Motiff can see what Facebook posts bring people to the website by using the web statistics and can plan other posts based on the that information. The stats also show where most referrals to the county tourism site are from as well as the number of unique visitors over time. e. Sales tax to date 2013 vs. 2012: The first ½ of the year is up from last year, even with incomplete data from May & June. Motion (Jardine, Williams) to receive the Director’s Report and place on file. Motion Carried. VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:52 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Tourism & Recreation Program Assistant