HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 2/17/2015Bayfield County Fair Minutes – February 17, 2015 Page 1 of 3 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 17, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse Minutes 1. Call To Order The Chair, Dee Kittleson, called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. Committee members present: Marco Bichanich, Dee Kittleson, Shawn Miller and Rusty Williams Committee members absent: Jim Crandall, Others present: Verne Gilles; Mark Abeles-Allison, County Administrator; Mary Motiff, Director and Theresa Kummerow, Administrative Assistant. 2. Approval of Minutes from January 13, 2015 Fair Committee Meeting Motion (Bichanich, Williams) To approve the January 13, 2015 minutes as presented. Motion Carried. 3. Public Comment No public comment. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on FEMA Building Bids The Administrator, Mark Abeles-Allison, presented an overview of the plans and the bid information. The information was also included in the Committee members’ packets. The 48x52 building with heat, water, restrooms and a generator would be able to fit 350 people during a weather emergency. The dollar amounts that the County would be responsible for ($24,428) and the six alternatives available for the bids was discussed. The alternatives are: 1. Poured concrete instead of pre-cast, 2. No construction bond 3. No plumbing fixtures (County would purchase) 4. Site prep by County 5. Final grading by County 6. 20 year Durolast instead of EPDM roof Motion (Bichanich, Williams) To accept the bid from Dykstra Construction with alternatives 1, 2, 4 & 5 as listed above and to have the bid forwarded to the County Board for approval. Roll Call vote: Bichanich-Yes, Kittleson-Yes, Miller-Yes, Crandall-Absent. Motion Carried. 5. Budget Review A copy of the 2014 YTD Budget was included in the Committee members’ packets. The Reimbursement Grant from the State of WI has not been received yet, but is expected to arrive in February. Motion (Miller, Bichanich) To receive and place on file the 2014 Year-to-Date Budget Report. Motion Carried. 6. Discussion and Possible Action on 2015 Fair Planning A. Saturday Grandstand Show Included in the Committee members’ packets was information regarding musical options and the Division Stunt Team option for a possible Saturday evening Grand Stand show. i. Division Stunt Team - The Division Stunt Team would cost $6,500. This price includes the setup, take down, announcer, 2 moto-x cycles, 4 BMX bicycles and 1 ATV doing tricks and jumps. Bayfield County Fair Minutes – February 17, 2015 Page 2 of 3 ii. Musical Performances - Potential nationally-known musical performers/bands were listed with their asking prices. These costs do not include, stage, sound, lights, backline or hospitality. One of the bands that the Committee was interested in features Jimmy Van Zant. He is currently battling liver cancer but is still performing. Discussion. Motion (Williams, Bichanich) To approve and sign the contract with Division Stunt Team for their Grandstand Show for Saturday evening of the Fair. Motion Carried. B. Portable Stage The Administrator suggested looking into look into purchasing a portable stage (2016 Capital Improvement Budget) that could be rented out to other events. Miller has an enclosed semi – trailer (located in Drummond) that he is willing to give at no cost to the Fair; that could be made into a stage. It was also brought up that the Iron River Lions Club has a semi-trailer stage that the Fair may be able to use. Discussion. This topic will be discussed further at a future meeting. C. Signage Last year, the Iron River Lions Club had a very large sign advertising Blueberryfest. Miller will talk to the Hoods about the potential use of their sign D. Commercial vendor form The updated food vendor contract was included in the Committee members’ packet for review. It will be updated and sent out with no major changes. E. Sponsorship forms A copy of the 2014 Sponsorship form was included in the Committee members’ packet. The 2015 Sponsorship form will be updated and sent out/distributed. F. UW-Extension involvement at the Fair Kittleson reported that the UW-Extension Agent/Educator involvement at the Fair was discussed at the last UW-Ext Committee meeting. Jason Fischbach, Agriculture Agent, Matt Cogger, Horticulture Agent and Liz Lexau, Family Living Educator, are planning on doing some demonstrations/talks during the Fair with times and locations to-be-determined. G. Safety Demonstration Williams brought up the fact that Bayfield Electric also does Electrical Safety demonstrations. Kummerow will contact them and see what can be worked out with them and also discuss a potential sponsorship opportunity. 7. Discussion and Possible Action on Fair Vendor Non-Compliance Policy Motiff noted that there have been a few issues in the past with a few food vendors not being open during the “core hours” as indicated in their contract. Discussion. Consensus of the Committee is to be flexible with the vendors and continue to ask those back that have had issues with following the contract hours. 8. Buildings and Grounds Update A. Head Groundskeeper position The job description has been posted and advertised with March 8th as the application deadline date with the start date to be in April. Abeles-Allison, Motiff, Bichanich and possibly Kittleson, will be conducting the interviews in March. B. Show Ring The Show Ring Pavilion plans by Lipka Construction were scheduled for review by the State today. Bayfield County Fair Minutes – February 17, 2015 Page 3 of 3 C. 2015 Projects Motiff handed out a draft summary of the anticipated projects for 2015. D. Port-a Potties – Williams noted that the cleaning done on Saturday morning of the port-a- potties was not completed. The units had been sprayed down, left wet and were unusable until they dried out. Discussion. Estimates and service expectations will be discussed with multiple companies. 9. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date A. Future Agenda Items- 2015 Budget & CI Budget, Stage, invite new groundskeeper to meet committee members. B. Next Meeting Date The next Fair Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 6:00 pm at the Courthouse. 10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm. Minutes submitted by: Theresa Kummerow, Administrative Assistant Bayfield County Fair