HomeMy WebLinkAboutFamily Services Advisory Committee - Minutes - 4/14/2021BAYFIELD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES FAMILY SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Courthouse Conference Room A-remote Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 at 4:30 pm Committee Members Present via telephone: Wayne Crozier, Bev Lindell , Dale and Nancy Johnson, Kylie Vadnais and Bev Patterson. Others Present: Cheryl Hanson, Mary Anich (Family Services Section Manager), and Nina Bucher (Support Staff). Committee Members Excused: Lona Schmidt. Committee Members Absent: Mary Dougherty. Introductions and Call to order: In Lona’s absence, Cheryl ran the meeting and called to order at 4:35. Public Comment Opportunity: No public comment. Program Presentation-Introduction to the new Family Services Manager, Mary Anich: Cheryl relayed that her last day with the County was today, and Mary Anich has taken over as the new Family Services Manager. Mary explained that she has been with Bayfield County Family Services for 4.5 years as a Youth Justice Worker. Before that, she worked for Waupaca County for 26 years in Child Welfare and is knowledgeable in Human Services. Mary said that although she and Cheryl have been working in tandem for three weeks, she will face many new challenges including budgets, grants and behavioral health. BCDHS is actively recruiting and Youth Justice worker to fill her vacancy. Staffing Update: Since the January meeting: Isabel Gregersen began employment on February 8 as a Behavioral Health Social Worker; Ashley Miller started as a Child Protective Services worker from Sawyer County DHS; and Lindsey Friederick is just finishing her Master’s degree and will begin as a Behavioral Health Social Worker on May 24, 2021. Program reports: An increase in behavioral health issues including emergency detentions and third-party petitions is occurring currently. This is not surprising due to the pandemic easing up. There are more Child Protective Services cases involving domestic violence and substance abuse, as well a rise in youth justice referrals. Family Services staff are working to help troubleshoot truancy issues with the schools. Cheryl informed the group that the CCS and CSP programs are now under a separate section that have their own coordination committee, and are not therefore Family Services programs. Minute Approval: Bev L made a motion to approve the January 13, 2021 FSAC meeting minutes as written. Dale seconded the motion and the motion passed. Minutes were approved at the July FSAC meeting 2 K:agenda&minutes/FSAC/mintes/2021/2021-04-14_FSAC_minutes-final 2 Informational Items: Mary, Isabel and Cheryl toured the new offices of Red Cliff’s Indian Child Welfare (RCICW). The new offices will provide more space and privacy. RCICW asked if Family Services/Bayfield County could take over one of their cases. This shows respect for what we do, and trust. Cheryl has spoken to Mark Abeles-Allison about the importance of staff having the option to work from home after the pandemic. The group wished Cheryl a nice, happy retirement and new adventure! Future Meetings: The possibility of the July meeting being held in person/via video conferencing/and via phone was discussed. All may be an option decided in early July depending on the safety climate. 2021 meetings will continue quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month on July 14th, and October 13th. Adjournment: Nancy made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Wayne seconded. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 4:58 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by, Nina Bucher Nina Bucher