HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamily Services Advisory Committee - Minutes - 1/13/2021 BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Courthouse Conference Room A-remotes Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at 4:30 pm Committee Members Present via telephone: Wayne Crozier, Lona Schmidt, Bev Patterson, Nancy and Dale Johnson, Bev Lindell, Mary Dougherty, and Kylie Vadnais. Others Present: Cheryl Hanson (Family Services Section Manager, and Nina Bucher (Support Staff). Introductions and Call to order: Lona called the meeting to order at 4:38 after a moment of technical trouble. Public Comment Opportunity: No public comment. Providing Family Services During the Pandemic: Cheryl relayed that throughout the pandemic, Family Services staff have been meeting the needs of Bayfield County residents/programs in the safest ways possible. Most staff are working remotely, which means they begin/end their days at home, traveling directly to in-person meetings such as safe environment visits and mandated monthly face-to-face child visits. Masks, hand sanitizer and virtual visits when appropriate are being employed as well. All staff have had the first vaccine shot and will soon receive their second. Meth is still the biggest drug being abused, and isolation is keeping many cases from being reported. Staffing Update: The Child Protective Service worker who was out on maternity leave has returned part time and the other resigned after a prolonged medical leave. Isabel Gregorsen will begin as the Behavioral Health Social Worker on February 8th, while the AODA Coordinator position remains unfilled. Cheryl announced that she will be retiring in April of this year. Program reports: 2020 brought a total of 39 emergency detentions, which is down from 2019. The Statewide Crisis Grant tracks diversions of those who were diverted from emergency detention or hospitalization which totaled 132 adults and 14 youth under the age of 20 during 2020. Child Protective Services cases are slower at this time, though schools are reporting children not showing up for online learning or turning in school work. The State has directed Family Services that this is a truancy issue and not a child safety issue, leaving oversight to schools. Youth justice cases have also been slower, yet more complex. Red Cliff Indian Child Welfare (RCICW) has added five more children to Bayfield County out-of-home care costs, and are working on moving two family groups placed out of home to customary adoptions. Monthly virtual meetings are being held between Family Services and RCICW to discuss each situation and the plan of care for the child. Cheryl added that Presley Nuutinen, the BC Family Specialist, has been doing a fantastic job creatively meeting the needs of families and engaging the children and their families. Minute Approval: Bev L made a motion to approve the October 14, 2020 FSAC meeting minutes as written. Dale seconded the motion and the motion passed. Minutes were approved at the 4/14/2021 FSAC meeting 2 K:agenda&minutes/FSAC/mintes/2021/2021-01-13_FSAC_minutes-draft 2 Other Informational Items: A lot of donations of gift cards, etc. were given over the holidays by people wanting to help others in our community. One family “adopted” another and bought/wrapped/donated gifts anonymously which created a memorable holiday for both families! A meeting has been scheduled by Memorial Medical Center’s Behavioral Health Unit in February with Family Services to discuss the legal process of emergency detentions. Bayfield County’s Corporate Counsel will also attend. Bev P brought up that the grant request period for peer run respite services like Genesis 1990 in Ashland is now until April 14, 2021. Mary reminded people that CORE has a food pantry that is open on Thursdays from 10-2 and can arrange deliveries if needed along the south shore/Bayfield/Red Cliff/Washburn areas. Committee members expressed gratitude to Cheryl for her leadership. And Cheryl thanked the committee for their service advising on “unpopular” but important services to make a positive impact on Bayfield County. Future Meetings: 2021 meetings will continue quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month on April 14th, July 14th, and October 13th. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by, Nina Bucher Nina Bucher