HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 8/18/2015K:\(Tourism Committee)\2015\Meeting Materials\08-18\08 18 15 meeting min.docx Minutes of the TOURISM & RECREATION COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Tuesday, August 18, 2:00 p.m. County Board Room, Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, WI Members Present: Bucky Jardine, Brett Rondeau, John Bennett Members Absent: Shawn Miller, Rusty Williams Others Present: Mary Motiff, Sue Trepanier I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Jardine. II. Public Comment: none III. Motion Regarding April 28, 2015 Meeting Minutes: Motion (Rondeau, Bennett) to approve the minutes from the April 28, 2015 committee meeting. Motion Carried. IV. 2015 Budget Update:  The majority of revenue will be coming in from now until the end of the year with Visitor Guide & ATV/UTV map ad sales.  Lodging is over budget due to Superior Days. It was suggested to take these expenses out of the County budget.  Using a percentage of county sales tax for event expenses was discussed. It was decided to deal with these expenses on a case by case basis utilizing the general or contingency fund.  ITBEC membership was also discussed. The Tourism committee of ITBEC is an active group and doing a great job making membership worthwhile. V. Discussion and Possible Action on 2016 Budget Planning: The proposed 2016 budget includes $200 for a cell phone upgrade, $200 additional for Superior Days lodging, $500 for event-related expenses and 2% wage & fringe increases. Motiff will remove the $500 in event-related expenses. Motion (Rondeau, Bennett) to forward the budget to the Executive Committee. Motion Carried. VI. Report from Director:  The new winter promo video was shown & discussed.  A summer/fall promo video will be shot soon.  Copies of the Wisconsin Atlas with our ad were handed out; this is a new publication.  Approximately 650 Visitor Guide/ATV map ad solicitation letters were sent out and ads are starting to come in.  The Tourism Department has input over 600 businesses on the County website. If a business isn’t on there and we receive their information, we’ll add it. This is a free service.  Social media: we have 1986 “followers” on our facebook page. Motiff has started using Twitter and the WI Department of Tourism will “re-tweet” items.  Motiff stated that the 2015 year-to-date sales tax is up 1% overall from this time last year. K:\(Tourism Committee)\2015\Meeting Materials\08-18\08 18 15 meeting min.docx  Individual meetings are ongoing with all chambers; regional tourism meeting was held in June.  The Bayfield County Fair was a success. Photos were shown.  Motiff was a speaker on tourism and the NGLVC at the Kiwanis Club.  Some towns are taking over upkeep on the USFS properties that have reduced services.  The Tourism Dept. is sponsoring the show “Blue Canvas Orchestra in Concert” on August 27th.  Recently switched to Google Analytics to keep better track of website stats. VII. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date: No meeting date was set, but will meet before the end of the year. Agenda items will include a budget update. VIII. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:20 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Sue Trepanier Clerk III – Tourism Department