HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 4/28/20202020_04-28 Minutes Minutes of the BAYFIELD TOURISM & FAIR COMMITTEES Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 4:30 PM Via Web Conference Call Members Present: James Crandall, Tom Snilsberg, Mary Dougherty, Charly Ray Members Absent: Larry Fickbohm Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; Ursula M. Garrison, Fair Coordinator (departed at 6 pm); Caloney Mesik; Ian B Meeker; Jody Hipsher; Kelli Tuttle; Roger Branham; Cindy Luzzatto; Jeff Wiezorek; Kathy Marshall I.Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:32 PM by Crandall II.Election of Committee Chair and Vice-Chair: Motion to nominate Larry Fickbohm as Chair (Crandall) Motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Fickbohm for Chair (Ray/Crandall) Motion to nominate James Crandall as Vice-Chair (Ray) Motion to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Crandall for Vice- Chair (Snilsberg/Dougherty) RESOLVED, that the following individuals were duly nominated and unanimously elected to serve as described: Larry Fickbohm, Chair James Crandall, Vice-Chair III.Motion Regarding March 31, 2020 Tourism/Fair Committees Meeting Minutes Motion : (Snilsberg/Ray) to approve the minutes from the March 31, 2020 Tourism/Fair Committees Meeting. Motion Carried. IV.Public Comment: A.Jody Hipsher, representing the 4H Market Sale indicated the Market Sale is committed to having a sale regardless of the Fair occurring this year, but indicated that ideally, they would like judging results if the fair is held. B.Roger Branham indicated that it was a priority to keep the kids in their projects. His hope is to find a way for the kids to present their projects. C.Cindy Luzzatto was waiting to see what we were going to do and was hoping we would try to do something so that kids could present their items. D.Kathy Marshall, from North Woods Dressage Association, spoke about the events they hold at the fairgrounds during the off-season. They have cancelled their mid-June event but are hoping that their end of June and subsequent shows can still be held – they are awaiting guidance from Bayfield County. Their shows average approximately 40-50 horses and riders – their break-even point is 40 riders. V. Discussion and Possible Action on the status of the Bayfield County Fair and Other Events at the Fairgrounds: Garrison went over alternative ways to have a fair, including a virtual fair to allow everyone to enter their exhibits considering the current COVID19 restrictions on gatherings. Most of our volunteers are older and their age represents a risk factor. Motiff mentioned that the bridge in Iron River is going to be fixed, so that is another item impacting our Fair. There is only one contract we must cancel immediately due to the terms. Dougherty indicated protocols will have to be created for on-site event and it might require more management and have 2020_04-28 Minutes unintended consequences of public health issues not being attended to. The committee reached a consensus that we need to not have a full fair. Motion: (Ray/Snilsberg) to cancel the traditional in person county fair and proceed to planning for a virtual fair event in 2020 due to the public health concerns due to the COVID-19 virus. Motion Carried. VI.Staffing Update: If we do not have a fair, a possible reduction in Garrison’s hours would have to be decided by the committee. Garrison is a part-time employee most of the year and full time in the summer. Garrison is a 62% PT employee. We have also put on hold the Summer Office Assistant position anticipating less than normal participation in the fair. We hired the assistant seasonal maintenance person – Alyssa. Scott Williams our past Caretaker will be available to help train the new caretaker. VII.Update on the Effects of COVID-19 on the Tourism Economy; Immediate and Projected: A.Motiff reported holding weekly meetings with area tourism professionals, Extension and Bayfield County Economic Development Corporation members regarding this issue. Most Chambers are adjusting their budgets in anticipation of a substantial decrease in Room Tax revenue. Motiff is also communicating with health officials to communicate guidance to businesses as they re-open. B.Measurable Data Review: Sales Tax numbers for April are at an all-time high. This can be due to people stocking up in March. Information requests from visitors this past month is down by 12% from last year. VIII.Discussion and Possible Action on Changes to Advertising Plan Due to COVID-19: The consensus of the committee is to have Mary proceed with making decisions regarding possible changes to the advertising plan based on her knowledge and experience. IX.Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date – Next meeting will be held on June 23, 2020 via in person and remotely. X.Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 6:23PM. Respectfully submitted by: Ursula M. Garrison Fair Secretary