HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 10/31/2013K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\10 31\10 31 13 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Thursday, October 31, 2013, 3:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Bucky Jardine, John Bennett, Neil Schultz. Brett Rondeau joined the meeting at 3:43. Members Absent: Rusty Williams Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Jardine. II. Motion Regarding July 25, 2013 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Schultz, Bennett) to approve the minutes from the July 25, 2013 committee meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment: None. IV. Budget Review: Motiff reported that printing may go over budget, but she will do her best to stay within the budget or make up the difference with increased revenues. Motion (Bennett, Schultz) to approve the budget review and place on file. Motion Carried. V. Director’s Report: A. Updates on: i. Branding Identity Process – Platypus is working on the logo and tag line design and will present it in person when ready. Schultz asked how non-chamber members are represented. Motiff replied that they’re represented through the Tourism department. ii. County Website – The County is getting a new website through Civic Plus. Visual elements from the branding process will be incorporated into it. It will have more information and be easier to update. iii. 2014 Visitor Guide – Motiff reported that the department is working on updates for the 2014 Visitor Guide and that ad sales are over halfway there. Discussion took place regarding free line listings in the Visitor Guide. iv. 2014-15 ATV Map – The base map is getting updated. Ad sales are going well. v. Discover Wisconsin Episode – The episode was completed in just over 1 day. Volunteer motorcycle riders that stayed for the whole day of filming. The episode will air in May, 2014. vi. Scenic Byway map/brochure – Motiff is working with the marketing committee on a costal management grant that would pay for a brochure highlighting cultural, natural and historical resources. Rondeau entered the meeting at 3:43 pm and took over the Chair position. vii. Sales Tax Revenue – Bayfield County sales tax revenue is on track to be over $1,000,000 in 2013. viii. Little Sand Bay Road Rehab and Safety Enhancement Project – Motiff has been asked to write a letter of support for the Town of Russell who is applying for funds through the Federal Lands Access Program to improve County Road K and Little Sand Bay Road. Motion (Jardine, Schultz) to write a letter of support for the grant application. Motion Carried. Motion (Jardine, Schultz) to withdraw the motion as this was not an action item. Motion Carried. It was the consensus of the committee to instruct Motiff to write a letter of support for the grant application. B. Preview of Draft 2014 Advertising Schedule/Marketing Plan: Motiff will get approval from the Chambers to decide where the advertising dollars are being spent. Upcoming highlights: snowmobile ads – Snowtracks & John Dee websites, a magazine feature in Snowgoer and Badger Sportsman, cooperative ad with K:\(T&R Committee)\2013\Meeting materials\10 31\10 31 13 meeting min.docx Legendary Waters on KBJR (printed piece and TV ads), an online ad on the Ashland Daily Press website and the NORWISKI brochure. The split between Ashland and Bayfield Counties was also discussed. VI. Discussion and Possible Action on Support for Stewardship Program Land Acquisition in the Towns of Russell and Bayfield: A group from the planning commission came to Motiff to share information about the project, which involves purchase of wetlands around North Pikes Creek. The DNR sent a letter explaining the project to our County Board Chairman. The County Board has 30 days to support, oppose or take no action on the item. Motion (Schultz) to table the item. The motion died for lack of a second. The project was then discussed. Motion (Schultz, Jardine) to table the item. Motion Carried. VII. Future Agenda Items: Direction & funding level of the department. Schultz would like to have a discussion about having the fair stand alone. Jardine would like to see Motiff speak at every county board meeting. VIII. Next Meeting Date/Time: Rondeau & Motiff will set a date & time in Cable for the next meeting in January. IX. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 4:22 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Clerk III – Tourism Department