HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 6/19/2018K:\(Tourism-Fair Committee)\2018\Tourism Meeting minutes 06-19-2018.docx Minutes of the BAYFIELD TOURISM/FAIR COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 5:00 PM Conference Room A, Bayfield County Courthouse Building, 5th Street, Washburn, WI Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, Jeremy Oswald, James Crandall, Fred Strand, Tom Snilsberg Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; Ursula M. Garrison, Fair Coordinator, Scott Williams, Dawn Klobucher I.Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Larry Fickbohm. II.Motion (Strand/Snilsberg) to approve the minutes from the May 22, 2018, Fair Committee Meeting. Motion Carried. III. Public Comment – No public Comment IV.Discussion and Possible Action on Fair Planning A.To modify the Arts & Crafts Vendor application. Motion (Strand/Snilsberg) – Motion Carried. B.Dawn Klobucher, President 4H Market Sale, attended the meeting to request a camping spot for their Market Sale Tent and run a 50/50 raffle in the Market Sale area as they have done in years past. Committee was in consensus that approval is not required every year. Motion (Oswald/Strand) – Motion Carried. V.Discussion and Possible Action on Budget/Strategic Planning. Motiff shared with the committee the Tourism and Fair budgets – Budget discussion followed. Motiff provided background for non-fair members. VI.Update on Potential Horse Skijoring Event – Fickbohm reported there is no new information to date. VII.Buildings & Grounds Update – Williams, Fair Grounds Keeper, provided update on Horse Show events at the Fairgrounds as well as estimates for the Maintenance Shop repairs. Williams also reported on the recent bathroom repairs. VIII. Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date – The next meeting will take place on September 18 at 4:30 pm in the EOC Room the Annex Building at 117 E. Sixth Street. IX.Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 6:39 PM. K:\(Tourism-Fair Committee)\2018\Tourism Meeting minutes 06-19-2018.docx Respectfully submitted by: Ursula M. Garrison Fair Secretary