HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 6/23/20202020-06-23 Minutes Minutes of the BAYFIELD TOURISM-FAIR COMMITTEE Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 4:30 PM EOC Room, Bayfield Annex Building, 6th Street, Washburn, WI Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, James Crandall, Charly Ray Members Absent: Tom Snilsberg, Mary Dougherty Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; Ursula M. Garrison, Fair Coordinator I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:35PM by Fickbohm II. Motion Regarding April 28 & May 26, 2020 Tourism Fair Committee Minutes – (Crandall/Ray) Motion carried. III. Public Comment: No Public Comment. IV. Budget Review: Discussion on budget. Due to Covid-19 related uncertainties, revenue projections are low, but expenses will also be lower this year. Electric Phase III Capital Project may still be completed as it addresses safety concerns; however, it will depend on how the overall county budget looks in August. V. Update on Fair Planning – Garrison/Motiff indicated a new program (ShoWorks) was secured to facilitate the Virtual Fair and to use going forward. Exhibitors can submit their entries online. Entries have been limited to 12 per exhibitor for this year. There is no fee to enter and premiums will be paid. The platform also allows for Virtual Judging and a Virtual Market Sale Auction – although the Market Sale will be using their regular vendor for the Market Sale this year. We expect exhibitors to have a 2-3 week period to submit their entries. VI. Buildings & Grounds Update – Motiff updated the committee members on several projects scheduled to take place. Due to Covid19 many things have been put on hold (e.g. waterlines are not open, garbage pickup). We are getting an estimate for the roof of the maintenance shop building which will need to be replaced if we are going to try and preserve that building. VII. Tourism Report from Director – Motiff went over the Tourism statistics, many numbers are down quite a bit during the shutdown, but still up overall. We are up 1% from last year at this time. VIII. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date – Next meeting will be held on July 28, 2020 at 4:30 PM in person at the EOC and remotely. IX. Adjournment - Department Goals & Objectives should be added to the agenda after the fair is wrapped up. The meeting adjourned at 5:57PM. Respectfully submitted by: Ursula M. Garrison Fair Secretary