HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 5/26/20202020_05-26 Minutes Minutes of the BAYFIELD TOURISM-FAIR COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 26, 2020 at 3:30 PM Via Web Conference Call Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, James Crandall, Tom Snilsberg, Mary Dougherty, Charly Ray Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; Ursula M. Garrison, Fair Coordinator; Ian B Meeker; Mark Abeles- Allison I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 3:34 PM by Fickbohm II. Motion Regarding April 28, 2020 Tourism Fair Committee Minutes – This item was skipped. III. Public Comment: No Public Comment. IV. Discussion Regarding Possible Format Changes to the 2020 Bayfield County Fair - After discussion by the committee, it was confirmed that the committee would recommend a virtual Fair to the county board and a resolution should be drafted using the Dunn County resolution as a model. The committee also agreed there would be no entry fees charged this year and that the number of entries will be limited, but premiums would be paid to exhibitors. V. Discussion and Possible Action on Letter of Support for All American Road Application by the Wisconsin Lake Superior Scenic Byway. The Lake Superior Scenic Byway has an opportunity to apply for National designation as an All American Road and is seeking letters of support. There is no funding for the America’s Byways program at this time, but there may be again in the future. Motion: (Dougherty/Snilsberg) to send this item on to the full board for recommendation. Motion Carried. VI. Buildings & Grounds Update: There was no update. VII. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date – Next meeting will be held on June 23, 2020 via in person and remotely. VIII. Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 4:43PM. Respectfully submitted by: Ursula M. Garrison Fair Secretary