HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamily Services Advisory Committee - Minutes - 6/18/2013 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Courthouse Conference Room A Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 at 4:30 pm Committee Members Present: Lona Schmidt, Ann Green, John Blahnik, Dee Kittleson, and Mary Skerik. Staff Present: Anita Haukaas, Cheryl Hanson, and Nina Bucher Call to order: Lona called the meeting to order at 4:35pm. Introductions were made. Adoption of 12/18/12 and 3/19/13 minutes: Dee made a motion to adopt the 12/18/12 minutes, Susan seconded, motion carried. Ann made a motion to adopt the 3/19/13 minutes, Dee seconded, motion carried. Public Comment Opportunity: No one was present for public comment. Jail Case Management: Family Services AODA Coordinator Cheryl Hanson offered some previous work experience and background information. Cheryl stated she has been in her position for five years and has seen it evolve into including jail case management. Reasons for case management for inmates include the reduction of recidivism, a physical limited jail size, coordination of treatment, education and medical services during and post incarceration. Cheryl relayed that most inmates are not bad people, just people in bad situations and that she meets with them in jail, in court, at their home, at the human services department, or wherever the best place may be. She works with the DA & defense council to coordinate treatment/services although her services are voluntary post jail. Cheryl expressed that the Bayfield County Jailers are extremely good at what they do and have the ability to recognize needs and request the appropriate help. FSAC Member Terms: Anita pointed out that Susan and Mary’s terms had expired and asked if they would like to renew for an additional six years. They agreed so Dee made a motion to appoint them to an additional term, John seconded, motion carried. Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare (ICW) update: Anita reported that Lorna is training a temporary child care worker to cover for the worker who is out on leave. Chris Hillart has worked in an administration supportive role at Red Cliff ICW, so he is familiar with the families/cases and will enable a nice smooth transition. June 20, 2013 is the next joint staffing on mutual FS cases. Program Reports: Anita handed out a list of all the programs the Family Services section is responsible for and gave a description of each program. Dee asked for a program list with the mandated programs highlighted for future budget decisions. Anita will send one out to everyone on the Committee. Child Protective Services (CPS): Anita explained that they had the appeal for a Child Abuse and Neglect substantiation, which the appeal was completed due to a licensing issue. The substantiation decision was upheld at the appeal. Foster Home provider update: Anita expressed the appreciation Bayfield County has for our foster home providers as they sacrifice time and a lot of their lives to provide this invaluable service and lengthy certification process. K:agenda&minutes/FS/mintes/2013/2013-6-18_FSAC_minutes 2 JAIS Assessment Implementation: The JAIS trainer, Winnie Ore is expected to visit Bayfield County on September 20, 2013. Mental Health & AODA update: Due to overages the last few years, Anita has requested additional funding for MH/AODA services. An increase in Emergency Detention cases and an increase in the cost of Behavioral Health care are primary reasons for the overages. There have been two recent criminal cases that the defendant’s attorney has pled “not guilty due to mental incompetence or defect”. In these cases, once the individuals return to their County of residence, the County is then responsible for their aftercare. Law enforcement, Family Services, and corporate counsel are working together to create a uniform process for people to get their firearms back after mental health commitments and settlement agreements. Juvenile Justice Update: Community Intervention Program funding from the Department of Corrections is based on law enforcement referrals for juvenile justice. Because of the increase in referrals from 2010-2011, this funding has increased for 2013-2014 fiscal year, while 2013 referral numbers are currently lower and the funding will be determined by these figures in the future. Anita has requested a change in the current 2012-2013 funds for incentives for struggling youth. The incentives would be small gift cards for food, gasoline, and movie passes that would be distributed when a goal or agreement is completed. As of May, there have been 31 juvenile Bayfield County referrals in 2013. The most common types of crimes are disorderly conduct, battery, criminal damage to property, and truancy. Other: Ann relayed that the Lakes Community Clinic has merged with Northwoods Community Clinic into North Lakes Community Clinic with offices in Ashland, Iron River, Hayward, and Minong. Future Meetings: Future quarterly meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of the month: 9/17/13, 12/17/13, 3/18/14, 6/17/14, 9/16/14, and 12/16/14. Adjournment: At 5:52pm, Lona made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Susan seconded, motion carried. Minutes submitted by, Nina Bucher Nina Bucher