HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 4/28/2015 (2)Bayfield County Fair Minutes 4/28/15 Page 1 of 2 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, April 28, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. Minutes 1. Call To Order Meeting called to order at 6:00 by the Chair, Dee Kittleson Members present: Dee Kittleson, Marco Bichanich, Jim Crandall & Rusty Williams Members Absent: Shawn Miller a Others present: Mary Motiff, Tourism Director; Theresa LaChappelle, Administrative Assistant 2. Approval of Minutes from March 24, 2015 Fair Committee Meeting (Bichanich, Crandall) Motion to approve the minutes of March 24, 2015 as presented. Motion Carried. 3. Public Comment No public comment. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on Winter Storage Fees for 2015-16 Winter storage fees have remained at $6/running foot for the last 10 years. The last time the rates were looked at was in 2012. Discussion. (Crandall, Bichanich,) Motion to raise the winter storage rate from $6/running foot to $8/running foot, starting with the 2015/2016 storage season, with a rate review to be done every 3 years. Motion Carried. 5. 2015 Fair Planning Update A. Entertainment - An entertainment schedule was included in the Committee members’ packets. There are still a few details to be worked out and contracts to be recieved. a. Ultimate Farmer Challenge - This is a contest for youth in grades 6 – 12 that is being sponsored by the Bayfield County Wellness Committee. It will take place on Thursday at 6 pm, possibly in the new show ring. The name may be changed to the Ultimate Fair Challenge. b. DJ/Youth night – Motiff proposed that a non/alcoholic youth dance be held in the beer garden on Thursday night. Only non-alcoholic drinks to be sold/served with a DJ as the entertainment. Discussion on possibilities for providing an incentive (free soda?) for youth to attend. Possibly tie the incentive into the Ultimate Fair Challenge participation. Discussion. Consensus of the Committee is to hold a Non-Alcoholic youth dance on Thursday night in the beer garden. B. Premium List – Premium list is being updated with the print date projected for May 11th. C. Food Vendors - Seven food vendors have committed to the Fair. D. Sponsors – We have reached the projected half-way point in monetary donations for this year. Contacting sponsors will be a priority in the next few weeks. E. Show Ring Ceremony – Motiff is following up with the donor to determine what they would like to see to happen. F. Other Items – Follow up on the items on the “to do” list, judges, beer vendor, insurance, etc. 6. Buildings and Grounds Update A. Safe Room Discussion on the Safe Room progress. Photos of the Safe Room progress were included in the Committee members’ packets. The Safe Room foundation is scheduled to be poured on Wednesday, April 29th. A few of the issues that have risen since the start of the project include: 1. The Architect originally had placed the stakes 22 feet too close to the road. As the foundation layout process had been completed (but not poured) before the building inspection, the work had to be redone and the building footprint moved to slightly different Bayfield County Fair Minutes 4/28/15 Page 2 of 2 location. The details on who will be paying for the extra work required to correct this error are still in discussion. The consensus of the Committee is that the County should not be held responsible for any additional expenses that may have been incurred due to this error. 2. The well near the horse barn had stopped working. After calling in Wayne Holly, well driller, the problem was located and repaired. After this repair the well was only producing 6/7 gpm. A thorough cleaning has the well producing at 10 gpm. There will also need to be a new well pump and two pressure tanks installed. There is adequate room in the Safe Room to accommodate both of the pressure tanks. 3. Electrical pole and wiring will need to be moved. With the building being shifted, the current electric pole and wires are right up to the new Safe Room. The Groundskeepers will be burying the wire in the future. B. Show Ring Photos of the Show Ring progress were included in the Committee members’ packets. Construction is finished but still needs to be inspected. Show ring panels and gates have been ordered. Electrical wiring and lights will be worked on after the building contractor is totally finished. C. Non-Fair Events The first horse show of the year is scheduled for June 5th – 7th. D. Site Visit Motiff and LaChappelle will coordinate a Fair Grounds site visit to do inventory and go over projects for the year with Scott Williams will take place on May 8th. Crandall would like to get started on the Exhibit Hall rehab sometime after June 1st. E. AgStar Grant The Bayfield County Fair was awarded $3,000 from the AgStar Grant to assist with updating the swine barn. 7. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date The next committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 4 pm at the Bayfield County Fair Grounds, a walk around will be included. Marco Bichanich left the meeting at 6:28 pm. 8. Advertising Seminar Rusty Williams brought up that there is an advertising seminar that the Tourism Committee sees as beneficial for Motiff to attend. The Tourism Committee is willing to pay half of the expenses for Motiff to attend. The seminar is being held on June 1st & June 2nd in Milwaukee. There will be a very limited number of participants at this intense seminar where all aspects of advertising (web, social media, integration, tracking, etc.) will be covered. These topics are just as relevant to the Fair as they are to overall Tourism. The company presenting this seminar is the same company that Motiff worked with on the Bayfield County branding campaign. Discussion. (R Williams, Crandall) Motion that the Committee agree by consensus to split the cost for Motiff to attend the advertising seminar to be held in Milwaukee on June 1st & 2nd. Carried. 9. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm Minutes submitted by: Theresa LaChappelle – Bayfield County Fair Administrative Assistant