HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamily Services Advisory Committee - Minutes - 4/10/2019 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Courthouse Conference Room A Wednesday, April 10th, 2019 at 4:30 pm Committee Members Present: Lona Schmidt, Jeremy Oswald, Bev Lindell, Bev Patterson, Nancy and Dale Johnson. Committee Members Excused: Susan Davis. Others Present: Cheryl Hanson (Family Services Section Manager), Elizabeth Skulan (BCDHS Director) and Nina Bucher (Support Staff). Call to order: Lona called the meeting to order at 4:30 and determined introductions were not necessary. Public Comment Opportunity: No public comment. Current Youth Justice Issues in Bayfield County Presentation: Due to the intended presenter, Richard Kamm, being called away on an emergency, Cheryl gave an overview of the topic with a 2018 summary handout Richard had prepared. Juvenile Justice addresses children 17 ½ years old and under who commit delinquent acts. Law enforcement cannot arrest juveniles, so a social worker is on call 24/7 to assess the situation, taking into account extenuating circumstances and the safety of the child/community. The social worker may let the child go home or detain the child in a juvenile detention center since children cannot go to the local jail with adults. The closest juvenile facilities are in Duluth, Eau Claire, or Wausau. A hearing in person or via video/telephone must be held within 72 hours to determine whether the child will go to court, enter a deferred prosecution agreement, a consent decree, or go home/placed out of home. The social worker confers with the parents/guardians, teachers, judge, therapists on what the best plan is for the child, then follows through with a recommendation to the judge. The trend has been increased seriousness of offenses and Richard Kamm will present more details at the July meeting. Committee Membership: Cheryl shared that John Blahnik has retired from the Committee and his term would need to be filled. She said she would send a thank you card to John for his years of service. While it would be nice to have representation from southern Bayfield County, it is not necessary. It was mentioned that NorthLakes Community Clinic had Board members interested in serving on community groups and Cheryl said she would reach out to them. Cheryl handed out the position description for citizen members. Applications for citizen board/committee membership can be found on the Bayfield County website under employment or be requested from the County. Staffing Update: Rebecca Kruit has taken a child protective services job in North Dakota to be closer to her grandchildren. Her position has been advertised, but no qualified candidates Minute Approval: Bev L. made a motion to approve the October 2018 and January 2019 minutes as submitted. Bev P. seconded the motion and the motion carried. 2 K:agenda&minutes/FSAC/mintes/2019/2019-04-10_FSAC_minutes-draft 2 have applied yet. Two new positions for a clinical mental health professional and service facilitators have been posted for the newly acquired CCS program starting May 1.Cheryl handed out the job postings for all openings. Details and application instructions can be found on the Bayfield County website under employment. Program reports: Comprehensive Community Support (CCS): Cheryl relayed that the County will be taking over the CCS program previously sub-contracted to New Horizons North as of May 1st, 2019. The main goals are to maintain continuity of services for participants, expand the program to more than the current 34 clients, especially with services for children, and make the program sustainable. Community Support Program (CSP): Northland Counseling has smoothly taken over CSP earlier this year from New Horizons North. Northland Counseling has experience with this program as they provide services for Sawyer County’s CSP. Emergency Detentions (ED): ED numbers are down so far for 2019. Substitute Care: Out of home placement costs are under $100,000 year to date. A couple costly placement clients will be aging out, or turning 17, this year which allows them to apply/transition to Family Care (a Long Term Care program for adults). Elizabeth shared that although it has been medically proven that a 17 year old’s mind is not mature enough to make adult decisions, raising the legal juvenile ceiling to 18 years would need to be accompanied by state funding in order to make counties capable of service provision. Foster Care: Two new foster homes are being certified yet there is a shortage in Bayfield County, especially in the Cable area. Please refer any potential Bayfield County Foster Home providers to Stacy Schmidt in Family Services. (715-373-6144, ext. 120 or sschmidt@bayfieldcounty.org. Other: A formal resolution from the FSAC recommending an increase in social worker wages to the Human Services Board will be created for approval at the July FSAC meeting. This will be done to remain competitive and attract quality qualified workers to Bayfield County. Discussion took place on the New Horizons North situation with the result of a hopeful outlook for the future of the CSP and CCS programs. Future Meetings: Future meeting dates are quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month at 4:30pm: July 10th and October 9th, 2019. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by, Nina Bucher Nina Bucher