HomeMy WebLinkAboutTourism & Fair Committee - Minutes - 11/17/20202020-11-17 Minutes Minutes of the BAYFIELD TOURISM-FAIR COMMITTEE Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 4:00 PM EOC Room, Bayfield Annex Building, 6th Street, Washburn, WI Members Present: Larry Fickbohm, James Crandall, Mary Dougherty, Charly Ray Members Absent: Tom Snilsberg Others Present: Mary D. Motiff, Tourism Director; Ursula M. Garrison, Fair Coordinator I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:09PM by Fickbohm II. Motion to Approve the November 17, 2020 Tourism Fair Committee Minutes – (Crandall/Ray) Motion carried. III. Public Comment: No Public Comment. IV. Discussion & Possible Action on Letter Supporting County Application for CDBG-CV Funds for Business Assistance Grants – The consensus of the committee was to submit the Letter of Support. V. Budget Review – Motiff went over budget with committee including the Budget Performance Report and Budget Worksheets emphasizing categories where cuts are not sustainable, such as Postage, Operating Supplies, & Other Repair & Maintenance Supplies (Vehicle). VI. Review of 2020 Fair and 2021 Fair Planning – Motiff indicated the only outstanding item to wrap up the 2020 fair is the Financial Report to the state, which will be submitted at the end of January. Entertainers have been contacted to verify their participation in 2021 so that contracts can be updated. VII. Buildings & Grounds Update – Motiff reported everything has been buttoned up at the fairgrounds for the winter. Roof leaks have been detected in the Dairy Barn and this will need to be addressed. Premium checks have been issued and received by exhibitors. We have received a new contract from the carnival which we may have to run by corporation counsel. The Phase 3 Electric Project Bid Notice will go out soon; hopefully by the end of the year. VIII. Tourism Report from Director – Motiff reviewed the department’s Goals & Objectives and some of the recent activities which included assisting Veterans Services office with promotion of Veterans’ Day video, Attending Virtual Economic Development Summit hosted by UW-Madison Extension, Holding Teams meeting for Bayfield County Tourism Partners including Julie Fox from Travel Wisconsin, Mary McPhetridge from Ashland County Tourism and Cole Rabska from BCEDC, Participating in NGLVC Board meeting and NW ITBEC Tourism Advisory Committee meeting online and being interviewed by WPR on the subject of Apple Orchards in Northern Wisconsin. Motiff also shared Tourism Statistics - Sales Taxes were up 32% in September compared to September 2019 – which is an all-time high and puts us 6% higher over last year YTD. Visitors’ requests continue to exceed last year’s requests in all categories. IX. Future Agenda Items and Next Meeting Date – The Next meeting is scheduled for January 26, 2021 at 4 pm in the EOC. X. Adjournment – the meeting was adjourned at 4:09 pm. Respectfully submitted by: Ursula M. Garrison Fair Secretary